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TAA iii.49.3
Tutankhamun - secondary material: "A Dream comes to Tutankhamen." postcard, Tutankhamun-related.
"A Dream comes to Tutankhamen"
"Aegaean" Notebook 1
"Aegaean" Notebook 1
"Aegaean" Notebook 2
"Aegaean" Notebook 2
"Aegaean" Notebook 3
"Aegaean" Notebook 3
"Aegaean" Notebook 4
"Aegaean" Notebook 4
"Aegaean" Notebooks
"Aegaean" Notebooks
"Herbarium Apulei Platonis", list of plants
"Herbarium Apulei Platonis", list of plants
"Old King Tut (In Old King Tutenkhamen’s Day)"
"Old King Tut (In Old King Tutenkhamen’s Day)"
"Old King Tut Was a Wise Old Nut"
"Old King Tut Was a Wise Old Nut"
"Papyrus IX"; philological comments
"Papyrus IX"; philological comments
"Pot XX 23/134" with hieratic text and cartouches of Sethos I and Haremhab, description and photographs (from house Q44.13 at Amarna)
"Pot XX 23/134" with hieratic text and cartouches of Sethos I and Haremhab, description and photographs (from house Q44.13 at Amarna)
"Que mon nom fleurisse" papyri in British Museum EA 10110, EA 10114, EA 10115, EA 10116, EA 10123, EA 10124 and EA 10125
"Que mon nom fleurisse" papyri in British Museum EA 10110, EA 10114, EA 10115, EA 10116, EA 10123, EA 10124 and EA 10125
"Schafer's notes on colours in Philae chambers"
"Schafer's notes on colours in Philae chambers"
"Society of Biblical Archaeology" Papyrus - not identified
"Society of Biblical Archaeology" Papyrus - not identified
"Tebtunis 386. ? Bilingual Papyrus of Oxyrhynchus" with hand-copy of demotic text
"Tebtunis 386. ? Bilingual Papyrus of Oxyrhynchus" with hand-copy of demotic text
"The Murder of King Tut"
"The Murder of King Tut"
"Transcending Eternity: The Centennial Tutankhamun Conference": memorabilia and GI participation
"Transcending Eternity: The Centennial Tutankhamun Conference": memorabilia and GI participation
"Tu tanks have just arrived"
"Tu tanks have just arrived"
"Tut" game, Tutankhamun-related
"Tut" game, Tutankhamun-related
"Tut-Ankh-Amen (in the Valley of the Kings)"
"Tut-Ankh-Amen (in the Valley of the Kings)"
"Tutankamen in the Case with Cleopatra again!"
"Tutankamen in the Case with Cleopatra again!"
'Egypt in Tears'. Kneeling woman holding a flower in front of Pyramid complex at Giza
'Egypt in Tears'. Kneeling woman holding a flower in front of Pyramid complex at Giza
Carter MSS vi.4.1.2
Howard Carter's genealogical table for kings of the late 18th Dynasty, aligning regnal dates for Amenophis III, Amenophis IV, Smenkhkare and Tutankhamun.
'Heretic Family' (Amarna Period)
'It is our father who writes'
'It is our father who writes'
'Treasures of Tutankhamun' exhibition, British Museum, 1972: ephemera
'Treasures of Tutankhamun' exhibition, British Museum, 1972: ephemera
'Treasures of Tutankhamun' exhibition, U.S.A. venues, 1976-1979: ephemera
'Treasures of Tutankhamun' exhibition, U.S.A. venues, 1976-1979: ephemera
'Tutankhamun: Excavating the Archive' exhibition, Weston Library, 2022–2023: related material
'Tutankhamun: Excavating the Archive' exhibition, Weston Library, 2022–2023: related material
And Seven Shall Die
And Seven Shall Die
Miss Brocklehurst on the Nile: Diary of a Victorian Traveller in Egypt | print copy
Miss Brocklehurst on the Nile: Diary of a Victorian Traveller in Egypt | print copy
Resultados 1 a 30 de 9226