Reversing of the names of Horus of Behdet and Hathor
- Černý MSS 9.4
- Akt(e)
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Notes on the reversing of the names of Horus of Behdet and Hathor in Ptolemaic.
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Reversing of the names of Horus of Behdet and Hathor
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Notes on the reversing of the names of Horus of Behdet and Hathor in Ptolemaic.
Notes to Černý's Ancient Egyptian Religion
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
List of articles on Egyptian religion
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
List of articles on Egyptian religion in Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, volumes i-ix (OEB 160477).
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Material collected for an article on the game Mehen
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Material collected for an article on the game Mehen.
Includes translation of parts of Cairo Papyrus published in: Daressy, G., 'Notes et remarques', in Recueil de travaux 16 (1894), 128.
Translation, statue-base in Chicago, Oriental Institute, 10518
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Late Ramesside Letters, annotated copy
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Material relating to Černý's publication Late Ramesside Letters.
Copy annotated by Černý'.
Late Ramesside Letters 1-12, 14-16
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Material relating to Černý's publication Late Ramesside Letters.
Draft of English translations of Letters 1-12, 14-16, made in 1948.
Late Ramesside Letters 1, 5, 7-12, 14-16, 18-21
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Material relating to Černý's publication Late Ramesside Letters.
English translation of Letters 1, 5, 7-12, 14-16, 18-21. Read with A. H. Gardiner in 1949 and 1950.
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Material relating to Černý's publication Late Ramesside Letters.
Draft of the English translation of Letters 1-5.
Translation, notes on texts, tomb of Ty, Saqqara
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Brief notes, texts from the tomb of Ty at Saqqara.
Translation, notes for p. Kahun
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Notes to translation of Papyrus Kahun, pl. 12.
Translation, notes on Hymn to Sesostris III
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Notes to translation of Hymn to Sesostris III.
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Two translations, not identified.
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Beginning of translation of 'Decree in favour of Eskhons', papyrus in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 58032.
Translations, notes on de Buck, Egyptian Reading-book
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Notes on: Buck, A. de, Egyptian Reading Book (1948) (OEB 1269).
Late Ramesside Letters, preface and translation of p. British Museum EA 10416
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Material relating to Černý's publication Late Ramesside Letters.
Preface and translation of papyrus British Museum EA 10416, to have been added to the publication.
Translation, Hesi, Brooklyn 52.89
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Translation of text on a statue of a Prophet of Amun-Re, in Brooklyn NY, Brooklyn Museum of Art, 52.89 (provenance not known, see TopBib 801-727-060).
Translation, stela of Merer, in Kraków, Muzeum Narodowe, 999
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Translation by Černý with notes by A. H. Gardiner of stela of Merer from Gebelein, now in Kraków, Muzeum Narodowe, 999 (see TopBib iv.164A).
Late Ramesside Letters - 1-9, Dhutmose
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Material relating to Černý's publication Late Ramesside Letters.
English translations of letters written by Dhutmosi, nos. 1-9.
Late Ramesside Letters, copy of French translation for Nos. 1-51, with additional material
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Material relating to Černý's publication Late Ramesside Letters:
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
36 groups of material on translations, commented translations and notes.
Translations mainly of papyri and monuments.
Plan of Temple (probably Abahuda) with mapped locations of graffiti
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Hand-drawn plan of a temple, probably Abahuda (see TopBib vii.119-120), mapped locations of graffiti (ancient Egyptian and Old Nubian) on recto, with further notes on verso.
Hieroglyphic transcriptions (not identified) and note on Spiegelberg graffiti 64 and 774
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
1 page, handwritten on both sides:
-Brief notes on Spiegelberg graffiti 64 and 774
-Hieroglyphic transcriptions and doodles
Demotic graffito, Temple of Seti I, Redisseya
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
1 tracing, with handwritten annotation, of a demotic graffito from the Inner Hall (South wall, left side), in the Temple of Sethos I at Redisseya. See TopBib vii.324 (22).
Graffito, Temple of Seti I, Redisseya
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
Tracing of a hieratic graffito from the façade (left side, 2nd, 3rd and 4th courses) of the Temple of Seti I at Redisseya. See TopBib vii.321(2).
Graffiti transcriptions, not identified, perhaps from tombs at Thebes
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
1 card with two hieroglyphic transcriptions. Possibly graffiti from TT 106 and TT 178.
Theban graffiti 1944 (line 4) and 1946
Teil vonJaroslav Černý Collection
1 handwritten hieroglyphic transcription of line 4 of graffito 1944, and the complete graffito 1946.