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Thomas Eric Peet Collection

  • Peet MSS
  • Coleção
  • 1882-1934

Index of Late Egyptian Grammar, index for Egyptian Dictionary, and various other indexes. 18 notebooks containing copies of hieratic papyri and ostraca. Small watercolour. 2 boxes of family papers and ephemera, including personal correspondence, certificates, photographs, notes for Peet’s books on Neolithic Italy, a couple of pages from an inaugural lecture, newspaper cuttings, a travel record small notebook, a Latin and Greek classes notebook, a diary, etc.

Peet, Thomas Eric

Notes and drawings of pottery, metallic objects (bronze and iron), inscriptions, etc. from different sites and museums; excavation diaries

Notes and drawings of pottery, metallic objects (bronze and iron), inscriptions, etc. from different sites and museums, mainly in Italy, but also in Austria, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Malta, and Sweden; some are from publications, but the majority were taken during field trips. The group also includes two diaries of Peet's 1909 excavations at Corradino Heights in Malta and three others of his 1909 excavations at Thessaly in Greece.

Notes on Neolithic Italy

Preliminary notes for book on Neolithic Italy [T. E. Peet, The Stone and Bronze Ages in Italy and Sicily (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1909)]; no date.


All reviews of T. E. Peet, :The Stone and Bronze Ages in Italy and Sicily_ (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1909), unless indicated otherwise.

Publication of inaugural lecture

Publication of lecture: T. E. Peet, The Present Position of Egyptological Studies. An Inaugural Lecture delivered before the University of Oxford on 17 January 1934 (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1934), 22 pages.

"Aegaean" Notebooks

Notebooks with information and drawings of pottery and metallic objects from different sites in the Aegean.

Certificate 5

Certificate of exemption from Responsions from Local Examinations at the University of Oxford for T. E. Peet; Oxford, 07/1898.

Certificate 6

Certificate of Matriculation at the University of Oxford for T. E. Peet; Oxford, 15/10/1901.

Certificate 1

Certificate of Registry of Birth for Thomas Eric Peet; Walton[-on-the-Hill], 04/09/1882.

Certificate 3

Certificate of Marriage for Thomas Eric Peet and Mary Forence Lawton; British Consulate at Rome, 22/10/1910.

Certificate 4

Certificate of Marriage for Richard Johnson Lawton and Catherine Augusta Bosworth (T. E. Peet's parents-in-law); Leicester, 05/07/1887.

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