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Francis Llewellyn Griffith Collection Inglês
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1 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

Wilkinson MSS. XLV A.21. Plan of Serapis - Greek Temple
Wilkinson MSS. XLV A.21. Plan of Serapis - Greek Temple
Wilkinson MSS. II.29B verso
Wilkinson MSS. II.29B verso
Wash drawing by Lilian L. Davies of Reaper from the tomb of Werirni
Wash drawing by Lilian L. Davies of Reaper from the tomb of Werirni
Wady Halfa. View.
Wady Halfa. View.
Wadi Hammâmât: Rock inscriptions and general views
Wadi Hammâmât: Rock inscriptions and general views
Vizier Texts
Vizier Texts
View showing both above stelae
View showing both above stelae
View of a gallery in British Museum, now rearranged
View of a gallery in British Museum, now rearranged
View of Ramesseum, Hypostyle Hall by Edward Nicholls
View of Ramesseum, Hypostyle Hall by Edward Nicholls
Various lexicographical notes
Various lexicographical notes
Various lexicographical and grammatical notes
Various lexicographical and grammatical notes
Various drafts for articles on "The System of Writing in Ancient Egypt"
Various drafts for articles on "The System of Writing in Ancient Egypt"
Various brief notes on published texts
Various brief notes on published texts
Various brief notes on Sethe, Kurt, Das aegyptische Verbum im Altaegyptischen, Neuaegyptischen und Koptischen, vol. I (1899) (OEB 150004)
Various brief notes on Sethe, Kurt, Das aegyptische Verbum im Altaegyptischen, Neuaegyptischen und Koptischen, vol. I (1899) (OEB 150004)
Unpublished review by Griffith of Edward Hincks by E.F. Davidson
Unpublished review by Griffith of Edward Hincks by E.F. Davidson
Unidentified view
Unidentified view
Unidentified sketch with text - "Ptolemaic Coptos?"
Unidentified sketch with text - "Ptolemaic Coptos?"
Unidentified plan of building eight and a half miles from Wad Hassuna
Unidentified plan of building eight and a half miles from Wad Hassuna
Unidentified Demotic papyrus
Unidentified Demotic papyrus
Typed manuscript of a projected publication titled "Legal documents in ancient Egypt"
Typed manuscript of a projected publication titled "Legal documents in ancient Egypt"
Typed draft of introduction to a lecture by E. Newland-Smith on Coptic church music
Typed draft of introduction to a lecture by E. Newland-Smith on Coptic church music
Typed and anotated draft of a lecture on the working of the Egyptian administration in regard to crime
Typed and anotated draft of a lecture on the working of the Egyptian administration in regard to crime
Two hieratic writing boards "seen with dealer".
Two hieratic writing boards "seen with dealer".
Turin Museum - Demotic Papyri
Turin Museum - Demotic Papyri
Turin Demotic Papyri; transliterations and translations
Turin Demotic Papyri; transliterations and translations
Transliteration with annotations of the Tale of the Cat and Monkey
Transliteration with annotations of the Tale of the Cat and Monkey
Transliteration from demotic papyrus of Pamonth
Transliteration from demotic papyrus of Pamonth
Transliteration and commentary on the Miracle of Saint Menas [British Museum Or. Ms. 6805] in Old Nubian
Transliteration and commentary on the Miracle of Saint Menas [British Museum Or. Ms. 6805] in Old Nubian
Resultados 1 a 30 de 492