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Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards Collection Inglés
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156 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Dolomites album

Album containing drawings and watercolours made by Edwards when travelling through the Dolomites, Italy, in 1872. Many of the preliminary sketches and watercolours in the album were used to illustrate her book Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys, published in 1873.

  • Contains 29 numbered pages with 44 mounted items
  • Watercolours, drawings and sketches made in Italy, some accompanied by Edwards' annotated captions.

Front end paper

  • [on label] 'This volume was re-bound through the generosity of AEMES (Ancient Egypt & Middle East Society, Lincolnshire), Manchester Ancient Egypt Society and the Society for the Study of Ancient Egypt (Derbyshire) in August 2002' (printed).

Blank page with label

  • [on label] 'With the compliments of the Acting Keeper of the Department of Western Art, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford' (printed) '3 Albums brought down from upper Library by Mrs. Gunn. They seem to be Griffith, one having F.II. G. (underlined) inside.' (pencil note)

Monte Gennaro

Ink drawing of Monte Gennaro:

  • [on verso] 'Monte Gennaro (the Mons Lucretilis of Horace) from Monte Mario Rome - 1872' (ink note)

Woman and crocodile

Ink drawing of woman and crocodile:

  • [on drawing] 'The Larches, Westbury-on-Trym, Nr. Bristol.' (printed) 'Act the Third (underlined) "''Tis distance lends enchantment to the view." May 1. 1888.' (ink note)

St Gallus Portal from the Basel Munster

Envelope and pencil drawing of carving of people dressing themselves:

  • [on drawing] From the Portal of St Gallus. Basel Minster - Aug 26th /62. The Dead putting on their clothes at the sound of the last Trumpet.' (pencil note)
    [on envelope] 'Miss Amelia B. Edwards, The Larches, Westbury-on-Trym, Near Bristol. NOT to be sealed.' (printed).

Dying Aegena warrior; 'owl vase' from Troy; Greek head

Three drawings:

  • top: pen sketch of head of man.
    • [on drawing] 'Archaic Greek head bas relief, BC. 600. Hair represented by [drawing of hair texture] for curls - Beard by wavy lines-' (ink note)
  • middle: pen sketch of vase
    • [on drawing] '"Owl-vase" Troy' (ink note)
  • bottom: pencil sketch of warrior
    • [on drawing] 'Ægnia warrior, dying - Sculpture in the round fr Pediment of Temple circa B.C. 500.' (pencil note)

Poem with drawing of tree

Drawing of tree with poem:
'What shall I call thee - Song bird? Sweetheart mine?
How shall I woo thee?... If, in truth I dare
To cast my shadow on that path of thine;
To braid my silver with thy golden hair.

How shall I woo thee? - Stretching out my hands
As elms in spring stretch forth their boughs to greet
Wing'd wanderers from sunny far-off lands?
Ah, seek some younger, fresher shade, my sweet!

Thy nest should be a bow'r of blossoms rare;
Thy shade should be all perfumed, + thy lay
Poured forth upon the summer-spicèd air
Of some soft chime, when it is always May!

Alas! my boughs are tempest-toss'd + shorn;
My roots have struck the rock - my leaves are shed;
Shall winter mate with spring, or eve with morn?
Despair with hope? The living with the dead?

Yet come, if thou wilt! For well-nigh due
In God's great miracle, when earth + sky,
Mountain, + moon, + copse their youth renew -
And if the daisies, dearest, why not I?

I wak'd last night from dreams of spring, + lo!
The first dear crocus shows its head today;
And yonder limes are crimsoned with the glow
Of the imprison'd summer! Come away!

Away, dear lover, to meet + greet the spring!
Unfold, ye buds! Laugh out in lead, ye trees!
Come, perfum'd winds, your summer sweetness bring,
From tropic isles beyond the Western seas!

Sing, sing, ye thrushes! To our Northern Shore
Dear swallows, from the purple East fly fast!
Darkness, + doubt, + winter are no more -
The eternal youth of Hope is mine at last!
Oct. 1887 - Jany. 1888 (underlined)' (ink note)

Title page

Sketch missing.

  • [on mount] 'Small Egyptian Scraps,, 1874. T'ih: A Priest & noble of Memphis. IVth Dynasty.' (ink note)

Ramesses II at Beit el-Wali

Pencil sketch of Ramesses II at Beit el-Wali:

  • mounted
  • [on sketch] 'Bayt el Whally' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] 'Rameses II as prince, combatting. To right of entrance, East wall. Bayt el Wely.' (pencil note)

Ramesses II at Abydos

Pencil drawing of Ramesses II:

  • mounted
  • [on drawing] 'Abydos. (funeral scene) Rameses as Kings son worshipping Seti borne on throne as Gods' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] 'Ramses II. as Prince. On the S wall of vaulted chamber to left of Great Hall - Abydos.' (pencil note)

Ramsses II at Abu Simbel

Pencil drawing of Ramesses II:

  • mounted
  • [on drawing] 'Head of last colossus on right interior of Large Temple' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] 'Rameses II. Head of Osiride Caryatid Great Hall - Large Temple. Aboo Simbel.' (pencil note)
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