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Francis Llewellyn Griffith Collection English
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1 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Rubbing of text on porcelain hawk-stand dedicated by Harsiesi-soneb, Saite Period, in MacGregor Collection, No. 282
Rubbing of text on porcelain hawk-stand dedicated by Harsiesi-soneb, Saite Period, in MacGregor Collection, No. 282
Hand-copies of text on stone weight of Hepeti, Old Kingdom, in Turin, Museo Egizio, 6356 (provenance not known)
Hand-copies of text on stone weight of Hepeti, Old Kingdom, in Turin, Museo Egizio, 6356 (provenance not known)
Hand-copies of texts on shabtis, canopic-jar of Ta-shen-sekhmet(?), scarabs, etc. in Brighton Museum
Hand-copies of texts on shabtis, canopic-jar of Ta-shen-sekhmet(?), scarabs, etc. in Brighton Museum
Hand-copy of texts from scarab in Lord Grenfell's collection
Hand-copy of texts from scarab in Lord Grenfell's collection
Letter from Capart to Griffith dated 25/11/1900 discussing T18 [šms] and various other hieroglyphic signs
Letter from Capart to Griffith dated 25/11/1900 discussing T18 [šms] and various other hieroglyphic signs
Notes on the titles of Tjy, Vth Dynasty (TopBib iii.116)
Notes on the titles of Tjy, Vth Dynasty (TopBib iii.116)
Various drafts for articles on "The System of Writing in Ancient Egypt"
Various drafts for articles on "The System of Writing in Ancient Egypt"
Hand-copy (possibly by Alan H. Gardiner) of text from fragment of coffin of Herunefer, 2nd Intermediate Period, in London, British Museum, EA 29997 (formerly 6636 a) (TopBib i2.657)
Hand-copy (possibly by Alan H. Gardiner) of text from fragment of coffin of Herunefer, 2nd Intermediate Period, in London, British Museum, EA 29997 (formerly 6636 a) (TopBib i2.657)
Hand-copies of texts from columns in the Temple at Amara (TopBib vii.157)
Hand-copies of texts from columns in the Temple at Amara (TopBib vii.157)
Demotic text (not identified) with partial hieroglyphic transcription, year 6 of a Ptolemy
Demotic text (not identified) with partial hieroglyphic transcription, year 6 of a Ptolemy
Egyptian texts - Hieratic
Egyptian texts - Hieratic
Hand-copy of Middle Egyptian hieratic text from a "Stone tablet said to be from Abydos, bought by W.M.F.P." (not identified)
Hand-copy of Middle Egyptian hieratic text from a "Stone tablet said to be from Abydos, bought by W.M.F.P." (not identified)
"Que mon nom fleurisse" papyri in British Museum EA 10110, EA 10114, EA 10115, EA 10116, EA 10123, EA 10124 and EA 10125
"Que mon nom fleurisse" papyri in British Museum EA 10110, EA 10114, EA 10115, EA 10116, EA 10123, EA 10124 and EA 10125
Tracing of lines 1, 21-7 and 1, 36-8 from Papyrus of Wenamun in Moscow, Pushkin Museum, Papyrus 120
Tracing of lines 1, 21-7 and 1, 36-8 from Papyrus of Wenamun in Moscow, Pushkin Museum, Papyrus 120
Hand-copy of three lines of hieratic text "Hieraconpolis OK tomb. N d G. D" (not identified)
Hand-copy of three lines of hieratic text "Hieraconpolis OK tomb. N d G. D" (not identified)
Hand-copy of 10 lines of hieratic text, year 20 Ethiopian King Biunkash from Philae Temple, First Pylon (TopBib vi.219(113))
Hand-copy of 10 lines of hieratic text, year 20 Ethiopian King Biunkash from Philae Temple, First Pylon (TopBib vi.219(113))
List of Graeco-Egyptian names from Gebelen and Tebtunis [etc.]
List of Graeco-Egyptian names from Gebelen and Tebtunis [etc.]
Notes on demotic papyri III(?) and V(?) in Vienna
Notes on demotic papyri III(?) and V(?) in Vienna
Dodecaschoenus graffiti
Dodecaschoenus graffiti
First revise of an article by J. de Zwaan in the Journal of Theological Studies
First revise of an article by J. de Zwaan in the Journal of Theological Studies
Copies of new graffiti from Bénédite's squeezes
Copies of new graffiti from Bénédite's squeezes
The Stories of Khamuas - Demotic papyri in Cairo and British Museum
The Stories of Khamuas - Demotic papyri in Cairo and British Museum
Chronological list of Deir el-Medina papyri at Turin
Chronological list of Deir el-Medina papyri at Turin
Catalogue of Demotic Fount - Harrison and Sons
Catalogue of Demotic Fount - Harrison and Sons
Notes on demotic grammar and orthography
Notes on demotic grammar and orthography
Notes on the grammar of the Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden
Notes on the grammar of the Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden
Batn Ihrit, Temple of Pnepheros; squeeze of demotic text on Pylon
Batn Ihrit, Temple of Pnepheros; squeeze of demotic text on Pylon
Ptolemaic Papyri
Ptolemaic Papyri
Letter from Spiegelberg
Letter from Spiegelberg
Demotic and Coptic texts from an unidentified object in the MacGregor Collection
Demotic and Coptic texts from an unidentified object in the MacGregor Collection
Results 1 to 30 of 492