Woman sketching with crocodile
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Ink drawing of woman sketching with crocodile:
[on drawing] 'The Larches Westbury-on-Trym Nr. Bristol.' (printed) 'April 20th. 1888. The delights of sketching from Nature, 1000 miles up the Nile.' (ink note)
Woman in traditional costume
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Watercolour of woman:
[on watercolour] 'Cortina. Val d'Ampezzo July 7 1872' (ink note).
Woman from Rome dancing
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Pencil drawing of woman dancing:
[on reverse] 'Roman peasant girl dancing the Saltarello. after Pinelli (undelined) ABE (underlined)' (pencil note)
Woman and crocodile
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Ink drawing of woman with crocodile:
[on drawing] 'The Larches, Westbury-on-Trym, Nr. Bristol.' (printed) 'The delights of sketching 1000 miles up the Nile, Scene the Second (Rapid disappearance of A.B.E.) April 24 / 88. (underlined) Here is Scene the Second in this terrible Tragedy for you - + I' (ink note)
Woman and crocodile
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Ink drawing of woman and crocodile:
[on drawing] 'The Larches, Westbury-on-Trym, Nr. Bristol.' (printed) 'Act the Third (underlined) "''Tis distance lends enchantment to the view." May 1. 1888.' (ink note)
Waterwheel, Sîut
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Watercolour and pencil sketch of remains of structure and dahabiyyas:
[on sketch] 'Near Siout. Jany 1 1874' (painted note)
[on mount] 'Waterwheel. Siout' (ink note).
View of the River Mole
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Pencil and watercolour sketch of countryside scene:
[on the reverse of sketch] 'On the Mole - foot of Box hill. (underlined) Unfinished rough sketch 1856. (underlined)' (pencil note)
Unidentified head
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Ink sketch of head:
[on drawing] 'Poor Ribert has just heard her step-son died at 9.30 this morning.' (ink note)
Two men with camel
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Pencil sketch with two men and camel in foreground and remains of structure in the background.
[on mount] 'Bargaining for a Camel. Assouan.' (ink note).
Tofana; Notre Dame (Bosconero)
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Two mounted watercolours:
upper: Tofana
lower: Notre Dame (Bosconero) from behind Cortina
Title page
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Sketch missing.
[on mount] 'Small Egyptian Scraps,, 1874. T'ih: A Priest & noble of Memphis. IVth Dynasty.' (ink note)
Title page
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Pencil and watercolour sketch of Cairo mosque:
[on mount, top] 'Egyptian Scraps: 1874' (ink note)
[on mount] 'In the name of The Prophet - Cakes!" Moskee. Cairo.' (ink note)
The traders' landing place at Aswan
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Watercolour and pencil sketch of landing place at Aswan:
[on mount] 'Assouan. (The traders landing place.)' (ink note).
The only Man I ever really loved.
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Ink drawing of man:
[on drawing] 'Pictorial biography (underlined) of AB.E. The only Man I ever really loved.' (ink note)
The Rosengarten; unidentified building
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Four mounted sketches:
top left: watercolour of the Rosengarten from the bridge in Bolzano
top right: watercolour of the Rosengarten from the bridge in Bolzano
middle: watercolour of an unidentified building
bottom: pencil drawing of the Rosengarten from the bridge in Bolzano
The Rosengarten
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Mounted watercolour of the Rosengarten.
[on mount] 'The Rosengarten from Bolzen. 3.30. Am.' (pencil note)
The Ponte Vecchio, Florence
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Pencil drawing of the Ponte Vecchio:
[on drawing] 'The Ponte Vecchio Florence' (pencil note)
[on mount] 'The old bridge Florence 1859.' (pencil note)
The Pelmo; the Aiguilles of the Schlern; Silbergasse in Bolzen
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Three mounted watercolours:
upper: the Pelmo from Val Fiorentina
[on mount] 'The Pelmo' (pencil note)
lower left: the Aiguilles of the Schlern
[on mount] 'Needles of the Schlern' (pencil note)
lower right: Silbergasse in Bolzen
[on mount] 'Silbergass - Bolzen' (pencil note)
The Damascus Gate; men riding donkeys; a shaduf; camels; and water bearers
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Nine mounted pencil sketches:
top left: man on donkey
top middle: shaduf
[on mount] 'The Shadoof' (ink note)
top right: man on donkey
middle left: man
middle middle: Damascus Gate, Cairo
[on mount] 'The Bab en Nasr - or Damascus Gate. Cairo' (ink note)
middle right: man
bottom left: two camels
bottom middle: man
bottom right: camel, man and three women with water jars
[on mount] 'Going to fetch water from the Nile' (ink note)
Temple of Amada; Temple of Dakkeh
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Two watercolour and pencil sketches:
upper: Temple of Amada
[on mount] 'Temple of Amada (Nubia)' (ink note)
lower: Temple of Dakka
[on mount] 'Temple of Dakkeh' (ink note).