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4253 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Paul Eric Kahle Collection
Paul Eric Kahle Collection
British Museum Papyri and Ostraca
British Museum Papyri and Ostraca
Miscellaneous - includes important inedita
Miscellaneous - includes important inedita
Pesynthios Papyri
Pesynthios Papyri
Notes on miscellaneous material in Oxford
Notes on miscellaneous material in Oxford
Coptic Inscriptions
Coptic Inscriptions
Published Coptic Non-lit papyrus and ostraca
Published Coptic Non-lit papyrus and ostraca
Early copies
Early copies
Achmimic and Subachmimic contains comparative glossary
Achmimic and Subachmimic contains comparative glossary
List of Crum manuscripts
List of Crum manuscripts
“Cambridge” Green Collection and other texts near [?] Hoskyn’s fragment
“Cambridge” Green Collection and other texts near [?] Hoskyn’s fragment
List of Kahle manuscripts
List of Kahle manuscripts
Notes on Morgan MSS
Notes on Morgan MSS
Sethe, K., Urkunden des Alten Reichs
Sethe, K., Urkunden des Alten Reichs
Copies and tracings of Bodleian fragments
Copies and tracings of Bodleian fragments
Correspondence with Professor Quispell and research material
Correspondence with Professor Quispell and research material
Copies of published Coptic texts
Copies of published Coptic texts
Annotated copies of Krall’s Coptic legal documents
Annotated copies of Krall’s Coptic legal documents
Michigan Schoolbook
Michigan Schoolbook
New Testament quotations in Shenuti
New Testament quotations in Shenuti
Photographs of Coptic manuscripts
Photographs of Coptic manuscripts
Catalogue and Tracings of Clarendon Press fragment
Catalogue and Tracings of Clarendon Press fragment
Paul’s Coptic Library
Paul’s Coptic Library
Material on End of Mark
Material on End of Mark
New Testament Faiyumic texts
New Testament Faiyumic texts
Copies of Fayyumic Texts
Copies of Fayyumic Texts
The meaning of “diakonia” in Coptic texts’
The meaning of “diakonia” in Coptic texts’
Results 1 to 30 of 9226