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Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards Collection Inglês
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Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards Collection

  • Edwards, A. A. B. MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1856-1892
  • Album of drawings and watercolours made during Amelia Edwards's visit to the Dolomites.
  • Album of drawings and watercolours made during her visit to Egypt in 1873-4.
  • Album with 26 pencil sketches and one watercolour titled 'Small Egyptian Scraps, 1874', made during same visit to Egypt.
  • Album, notebook, packet containing an assortment of drawings, letters, and notes, another packet contains copies of deeds and accounts issued following her death.
  • Two watercolours of the temples on Philae island, assumed to have been painted by A. Edwards.
  • First edition of Amelia B. Edwards, Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers (1891); Kate Griffith's (née Bradbury) copy, with handwritten dedication to ‘My Katie - Novr. 1891 - A.B.E’.

Edwards, Amelia Ann Blanford

Front end paper

Front end paper:

  • [On pasted note] 'This volume was re-bound through the generosity of AEMES (Ancient Egypt & Middle East Society, Lincolnshire), Manchester Ancient Egypt Society and the Society for the Study of Ancient Egypt (Derbyshire) in August 2002' (printed).

Dendarah landscape, human figures, Nerghaileh

Nine sketches:

  • top left: pencil sketch of donkey
  • top middle: pencil sketch of mountains above Denderah
    • [on mount] 'Mountains above Denderah.' (ink note)
  • top right: pencil sketch of man wading
  • middle left: pencil sketch of two figures
  • middle middle: pencil sketch of three men at Beni Suef
    • [on sketch] 'Benisouf' (pencil note)
  • middle right: pencil sketch of seated figure
  • bottom left: pencil sketch of male figure standing
    • [on mount] 'Georgi Hassan' (ink note)
  • bottom middle: pencil and watercolour sketch of dahabiyyas
    • [on mount] 'Nerghaileh. W. Bank.' (ink note).

Human figures

Four pencil sketches:

  • top centre: two men with staffs; one standing, one sitting
  • middle left: man standing
  • middle middle: five men sitting and standing
  • middle right: man standing
  • bottom: three men and two camels.

Woman and crocodile

Ink drawing of woman with crocodile:

  • [on drawing] 'The Larches, Westbury-on-Trym, Nr. Bristol.' (printed) 'The delights of sketching 1000 miles up the Nile, Scene the Second (Rapid disappearance of A.B.E.) April 24 / 88. (underlined) Here is Scene the Second in this terrible Tragedy for you - + I' (ink note)

My first love

Ink drawing of man in profile:

  • [on drawing] 'Pictorial Biography of A. B. E. (underlined) My first (underlined) Love. No 1.' (ink note)

Percy Shelley's grave

Pencil drawing of Percy Shelley's grave:

  • [on drawing] 'Shelley's grave. Rome. Feby. 20th 1857.' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] 'Shelley's grave, Rome. 1857.' (pencil note)

Head of Ti

Printed invitation to the Egypt Exploration Fund's Annual General Meeting with pencil drawing of head of Ti pasted on reverse:

  • [on mount] 'Ti (underlined) - a priest + landowner of Memphis. Vth Dynasty.' (ink note)

Statue from Kom Firin

Ink drawing of statue of seated figure from Kom Firin:

  • [on drawing] 'Limestone statuette from Kom Afrin. in ABE's collection. Such work - archaic.' (ink note)

Greek male torso; Greek female head

Two drawings:

  • left: pencil sketch of statue of man.
    • [on drawing] 'Archaic Greek torso (male figure) showing extreme development of muscles.' (pencil note)
  • right: ink drawing of Greek head.
    • [on drawing] 'This is a rude attempt at a female figure - the "wings" are arms. Archaic Greek head female - circa B. C. 600. curls represented by [drawing of curls] + tresses as ropes. The eye, though face is profile, is always given as in full face - as in Egyptian paintings' (ink notes)

Scene at Interlaken

Pen and wash sketch of scene at Interlaken mounted on reverse of invitation to Jolly & Son's Annual Winter Sale:

  • [on sketch] 'A.B.E. Interlaken Oct. 18th. 1872.' (ink note)
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