Mount Sasso Bianco from Caprile
Venetian lion at Caprile
Castellàz and Monte Serrata
Sciliar (Schlern)
Sassolungo and Sassopiatto
Front cover
Front endpaper
Woman sketching with crocodile
Mr Smith ascending the Kobel-alp
Poem 'To his mummy (who is older than he)'
The only Man I ever really loved.
New year's card
Sketch of landscape of Sion, Switzerland
Letter signed 'Martyred Owl'
Letter with drawing of carving on the Via Augustales, Pompeii
View of the River Mole
Sketch of unidentified landscape
Back cover
Tuthmoses III, Karnak
Headdress of a king at Edfu
Scarab at Dendur
Shrine of legs of Osiris at Philae
Ramesses II at Abu Simbel
Sistrum at Abu Simbel
Front cover
Waterwheel, Sîut
The traders' landing place at Aswan
Christian altar at Philae
Human figures
Human figures; camel; dahabiyya