Drafts of lectures on the Pyramid Texts given in Oxford, including translations
- Griffith MSS 9.9-10
- Unidad documental compuesta
- 1919-1922
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Drafts of lectures on the Pyramid Texts given in Oxford, including translations
Notes for a lecture titled "The Book of the Dead"
Lexicographical notes from Pyramid Texts
Analyses by Mrs Kate Griffith for articles and lectures on religion
Griffith, Kate
Synopsis of Religious and Magical texts
Rough draft of translations of Pyramid Texts, Merenra, Pepy I and Pepy II
Annotated typescript titled "Religious Texts"
Annotated typescript titled "Religious Texts":
Rough draft for article titled "Adultery (Egyptian)"
Typed manuscript of a projected publication titled "Legal documents in ancient Egypt"
1-8: Old Kingdom
9-41: Middle Kingdom
42-108: New Kingdom
Greek inscription, probably from Kalabsha, probably unpublished. By Spiegelberg.
Spiegelberg, Wilhelm
Spiegelberg, Wilhelm
Tomb of Nekaankh (First tomb) (TopBib iv.131 (3)-(4), (5)-(7) and (9)-(12) [= Fraser, George, 'The early tombs at Tehneh', in Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte 3 (1902), 67-76, 122-130 (OEB 139734), esp. plates III-V]. Perhaps by Fraser.
Rock-stela, year 4 of Sethos I (TopBib vii.174A).
There are two sets:
Hand-copy of Aramaic text on sandstone stela from Aswan, 7th year of Artaxerxes
Notice by Ernest Breton on François-Chrétien Gau
Notice by Ernest Breton in Nouvelle Biographie Générale on the life of François-Chrétien Gau (1790-1853), copied by Bertha Porter.
The group includes a postcard from Griffith to Porter.
Porter, Bertha
Meroitic and Greek/Coptic (Nubian) texts from various objects in Khartum Museum with notes
Also Greek/Coptic [Nubian].
Hand-copy of Meroitic text in Tourayeff collection
Texts on base of obelisk from Meroe, Temple of Amun (TopBib vii.236)
Photographs, hand-copies of inscription by "AHS" (Archibald Henry Sayce) made in 1911 from photographs in Liverpool, Institute of Archaeology, and transliterations.
Sayce, (Revd) Archibald Henry
The group includes two letters dated 06/04/1915 and 15/02/1917 about permission to publish from Garstang.
Hand-copy of an ostracon marked "(Firth) Dakka", sent by Gunn [REM 0597]
Inscribed offering tables, blocks, etc. published in Garstang, Meroë I