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Francis Llewellyn Griffith Collection English
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1 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

"Herbarium Apulei Platonis", list of plants
"Herbarium Apulei Platonis", list of plants
"Papyrus IX"; philological comments
"Papyrus IX"; philological comments
"Pot XX 23/134" with hieratic text and cartouches of Sethos I and Haremhab, description and photographs (from house Q44.13 at Amarna)
"Pot XX 23/134" with hieratic text and cartouches of Sethos I and Haremhab, description and photographs (from house Q44.13 at Amarna)
"Que mon nom fleurisse" papyri in British Museum EA 10110, EA 10114, EA 10115, EA 10116, EA 10123, EA 10124 and EA 10125
"Que mon nom fleurisse" papyri in British Museum EA 10110, EA 10114, EA 10115, EA 10116, EA 10123, EA 10124 and EA 10125
"Schafer's notes on colours in Philae chambers"
"Schafer's notes on colours in Philae chambers"
"Society of Biblical Archaeology" Papyrus - not identified
"Society of Biblical Archaeology" Papyrus - not identified
"Tebtunis 386. ? Bilingual Papyrus of Oxyrhynchus" with hand-copy of demotic text
"Tebtunis 386. ? Bilingual Papyrus of Oxyrhynchus" with hand-copy of demotic text
A Meroitic ostracon from Lower Nubia found in an "X group" grave in a cemetery near wadi el- Arab; tracing and typed draft of short article
A Meroitic ostracon from Lower Nubia found in an "X group" grave in a cemetery near wadi el- Arab; tracing and typed draft of short article
A calendar of the papers of C.W. Goodwin (1817-1878)
A calendar of the papers of C.W. Goodwin (1817-1878)
A series of small photographs taken by Professor and Mrs. Griffith while excavating in Nubia
A series of small photographs taken by Professor and Mrs. Griffith while excavating in Nubia
Aberdeen Anthropological Museum
Aberdeen Anthropological Museum
Abnormal Hieratic - Louvre Museum - Papyrus 2432
Abnormal Hieratic - Louvre Museum - Papyrus 2432
Abnormal Hieratic - Louvre Museum - Papyrus 3168
Abnormal Hieratic - Louvre Museum - Papyrus 3168
Abnormal Hieratic - Louvre Museum - Papyrus 3228A-H
Abnormal Hieratic - Louvre Museum - Papyrus 3228A-H
Abnormal Hieratic - Louvre Museum - Papyrus 7849
Abnormal Hieratic - Louvre Museum - Papyrus 7849
Abnormal Hieratic - Louvre Museum - Papyrus 7858
Abnormal Hieratic - Louvre Museum - Papyrus 7858
Abnormal Hieratic - Louvre Museum - Papyrus 7861 verso
Abnormal Hieratic - Louvre Museum - Papyrus 7861 verso
Abnormal Hieratic - Turin Museum - Papyrus 2118
Abnormal Hieratic - Turin Museum - Papyrus 2118
Abnormal Hieratic - Turin Museum - Papyrus 2119
Abnormal Hieratic - Turin Museum - Papyrus 2119
Abnormal Hieratic - Turin Museum - Papyrus 2120
Abnormal Hieratic - Turin Museum - Papyrus 2120
Abnormal Hieratic - Turin Museum - Papyrus 2121
Abnormal Hieratic - Turin Museum - Papyrus 2121
Abnormal Hieratic - Vatican Museum - Papyrus 10574
Abnormal Hieratic - Vatican Museum - Papyrus 10574
Ahnas: Wooden toilet spoon XVIIIth Dyn.
Ahnas: Wooden toilet spoon XVIIIth Dyn.
Analyses by Mrs Kate Griffith for articles and lectures on religion
Analyses by Mrs Kate Griffith for articles and lectures on religion
Animals in Ancient Egypt
Animals in Ancient Egypt
Annotated proof of part of Crum, Catalogue of the Coptic manuscripts in the British Museum (1905) (OEB 212183), p. 252-253 [523 Or. 4920(2)].
Annotated proof of part of Crum, Catalogue of the Coptic manuscripts in the British Museum (1905) (OEB 212183), p. 252-253 [523 Or. 4920(2)].
Annotated translation from demotic of papyrus of Harsiesi, Ptolemaic Period
Annotated translation from demotic of papyrus of Harsiesi, Ptolemaic Period
Annotated translation of "Pap. Bibl. Nat. Ahmase and prophecies etc."
Annotated translation of "Pap. Bibl. Nat. Ahmase and prophecies etc."
Annotated typescript titled "Religious Texts"
Annotated typescript titled "Religious Texts"
Arabic text on Nubian History and letters from W. E. Crum
Arabic text on Nubian History and letters from W. E. Crum
Results 1 to 30 of 492