9226 Treffer anzeigen

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4253 Treffer mit digitalen Objekten Treffer mit digitalen Objekten anzeigen

Paul Eric Kahle Collection

  • Kahle MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1940s-1955

Card indexes, photographs, notebooks, notes, copies, correspondence, typescripts, and negatives.

Kahle, Paul Eric

Copies of published Coptic texts

5 notebooks labelled:
-Toronto I, Coptic Texts I, Toronto 1-33
-Toronto II + Engelbach + Till, Coptic texts II, Toronto 34-48 end, Engelbach, Till 1-11
-Coptic Ostraca III, Coptic Texts III, Till 12-34 end, till Copt. Schutzbriefe 1-41
-Coptic texts VI, Turaijeff[?] Ostraca 12-25 end, Turaijeff [?] Materials 1-20
-Coptic Texts VII, Turaijef[?] Materials 21-37

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