Text from foot of sarcophagus of Wehebre, XXVIth Dynasty, copied on 13 December 1884 (TopBib iv.48)
- Griffith MSS 1.19
- Item
- 13 December 1884
Transcription, translation and notes.
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Text from foot of sarcophagus of Wehebre, XXVIth Dynasty, copied on 13 December 1884 (TopBib iv.48)
Transcription, translation and notes.
Text from cylinder of Amenemhet IV from Tell el-Moqdam in MacGregor Collection
Tanis - Plan of temple area, probably by F. Ll. Griffith
Tanis. Red granite column of Ramesses II, recut cartouches Osorkon II, found at Tanis February 1898, and view across the Sanctuary looking North.
Tablet of Shery in Ashmolean Mus. 1836.479
Synopsis of Religious and Magical texts
Stories of the High Priests of Memphis
Stories of the High Priests of Memphis - Story of Setna. Photographs, letter with notes from W. Spiegelberg dated 24 February 1903, and notes by F. Ll. Griffith.
Stela, ostraca and offering-tables published in Griffith, Karanog IV and VI
Stela on right of entrance of above shrine with notes
Stela from Alexandriaielating to a Roman soldier; photographs and letter from Grafton Milne
Stela Ptolemy II and Arsinoë in Cairo Mus. 22181
Statue of Queen Amenardais in Cairo Mus. 565 from Karnak, Chapel of Amenardais
Statue of Nefertiti in the British Museum 935
Statue Amenophis IV as boy - Brooklyn 29.34
Squeezes of tombs at Sheikh-Said
Details from Davies, The Rock Tombs of Sheikh-Saïd, pls. VIII, XI, XVI.
Squeezes of demotic and late inscriptions on stelae
Squeezes of Meroitic and related material
Meroitic and Related Material. Offering table with Meroitic script belonging to a Robert Garrett. With correspondence.
Squeezes of Meroitic Inscriptions
Griffith squeezes and other material connected with the publication of Catalogue of the Demotic Graffiti of the Dodecaschoenus.
For this publication Griffith used squeezes made by various people. Three identifiable groups, those made by Hess, Spiegelberg, and Roeder, have been catalogued separately. Only a few listed here have been attributed. The Catalogue, vol. i. pp. 4-7 gives details of the recording of the graffiti.
Unpublished graffiti, some equated with Roeder, Der Tempel von Dakke Nos. 2, 8, 9, 11,12, 18[a].
-El-Dakka - Nos. 1-3, 5, 8, 10, 12 (photograph by Breasted), 13, 14, 22, 23 - TopBib.vii.41
-Dendûr - No. 1, and photograph (by Blackman) One ‘opposite Dendûr, Ajûala (?)' - TopBib.vii.28
-Kalabsha - Nos. 1-4. Four unpublished. Letter from Maspero - TopBib.vii.11
-Ajûala No. 1 and photograph (by Blackman) - TopBib.vii.40
-Island of Bîga - Nos. 2-9 - One unpublished - TopBib.v.257
-Philae - TopBib.vi.206 - Nos. 2-4, 6, 15-23, 25-6, 28-32, 34, unpublished before 40, 46, 48, 54-6, 58-61, 64-5, unpublished (facsimile) after 66, 69-70, 76, unpublished before 85, 85, unpublished after 86, 87-9, 94-7, 100, 103-4, unpublished after 105, unpublished before 106, 107, unidentified tracing (not 108 as indicated), unpublished after 109, unpublished before 110, 111, unpublished after 111, 113, unpublished before 115, Nos. 115, 118, 120-2, 124, 127, 130, 135, 160-4, 187-9, unpublished after 192, 193-5, 204, 205, 212, 216-21, unpublished after 221, 227-34, 236, unpublished near 241 ? 242, 246-8, 251, 253, unpublished after 259, 261, 262(7), 275, 278, 286, 288, 291, 297-8, 300, 305-8, 311-13, unpublished after 313, 314, 316-9, unpublished after 319, 321, 325, 333, unpublished after 333, 334, unpublished before 335, unpublished after 335, 336-8, 340, 343, 353, 355-8, unpublished after 359, 360, 367-8, 373-5, unpublished after 375, 377, 390-3, 400, unpublished after 400, 403-7, unpublished after 407, 413-14, 418-19, unpublished among 419-425, 422-4, unpublished after 424, unpublished near 424 (?), 425, unpublished before 426, 426, 428, 434, 437, 439, 442-4, 446, unpublished before 447, 447-8.
Drawings prepared for plates:
Some proofs: Philae
Sketch of scarab Sheshi (Hyksos)
Sketch of scarab Sheshi (Hyksos) -presumably from Argo or Kerma belonging to C.R. Wordsworth.
TopBib iv.252. Wilbour photographs with notes by him.
Sheikh's paper in Arabic (Nebesheh)
Sedeinga; fragment of offering-table or stela in Berlin 1071 (TopBib vii.167)
Two copies of two unidentified seals in wax. One is dated 1754.