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Sotheby's Auctions and Phillips Auction

Sotheby's Auctions and Phillips Auction:

Receipt of private sale of lot 202 from Sotheby's (7 May 1980).

Watercolour "Shoulder of Ben Hee" by John Pedder:

  • Note regarding the watercolour (31 May 1983).
  • Correspondence from Bing, Michael at Sotheby's regarding the watercolour (1 letter / 6 June 1983).
  • Recommendation for sale of watercolour (9 June 1983).
  • Property receipt for watercolour (14 June 1983).
  • Agreed reserve for watercolour (30 August 1983).
  • Receipt for watercolour (30 August 1983).
  • Settlement statement for watercolour (30 September 1983).

17th century cope hood:

  • Recommendation for sale and property receipt from Sotheby's of 17th century cope hood (28 November 1983), with Gurney's handwritten note "asked for it back 12/5/84".

Wooded river landscape in the style of Edward Charles Williams:

  • Correspondence from Williams, E. at Sotheby's (1 letter / 1 December 1983).
  • Recommendation for sale of painting (22 December 1983).
  • Receipt (16 February 1984).
  • Receipt (23 February 1984).

Five ancient Egyptian pottery vessels:

  • Correspondence to/from Sotheby's detailing Gurney's sale of the vessels, which had been presented to his parents in 1912 by his uncle Professor John Garstang after an excavation (3 letters / 17 April 1988 - 27 April 1988).
  • Property contract for the sale of the vessels (26 May 1988).
  • Recommendation for the sale of the vessels (10 June 1988).
  • Details of agreed reserve for the vessels (12 December 1988).

Correspondence from Forge, Oliver at Sotheby's (1 letter / 4 January 1989).

Sale no. 27539 (Scripophily & Paper Money):

  • Receipt of sale from Phillips (2 February 1989).
  • Details of lot numbers from Phillips (2 February 1989).


  • Sotheby Sale Catalogue (Catalogue of the Amherst Collection of Egyptian & Oriental Antiquities), London (13-17 June 1921), p. 74-79 ("Objects from Tell El Amarna").

Newspaper articles:

  • Alberge, Dalya and Daniel McGrory, "Smuggled art clampdown by Sotheby's", ? (17 December 1997), p. ?.
  • Farrell, Stephen, Dalya Alberge, Jill Sherman and Richard Owen, "Sotheby's suspends second employee: DTI inquiry into London art market", ? (7 February 1997), p. ?.
  • Farrell, Stephen, "Secrets of the chandelier bids", The Times, (7 February 1997), p. 17.
  • Watson, Peter, "Sotheby's must show it is clean", ? (3 March 1997), p. 20.
  • ? , "A reasonable bid: Sotheby's imperfect inquiry has still yielded worthwhile results", The Times, (17 December 1997), p. ?.
  • ?, "Art and Craft: How Sotheby's can clear its name", ? (7 February 1997), p. ?.




  • Correspondence from Anlağan, Tanju (1 letter / 20 July 1978).
  • Correspondence from Dönmez, Ahmet (1 letter / 25 August 1974).
  • Correspondence from Ertem, Hayri (1 letter / not dated).
  • Correspondence from Gümrükçüoğlu, Rahmi (1 letter / 9 December 1982).
  • Correspondence from Ireland, Stanley (1 letter / 15 June 1995).
  • Correspondence from Özgen, Engin (1 letter / 14 February 1992).
  • Correspondence to/from Sevin, Veli (2 letters / 12 December 1995 - 15 February 1996).
  • Correspondence from Süel, Aygül (1 greeting card / not dated).
  • Correspondence to Teikinoz, ? (1 letter + 2-page photocopy of application form / 31 May 1979).
  • Correspondence from Yardimci, Nurettin (1 letter / 18 November 1983).

Notes and Miscellaneous:

  • Gurney's brief note titled "Report on a Visit to Yazilikaya" (26 September 1981).
  • Contact details for Farouk El Omari.
  • Visitor pamphlet "Ankara and its Environs".
  • Flight details from London to Istanbul for Summer 1986.
  • Circular from the "International Symposium on Settlement and Housing in Anatolia Through the Ages", Istanbul (5-7 June 1996).
  • Information on the "Habitat II Conference", Istanbul (3-14 June 1996).
  • Bibliography titled "Alevi/Alaouites".
  • Booklet Atatürk Supreme Council for Culture, Language and History, Ankara (1986).
  • Visitor pamphlet "Turquie: Anatolie Centrale".


  • Caneva, Isabella, "Mersin-Yumuktepe 1993", Orient Express 1994 (1), p. 7-8.

Newspaper and magazine cuttings:

  • Acar, Özgen and Melik Kaylan, "The Hoard of the Century", Connoisseur (1988), p. 74-83.
  • Acar, Özgen and Suzan Mazur, "The Dig that is Shaking Ancient History", Connoisseur (1989), p. 148-151.
  • Alpay, Şahln, "Şeriat gelsin diyen tek", SABAH (5 January 1994), p. 18-19.
  • Alpay, Şahln, "Alevi kültürü Chumhuriyetçi ideolojiyle uyum halinde...", SABAH (6 January 1994), p. ?.
  • Barchard, David, "Turkey’s unlikely hero", The Tablet (24 April 1993), p. 506-507.
  • Bretschneider, Joachim, "Nabada: The Buried City", Scientific American (October 2000), p. 62-69.
  • Davis, Derek, "The cave dweller of Capadoccia", Weekend Telegraph (18 May 1996), p. 28.
  • Finkel, Andrew, "Ankara claims treasures in British Museum", The Times (13 November 1993), p. ?.
  • Kaylan, Melik, "Who Stole the Lydian Hoard? A Case History Involving the Hottest Issue Confronting American Museums Today", Connoisseur (1987), p. 66-73.
  • Mortimer, Edward, "Friend when in need: The west holds Turkey at arm's length but relies on its support", Financial Times (28 April 1993), p. 14.
  • Saray, Thrace, "Simulators of the Lost Ark", The Economist (February 1995), p. ?.
  • Tarhan, Taner, "Yumuktepe’nin Karar Günü", Mozaik (1993), p. 21-22.
  • Ward, Diane, "In Anatolia, a massive dam project drowns traces of an ancient past", Smithsonian 21 (August 1990), p. 28-40.

Phaistos Disc

Phaistos Disc:


  • Correspondence to/from Bowden, Edgar (24 letters / 8 March 1995 - 20 April 2000), including:
    • Bowden's revised chapters of his monograph: Bowden, Edgar, Cybele and the axe-goddess: Alliterative verse, Linear B relationships and cult ritual of the Phaistos disc, Amsterdam (1992).
    • Offprints of sections of articles and other publications - mainly figures - annotated by Bowden; among those identified are: Amiet, Pierre, La Glyptique Mésopotamienne Archaïque, Paris (1980); Campbell, Joseph, The Masks of God: Creative Mythology, London (1968); Jackson, Joseph H., Pictorial Guide to the Planets, London (1965)
    • Website offprints with comments by Bowden handwritten on top: Bowden, Edgar, "Ancient Greek alliterative verse-metrics on the Phaistos Disk: an Anatolian cult of Cybele Axe-Goddess and Poseidon Hippios", and Bowden, Edgar, "Origin and meaning of the Pictish double-disc symbol".
  • Correspondence from Davis, Simon (1 letter / 20 February 1994).
  • Correspondence to/from Ferguson, Herbert (3 letters / 18 January 1994 - 9 April 1994).
  • Correspondence from Heath-Brown, Roger (3 letters / 30 January 1998 - 4 February 1998).
  • Correspondence from Hood, Martin Sinclair Frankland (3 letters / 8 May 1980 - 7 February 1994).


  • Notes on Phaistos Disc.
  • Bibliographies.
  • Photocopy of Davis, Simon, The Phaistos Disk and the Eteocretan Inscriptions from Psychro and Praisos, Johannesburg (1961), p. 17-20.
  • Some annotated pages from booklet The Archaeological Museum of the Châtillon Region.


  • Bean, G. E., Lycian Turkey: An Archaeological Guide, London (1978), p. 197.
  • Best, Jan and Fred Woudhuizen (eds.), Ancient Scripts from Crete and Cyprus, Leiden (1988), p. 50-51.
  • Chadwick, John, "Review: Best, Jan and Fred Woudhuizen (eds.), Ancient Scripts from Crete and Cyprus, Leiden (1988)", Antiquity 63 (238) (1989), p. 181.
  • Davis, Simon, The Decipherment of the Minoan Linear A and Pictographic Scripts, Johannesburg (1967), p. 99-101.
  • Davis, Simon, "The Minoan Gold Ring from Mavro Spelio: An Interpretation", Athens Annals of Archaeology 7 (1) (1974), p. 111-112.
  • Davis, Simon, "The Minoan Silver Pin from Mavro Spelio: An Interpretation", Athens Annals of Archaeology 6 (3) (1973), p. 491-493.
  • Davis, Simon, "The Phaistos Disk: A Hittite Spell?", JUSŪR 2 (1986), p. 103-121.
  • Davis, Simon, The Phaistos Disk and the Eteocretan Inscriptions from Psychro and Praisos, Johannesburg (1961), p. ?.
  • Delekat, L., "Der Diskos von Phaistos: Entwurf einer Textlesung und -deutung", Ugarit-Forschungen 11 (1979), p. 165-178.
  • Duhoux, Yves, ?, p. 62-65 ("§ 16. Abréviations bibliographiques").
  • Ferguson, Herbert, "An Experiment in Making an Inscribed Clay Disc Like that of Phaistos", Kadmos 17 (2) (1978), p. 170-172.
  • Ferguson, Herbert, "The Phaistos Disc - Cretan or Anatolian?" (1988), article not published.
  • Ferguson, Herbert, "Thoughts on Sign 24 ('Pagoda') of the Phaistos Disc" (1979), article not published.
  • Plates 4-5 of the Phaistos Disc Inscription (Ferguson Format 1975).
  • Georgiev, Vladimir I., "Le disque de Phaestos: essai de déchiffrement", in: Colloquium Mycenaeurn. Actes du 6e colloque international sur les textes mycéniens et égéens, tenu à Chaumont-sur-Neuchâtel, du 7 au 13 septembre 1975, Neuchâtel and Genève (1979), p. 392-393.
  • Hoschek, Rudolf, "Zur Schriftrichtung beim Diskos von Phaistos", Kadmos 20 (1981), p. 85-92.
  • Ipsen, Gunther, "Der Diskus von Phaistos: Ein Versuch zur Entzifferung", Indogermanische Forschungen 47 (1) (1929), p. 1-40 (only p. 18-40).
  • Macalister, Robert A. S., The Philistines, Their History & Civilizations: The Schweich Lectures, London (1913).
  • Matev, Georgi and Athanas Matev, "Die Entzifferung der Inschrift auf dem Diskos von Phaistos", in: Dritter Internationaler Thrakologischer Kongress zu Ehren W. Tomascheks, 2.-6. Juni 1980, Wien, Sofia (1984), vol. I, p. 260-263.
  • Schachermeyr, F., Die minoische Kultur des alten Kreta, Stuttgart (1964), p. 246-247.
  • ?, "The Phaistos Disc: A Fresh View for Fresh Viewers", article not published.

The Poor Man of Nippur

The Poor Man of Nippur:


  • Correspondence to Alster, Bendt (1 letter / 16 July 1975).
  • Correspondence to/from Faragó, József (2 letters / 23 January 1971 - 17 July 1971).
  • Correspondence to/from Julow, Viktor (3 letters / 5 April 1958 - 18 July 1971).
  • Correspondence to/from Noegel, Scott (2 letters / 15 May 1993 - 29 May 1993).
  • Correspondence from Pasley, Malcolm (1 letter / 30 December 1971).
  • Correspondence from Perry, B. E. (3 letters / 19 April 1958 - 1 January 1959).


  • Notes on Mundy, C. S., "The Poor Man of Nippur".
  • Notes on the Icelandic story "Die Seeschafe" (also "Die Geschichte vom schlagfertigen Sigurdur").
  • Two lists of bibliographic references.


  • Cooper, J. S., "Structure, Humor, and Satire in the Poor Man of Nippur", Journal of Cuneiform Studies 27 (3) (1975), p. 163-174.
  • Ellis, Maria deJ., "A New Fragment of the Tale of the Poor Man of Nippur", Journal of Cuneiform Studies 26 (2) (1974), p. 88-89.
  • Faragó, József, "A Contribution to the Table Motif of the Bird Concealed in the Vessel: The First Revenge of the Poor Man of Nippur", Acta Ethnographica Academiae Scientarium Hungaricae 19 (1970), p. 147-159.
  • Finet, Andre, "Les trois vengeances du pauvre homme de Nippur. Conte Babylonian", in Broze, M. and Ph. Thalon (eds), L'atelier de l'orfevre. Mélanges offerts à Ph. Derchain, Leuven (1992), p. 87-106.
  • Julow, Viktor, "A nippuri szegény ember meséje és a Lúdas Matyi ó-romániai népmese-mintájának kérdése", Különlenyomat Az Irodalomtört Éneti Közlemények (1963), p. 678-690.
  • Julow, Viktor, "The Source of a Hungarian Popular Classic and its Roots in Antiquity", Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis 6 (1970), p. 75-84.
  • Noegel, Scott, "Paranomasia in the Tale of the Poor Man of Nippur", article not published.
  • Perry, B. E., "The Origin of the Book of Sindbad", Sonderdruck aus Fabula 3 (1) (1960), p. 1-94.




  • Correspondence to/from Brown, David (8 letters / 29 April 1997 - 13 May 1998).
  • Correspondence to/from Hunger, Hermann (2 letters / 29 August 1997 - 16 September 1997).
  • Correspondence to/from Ingham, Michael (10 letters / 22 September 1996 - 30 August 1997).


  • Notes on Koch J., Neue Untersuchungen zur Topographie des babylonischen Fixsternhimmels, Wiesbaden (1989).

Newspaper cuttings:

  • Hawkes, Nigel, "Scientist accuses Britain of ignoring asteroid threat", The Times (13 November 1996), p. 6.
  • Hendrie, Michael J., "The night sky in May", ? (29 April 1997), p. ?.


  • Parpola, Simo, Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal, Kevelaer (1970), p. 385-386.
  • Shapley, Harlow (ed.), Climatic Change: Evidence, Causes, and Effects, Cambridge, MA (1953), p. 147.
  • Walker, C. B. F. and H. Hunger, "Zwölfmaldrei", Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orientgesellschaft 109 (1977), p. 27-34.
  • Webb, E. J., The Names of the Stars, London (1952), p. 36-55, 64-75, 86-95.
  • ?, p. 58-59, 70-71, 86-91, 116-117.



Newspaper articles:

  • ?, "The identification of the Hurrian city of Urkesh with Tell Mozan (2300 B.C.)", ? (13 November 1995).
  • Wilford, John Noble, "Lost Capital of a Fabled Kingdom Found in Syria", The New York Times (21 November 1995).




  • Correspondence from Driver, G. R. (1 postcard / ? 1957).
  • Correspondence from Lambert, W. G. (1 letter / 1 February 1975).
  • Correspondence from Wiseman, Donald J. (1 letter/ 10 October 1951).


  • Transliteration of texts KAR 115+A, KAR 122+A, KAR 123+A, KAR 124+A, and KAR 135, from Epopée de Gilgameš - Sixième tablette - Version d'Assur.
  • Notes from Oberhuber.
  • Newspaper cutting of an image of a 17th century embroidered pillow case depicting Noah's ark.
  • Bibliography of Gilgamesh: Sumerian poems, Old Babylonian Gilgamesh, Babylonian texts of the late second millennium BC from sites in Babylonia, Babylonian texts of the late second millennium BC from outside Babylonia, Standard Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic, and Recent translations of the Babylonian texts.


  • Borger, R., "Review: Von Soden, Wolfram, Das Gilgamesch-Epos, Stuttgart (1958)", Orientalia 29 (1960), p. 345-346.
  • Diakonoff, I. M., "Review: Böhl, Liagre, Het Gilgamesj Epos, Amsterdam (1958); Matouš, Lubor, Epos O Gilgamešovi, Praha (1958)", Bibliotheca Orientalis 18 (1/2) (1961), p. 62-66.
  • Frankena, R. "Nouveaux fragments de la sixième tablette de l’épopée de Gilgameš", Gilgameš et sa légende: études recueillies par Paul Garelli à l’occasion de la VIIe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Cahiers du Groupe François-Thureau-Dangin 1), Paris (1958), p. 113-122.
  • Matouš, L., "Review: Von Soden, Wolfram, Das Gilgamesch-Epos, Stuttgart (1958)", Bibliotheca Orientalis 17 (3/4) (1960), p. 188-189.
  • Renger, J. "Notes brèves, 14: Gilg. P ii 32 (PBS 10/3)", Revue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale 66 (1972), p. 190.
  • Speiser, E. A., "Gilgamesh VI 40", Journal of Cuneiform Studies 12 (1) (1958), p. 41-42.


  • Photocopies of tablets from Langdon, Stephen, The epic of Gilgamish (The University Museum Publications of the Babylonian Section 10 (3)), Philadelphia (1917), plates LXIII-LXVIII.




  • Correspondence from Crawford, O. G. S. (2 letters / 23 June 1938 - 22 July 1938).


  • Notes for a project on "The history of ancient metallurgical processes; their development and their impact on history", for the Institute for Archaeo-Metallurgical Studies, by Beno Rothenberg (March 1972).
  • Index cards with notes on copper, tin, iron, arsenic, metallurgy, and Greek term.
  • Notes on amūtum.
  • Notes on himma.
  • Notes on tin and iron.
  • Additional notes.


  • Muhly, James D., "Sources of Tin and the Beginnings of Bronze Metallurgy", American Journal of Archaeology 89 (2) (1985), p. 275-291.
  • Rickard, T. A., "The Cassiterides and the Ancient Trade in Tin", Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall 22 (2) (1927), p. 201-251.
  • Zaccagnini, C., "La Terminologia Accadica del Rame e del Bronzo nel I Millennio", Oriens Antiquus 10 (2) (1971), p. 123-144.




  • Lecture notes on mythology.
  • Notes on myths of the Ancient Near East: Sumerians, Akkadians, Hittites:
    • Myths of creation - Theogony, Theomachy - Ea and Apsu, The Birth of Marduk, Marduk and Tiamat, Creation of the World, Creation of man, Coronation of Marduk, Hymn to Marduk.
    • Tammuz and Ishtar.
    • Etana and the Eagle.
    • Nergal and Ereshkigal.
    • Epic of Irra.
    • Myth of Adapa.
    • Epic Lays.
    • Legend of Sargon.
    • Gilgamesh.
    • Hittite Myths.
    • Ugaritic Myths.
    • Conclusion.
  • Definitions of "myth".
  • Notes on Lambrechts Pierre, "Les fêtes 'phrygiennes' de Cybèle et d'Attis", Bulletin de l'Institut historique belge de Rome 27 (1952), p. 141-170, and on Landsberger, B. "Jahreszeiten Im Sumerisch-Akkadischen", Journal of Near Eastern Studies 8 (3-4) (1949), p. 248-272, p. 273-297.
  • Notes on Berghe, L. Venden, "Reflexions critiques sur la nature de Dumuzi-Tammuz", La Nouvelle Clio 6 (1954), p. 298-321.
  • Notes on Dumuzi from multiple publications by Kramer.
  • Notes on Ritual calendar.
  • Index cards with bibliographical references for Burkert, W. and Fontenrose, J.
  • List of references for comparative mythology.


  • Chapter "Cosmogony" in Schafer, Edward Hetzelon, Pacing the Void: T'ang Approaches to the Stars, Berkeley (1977).

Enuma Eliš

Enuma Eliš:


  • Correspondence from Lambert, W. G. (37 letters / 29 December 1958 - 1 August 1975).


  • Monsters.
  • Translation with notes verse-by-verse.
  • Bibliographical note.
  • Early myth.
  • Notes on Pantheons, handout of lecture in the XXIV Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (RAI).
  • The Enlil Theogony, The Anu Theogony, and Enuma Eliš.
  • Enuma Eliš, Tablet V: Texts and Notes with letter from ? (1 letter / 30 July 1957).
  • Duplicate copies of transliteration of Epic of Creation Tablet VI.
  • Transcription.
  • Transliterations of Atramḫasīs altbabylonisch, Agušaya-Lied, altbab. Ištar-Hymnus RA 22, 169ff, Aus dem Nan-Hymnus ZA 44, 32ff, and Enuma Eliš.


  • Bottéro, Jean, "Antiquités assyro-babyloniennes", Annuaire de l'École pratique des hautes études (1975-1976), p. 77-126.
  • Garelli, Paul and Marcel Leibovici, "La naissance du monde selon Akkad", Sources Orientales I (1959), p. 115-152.
  • Kragerud, A., "The Concept of Creation in Enuma Elish", in Bergman, J., K. Drynjeff, H. Ringgren, and G. Widengren (eds), Ex Orbe Religionum: Studia Geo Widengren, Leiden (1972), p. 39-49.

The Hittites

Content relating to the monograph The Hittites by O. R. Gurney (1951), in four sections:

  • Correspondence
  • Notes, reviews
  • Publisher correspondence
  • Royalty statements

The Hittites - Correspondence

The Hittites - Correspondence (organised alphabetically):

  • Correspondence from ?, John (1 letter / 25 October 1952).
  • Correspondence from ?, Richard (1 letter / 31 October 1952).
  • Correspondence from ? (1 letter / 19 November 1952).
  • Correspondence to the editor at Ankara Universitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi (1 letter / 6 May 1953).
  • Correspondence from Albright, W. F. (1 letter / 11 April 1953).
  • Correspondence from Barnett, Richard David at the British Museum (1 letter / 4 November 1952).
  • Correspondence from Beer, Gavin de (2 letters / 25 October 1954 - 9 November 1954).
  • Correspondence from Blunt, Vernon (1 letter / 9 May 1968).
  • Correspondence from Boyd, Rev. Bob (1 letter / 26 May 1960).
  • Correspondence from Brasier-Creagh, E. B. (2 letters / 11 November 1964 - 6 December 1964).
  • Correspondence from Browett, Elizabeth (1 letter / 23 September 1956).
  • Correspondence from Caldi, Daniela and Torchi, Antoinetta (1 letter / 9 November 1961).
  • Correspondence from Caldi, Daniela (1 letter / 23 November 1961).
  • Correspondence from Campbell, William J. (3 letters / 16 November 1977 - 17 December 1977).
  • Correspondence from Conrad, Jack R. (1 letter / 27 February 1957).
  • Correspondence from Çilingiroğlu, Altan (2 letters / 7 October 1983 - 19 October 1983).
  • Correspondence from Fleissner, Herbert (1 letter / 18 November 1970).
  • Correspondence from Forbes, William T. M. (2 letters / 10 April 1956 - 2 May 1956).
  • Correspondence from Gaster, Theodor H. (1 letter / not dated).
  • Correspondence from Gerard, David E. (3 letters / 5 April 1962 - 23 February 1981).
  • Correspondence from Goldstein, Fred (1 letter / 24 January 1964).
  • Correspondence to/from Hare, Steve (2 letter / 8 April 1998 - 15 April 1998).
  • Correspondence from Hargrave, Stephen T. (4 letters / 27 October 1969 - 9 January 1970).
  • Correspondence from Kephart, Col. C. I. (1 letter / 21 January 1966).
  • Correspondence from Klodič, R. (1 letter / 14 June 1954).
  • Correspondence from Liddle, William C. (1 letter / 30 October 1955).
  • Correspondence from Mallowan, Max E. L. (1 letter / 14 July 1946).
  • Correspondence from Miller, Molly (1 letter / 7 May 1966).
  • Correspondence from Murray, Gilbert (1 letter / 3 November 1952).
  • Correspondence from Mussche, Joris (3 letters / 27 December 1967 - 23 March 1968).
  • Correspondence from Osler, M. J. (1 letter / 27 February 1957).
  • Correspondence from Perera, H. R. (3 letters / 15 December 1961 - 13 March 1962).
  • Correspondence to/from Postgate, P. E. (4 letters / 3 January 1962 - 14 July 1964).
  • Correspondence from Savitsky, W. (2 letters / 27 May 1954 - 7 March 1955 ).
  • Correspondence from Shankland, David (2 letters / 11 January 1994 - 21 January 1994).
  • Correspondence from Skriver, Preben (1 letter / 18 October 1966).
  • Correspondence from Staniland, Meaburn (1 letter / 9 January 1969).
  • Correspondence from Stasek, George (1 letter / ? December 1970).
  • Correspondence from Takahiva, Robert R. Y. (3 letters / 1 April 1981 - 16 April 1981).
  • Correspondence from Terry, John (1 letter / 20 September 1960).
  • Correspondence from Torchi, Antonietta (1 letter / 25 November 1961).
  • Correspondence from Wasson, R. Gordon (1 letter / 17 October 1953).
  • Correspondence to/from Wilder, J. de (2 letters / 6 September 1976 - 26 September 1976).
  • Correspondence from Young, Beale P. (2 letters / 24 August 1977 - 19 October 1977).

The Hittites - Notes and reviews

The Hittites - Notes and reviews:

  • Map and list with corrections.
  • Promotional page in "Ancient History Book Club Alternatives".
  • Reviews:
    • ?, part of "Brief Reviews", in: Greece & Rome 21 (63) (October 1952), p. 139-141.
    • Crossland, R. A., in: Bibliotheca Orientalis 10 (3-4) (1953), p. 121-123.
    • Fish, Thomas, in: The Manchester Guardian (30 December 1952).
    • Riemschneider, Kaspar K., in: Ethnographisch-Archäologische Zeitschrift 11 (1970), p. 470-471.




  • Correspondence from ? at the Leeds General Infirmary (1 letter / 12 March 1974).
  • Correspondence from ?, Jill (1 letter / 1 October 1997).
  • Correspondence to ?, Edmond (1 letter / 12 November 1986).
  • Correspondence from B., B. (1 letter / not dated).
  • Correspondence from Kirkmann, G. (1 letter / June/July 1991).


  • Footnotes on Babylonian music (p. 19).
  • Notes on Išme-Dagan V (3N-T 386).
  • Transliteration of Išme-Dagan V 2.5422.
  • Photocopy of facsimile of Sb 13931.
  • Transliteration and notes on Text XXI.


  • Wegner, Max, Griechenland: Musikgeschichte in Bildem Band II Musik des Altertums (Lieferung 4), 2nd revised ed. (Leipzig, 1970), p. 54-55.
  • Photocopy of section on "The Angular Harp" from unknown publication, p. 259.
  • Archaeologia musicalis 1/87, Study Group on Music Archaeology, International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM).
  • Bulletin of the International Council for Traditional Music 64 (April 1984).

Newspaper cuttings:

  • Collage of newspaper cuttings:
    • Fosburgh, Lacey, "Song heard again after 3,700 years", The Times (7 March 1974).
    • Gurney, O. R., "Assyrian Song", ? (11 March 1974).
    • Galpin, Brian, "Assyrian Song", ? (14 March 1974).
    • Lambert, W. G., "The Ugarit Tablet", ? (20 March 1974).
  • Ball, Ian, "3,700 yr-old love song is played again", Daily Telegraph (7 March 1974).
  • Eckert Jr., Thor, "Professor plays an 'oldy' - about 3,700 years: Assyrian discovery plucked on Sumerian lyre makes musical history", The Christian Science Monitor (date not known).
  • Fosburgh, Lacey, "World’s Oldest Song Reported Deciphered", The New York Times (6 March 1974).
  • Kilmer, Anne D. and Richard L. Crocker, "Assyrian Song", The Times (15 April 1974).
  • Spears, Lawrence M., "Musical Mystery: Was It the Rock of Ancients?", The National Observer (?).
  • Thayer, Paul, "Oldest Known Tune Performed", UC Clip Sheet 49 (29) (5 March 1974).

Hittite Tablets

Hittite Tablets:

  • Seven black and white photographs of Hittite tablets:
    • KUB. XXIII.1;
    • Six of KUB. XXVI.12 and KUB. XXI.42, capturing different sides and angles.
  • Facsimile and transliteration of tablet labelled "B".
  • Facsimile of tablet (not labelled).
  • Facsimile, transliteration, and translation of tablet bought from James Ede and presented to the Turkish Directorate of Antiquities, shown on Turkish television (7 January 1991).
  • Annotated photocopies of facsimiles of tablets (specific publication not known):
    • Nr 14 Vorderseite Columne I, Zeile 1-19;
    • Nr 14 Vorderseite Columne I, Zeile 20-66;
    • Nr 14 Vorderseite Columne II, Zeile 1-19;
    • Nr 14 Vorderseite Columne II, Zeile 20-44;
    • Nr 14 Vorderseite Columne II;
    • Nr 14 Vorderseite Columne II, Zeile 70-81;
    • Nr 14 Rückseite Columne III;
    • Nr 14 Rückseite Columne III, Zeile 26-50;
    • Nr 14 Rückseite Columne III, Zeile 51-75;
    • Column IV.
  • Transliteration of tablet KBD I.27.
  • Facsimile of tablet from Beatriz Alba del Rio, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Annotated photocopies of facsimiles of tablets:
    • Keilschriftexte aus Boghazköi 11, Nr. 1*;
    • Keilschriftexte aus Boghazköi 11, Nr. 1 bis 3*.
  • Facsimiles of tablets from Mrs Helen Mellian-Smith, Surrey:
    • Kaniššuwan no. 5;
    • Kaniššuwan no. 12.
  • Transliteration, translations, notes, and offprints on tablet CTH 156.
  • Facsimiles of tablets Bogh. 4122, Bogh. 5080, Bo. 1575, and Bo. 1566.
  • Facsimiles of tablets:
    • Kaniššuwan no. 1, from Mary L. L. Combs;
    • Kaniššuwan no. 10, from Michael Ayrton;
    • Kaniššuwan no. 11, from Michael Ayrton;
    • Kaniššuwan no. 3, from Lady Morgan, Guildford;
    • Kaniššuwan no. 6, from Lady Morgan, Guildford:
    • Kaniššuwan no. 9, from John Hayman:
    • Kaniššuwan no. 7, from Mrs L. Sutcliffe, Surrey;
    • Kaniššuwan no. 13, from Mrs C. Timberlake, London;
    • Kaniššuwan no. 8, from Mr J. Goldsmith, Portsmouth;
    • Kaniššuwan no. 2, from Sir John Wolfenden;
    • Kaniššuwan no. 4, from Mr Dancy, Master of Marlborough College.
  • Facsimile of tablet 103051.
  • Photocopy with facsimiles of tables from Hout, Theo P. J. van den, "Texts and Fragments: Hittite Fragments in Dutch Collections", Journal of Cuneiform Studies 42 (2) (1990), p. 253-254.
  • Translation and notes on "The 'Tawagalawas' Letter".
  • Translation and notes on "The Speech of Ḫattusilis I".
  • Annotated photocopies of facsimiles of tablets:
    • Keilschriftexte aus Boghazköi.
    • Aleppo Treaty KBo.I 6.
    • KBo.III 7.

The Hittites - Publisher correspondence

The Hittites - Publisher correspondence (organised chronologically):

  • Memorandum of Agreement made for publishing rights with Penguin Books Ltd ([1946-1947]).
  • Correspondence from Day, Patricia at Penguin Books Ltd (1 letter / 31 October 1952).
  • Correspondence from Collings, G. R. at Penguin Books Ltd (4 letters / 13 January 1954 - 10 May 1954).
  • Correspondence from Nergal, O. Mazar at Tsuk Publications (1 letter / 9 December 1955).
  • Correspondence from Summers, H. at Penguin Books Ltd (1 letter / 13 April 1956).
  • Correspondence from Pevsner, Dieter at Penguin Books Ltd (1 letter / 13 January 1961).
  • Correspondence from Fortner, Rhonda at Church Service and Materials Division (1 letter / 10 September 1976).
  • Correspondence from Gurney, Oliver to Penguin Books Ltd (1 letter / 18 April 1978).
  • Correspondence from Carson, Peter at Penguin Books Ltd (5 letters / 18 July 1978 - 4 November 1985).
  • Correspondence from Velmans, Marianne at Penguin Books Ltd (1 letter / 16 February 1979).
  • Correspondence from Hill, Joy at Penguin Books Ltd (1 letter / 15 April 1981).
  • Correspondence from Ellis, Denise at Penguin Books Ltd (1 letter / 31 October 1983).
  • Correspondence from Gurney, Oliver to Penguin Books Ltd (1 letter / 3 August 1989).
  • Correspondence to/from Mirchandani, Ravi at Penguin Books Ltd (5 letters / 6 September 1989 - 19 December 1989).
  • Correspondence to/from Mitchell, Karen at Penguin Books Ltd (6 letters / 21 December 1989 - 5 February 1990).
  • Correspondence to/from McAllister, Miranda at Penguin Books Ltd (2 letters / 9 January 1989 - 5 February 1990).
  • Correspondence to Priddle, ? at Penguin Books Ltd (1 letter / 10 April 1990).
  • Correspondence from Rowe, Philip at Penguin Books Ltd (1 letter / 30 September 1993).
  • Correspondence to/from Rushby-Smith, Uli at Penguin Books Ltd (8 letters / 21 September 1994 - 14 January 1998).
  • Correspondence from Olcina, Emili at Editorial Laertes (1 letter / 23 January 1995).
  • Correspondence to/from Yegenaga, Ali at Adana Rotary Club (2 letters / 28 November 1997 - 3 December 1997).
  • Correspondence to/from Wright, Pippa at Penguin Books Ltd (4 letters / 11 August 1998 - 12 April 2000).
  • Memorandum of Agreement made for publishing rights with The Folio Society (3 September 1998).
  • Correspondence to/from Bradbury, Sue at The Folio Society (9 letters / 22 September 1998 - 5 October 1999).
  • Correspondence to/from Titman, Neil at The Folio Society (4 letters / 3 March 1999 - 12 March 1999).
  • Correspondence from Whitfield, Tim at Penguin Books Ltd (1 letter / 24 May 2000).
  • Correspondence from Levy, Susanna at Penguin Books Ltd (3 letters / 20 June 2000 - 28 June 2000).
  • Correspondence from Hobbs, Bethan at Penguin Books Ltd (1 letter / 20 December 2000).
  • List of amendments to Pelican Book.
  • List of captions for the book.

Archaeological Institutes

Archaeological Institutes:

Regulations of the British School of Archaeology in Iraq.

Newspaper Cuttings:

  • Brodie, Neil, "Indiana Jones image all wrong", THES (1994), p. 12.
  • Finkel, Andrew, "Byzantium's 'last frontier' explored by British expert", The Times (?), p. 12.
  • Hammond, Norman, "Where the Ten Thousand cried 'the sea, the sea'", The Times (30 November 1996), p. 16.
  • Johns, Jeremy, "'Dining club' archaeology bites back", The Guardian (30 June 1994), p. ? [two copies].
  • MacLeod, Donald, "'Dining club' archaeology under fire", The Guardian (27 June 1994), p. 6.
  • (?), "Let bygones be bygones", The Times Higher Education Supplement (17 June 1994), p. 13, 17-18.

British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara (BIAA)

British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara (BIAA):

Newsletters of monthly reports, detailing staff and activities of the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara (BIAA) during the directorship of Dr Roger Matthews, covering the period from December 1995 - November 2000.

Some publicity leaflets (lectures and publications).

Biblical Studies

Biblical Studies:


  • Correspondence from Mastin, Brian A. (2 letters / 8 January 1979 - 20 January 1979), including the offprint: Mastin, B. A., "Was the šālîš the third man in the Chariot?", in Emerton, J. A. (ed.), Studies in the Historical Books of the Old Testament (Vetus Testamentum Supplements 30), Leiden (1979), p. 125-154.


  • Three handwritten notes on biblical themes, verses, and works to consult.
  • Notes on Hooke, S. H., "Cain and Abel", Folk-Lore 50 (1939), p. 58-65.
  • Notes on the Ashērā and occurrence in biblical texts.
  • Handout of lecture by Janowski, Bernd and Wilhelm, Gernot, "Der Bock, der die Sünden hinausträgt Zur Ritualgeschichte des Azazel-Ritus Lev 16".
  • Handout titled "Notzeit-Mythologem und Nichtigkeitsfluch".
  • Handout with texts from Wright, David P., "Analogy in Biblical and Hittite Ritual", in Janowski, Bernd, Klaus Koch, and Gernot Wilhelm (eds), Religionsgeschichtliche Beziehungen zwischen Kleinasien, Nordsyrien und dem Alten Testament: internationales Symposion Hamburg, 17.-21. März 1990, Freiburg & Göttingen (1993), p. 473-506.
  • Handout of lecture(?) by Hutter, Manfred, "na4huwaši und Massebe: Die religiöse Funktion der Steine der Jakobs-überlieferung im nordsyrisch-anatolischen Kontext" (1990).


  • Coxon, P. W., "Daniel III 17: A Linguistic and Theological Problem", Vetus Testamentum 26 (4) (1976), p. 400-409.
  • Daube, David, Ancient Hebrew Fables: The Inaugural Lecture of the Oxford Centre of Postgraduate Hebrew Studies, Delivered in Corpus Christi College 17 May 1973, Oxford (1973).
  • Geyer, John, "2 Kings XVIII 14-16 and the Annals of Sennacherib", Vetus Testamentum 21 (5) (1971), p. 604-606.
  • Geyer, John, "Ezekiel 18 and a Hittite Treaty of Muršiliš II", Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 12 (1979), p. 31-46.
  • Geyer, John, "Mice and Rites in 1 Samuel V-VI", Vetus Testamentum 31 (3) (1981), p. 293-304.
  • Geyer, John, "Mythology and Culture in the Oracles Against the Nations", Vetus Testamentum 36 (2) (1986), p. 129-145.
  • Geyer, John, "Twisting Tiamat's Tail: A Mythological Interpretation of Isaiah XIII 5 and 8", Vetus Testamentum 37 (2) (1987), p. 164-179.
  • Geyer, John, "קצות הארץ - Hellenistic?", Vetus Testamentum 20 (1) (1970), p. 87-90.
  • Malamat, Abraham, "ʿAmm Leḇāḏāḏ Yiškōn: A Report from Mari and an Oracle of Balaam", The Jewish Quarterly Review 76 (1) (1985), p. 47-50.
  • Malamat, Abraham, "Comments On E. Leach: 'The Legitimacy Of Solomon - Some Structural Aspects Of Old Testament History'", Archives européennes de sociologie 8 (1) (1967), p. 165-167.
  • Meegan, W. J., "The Tower of Babel: A Mathematical Abstraction?" (article not published).
  • Mowinckel, Sigmund, "Der Ursprung der Bil'āmsage", Zeitschrift für alttestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde des nachbiblischen Judentums 48 (1930), p. 233-272.
  • Phillips, A., "The Interpretation of 2 Samuel xii 5-6", Vetus Testamentum 16 (2) (1966), p. 242-244.




  • Correspondence from Walker, Christopher B. F. (1 letter / 19 April 1978).
  • Correspondence to/from Hess, Richard S. (5 letters / 15 July 1989 - 21 September 1993).
  • Correspondence to/from Na'aman, Nadav (8 letters / 23 April 1977 - 29 April 1978).
  • Correspondence to/from Wiseman, Donald J. (4 letters / 15 March 1989 - 14 June 1989).


  • Goetze, Albrecht, "Remarks on the Lists from Alalakh IV", Journal of Cuneiform Studies 13 (2) (1959), p. 63-64.
  • Goetze, Albrecht, "Remarks on the Ration Lists from Alalakh VII", Journal of Cuneiform Studies 13 (1) (1959), p. 34-38.
  • Hess, Richard S., "A Preliminary List of the Published Alalakh Texts", Ugarit-Forschungen 20 (1988), p. 69-87.
  • Klengel, Horst, "Königtum und Palast Nach Den Alalaḫ-Texten", in Garelli, Paul (ed.), Le palais et la royauté (archéologie et civilisation). XIXe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, organisée par le groupe François Thureau-Dangin, Paris, 29 juin - 2 juillet 1971, Paris (1974), p. 273-282.
  • Lambert, W. G., "A Vizier of Ḫattuša? A Further Comment", Journal of Cuneiform Studies 13 (4) (1959), p. 132.
  • Na'aman, Nadav, "The Ishtar Temple at Alalakh", Journal of Near Eastern Studies 39 (3) (1980), p. 209-214.
  • Na'aman, Nadav, "A Royal Scribe and his Scribal Products in the Alalakh IV Court", Oriens Antiquus 19 (1980), p. 107-116.
  • Speiser, E. A., "The Alalakh Tablets", Journal of the American Oriental Society 74 (1) (1954), p. 18-25.
  • Tsevat, Matitiahu, "Alalakhiana", Hebrew Union College Annual 29 (1958), p. 109-136.
  • Wiseman, Donald J., "Abban and Alalaḫ", Journal of Cuneiform Studies 12 (4) (1958), p. 124-129.
  • Wiseman, Donald J., "Supplementary Copies of Alalakh Tablets", Journal of Cuneiform Studies 8 (1) (1954), p. 1-30.
  • Zaccagnini, Carlo, "A Note on the Talent at Alalah (AT 401)", Iraq 40 (1) (1978), p. 67-69.
  • Zaccagnini, Carlo, "Notes on the Weight System at Alalaḫ VII", Orientalia 48 (4) (1979), p. 472-475.




  • Correspondence from Moorey, Peter Roger Stuart (1 letter / 14 June 1974).


  • Notes on Appendix on Babylonian Time Measurement.
  • Table of comparative chronology for Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Mitanni, Hatti, Mukiš, Nuhassi, Ugarit, and Ni'i.
  • Table of comparative chronology for Egypt, Hatti, Kizwadna, Alalaḫ, Ḫalab, Hurri-Mitani, Assur, Babylon, and Elam; handout of paper by C. Kühne (1978).
  • Notes on Kassite chronology.
  • Notes on Sea-Land Dynasty; Mari, Assur and Babylon; Second Dynasty of Isin and Bavian Date; Kassite Dynasty; and historical reconstruction.
  • Notes on chronology for Hammurabi and First Dynasty of Babylon.
  • Notes on chronology for Venus Tablets.
  • Table and notes of comparative chronology for Assyria and Babylonia.
  • Notes on chronology for cross-dating with Egypt.
  • Notes on Hittite generation count.
  • Notes on radio-carbon dates.
  • Notes on general remarks on Assyria and Babylonia and table of comparative chronology for Assyria, Mari, Babylon, Larsa, and Kassites.
  • Notes on incompatibility of KKLs with King List "A".
  • Notes on chronology sources.
  • Notes on chronology of Agum and Burraburiaš.
  • Table of comparative chronology for Assyria, Babylon III, Larsa, Babylon I and Mari, following Landsberger's scheme based on Dark Age.
  • Notes on time intervals.
  • Two lists of main sources for the chronology of Assyria and Babylonia.
  • Notes on generation gap from George I to George V.
  • List titled "Important documents".
  • Photocopy of facsimile of tablet no. 33332 - "List (A) of Babylonian Dynasties".
  • Notes on lines in Eponym Lists.
  • Photocopy of facsimile of tablet from a publication by Friedrich Schmidtke.
  • Table of comparative chronology for Assyria, Mari, Hana, Eshnunna, and Babylon.
  • Notes on Babylonian-Assyrian chronology.
  • Table of comparative chronology.
  • Notes on Khorsabad King List.
  • Notes on Amenophis II and Thuthmes IV.
  • Notes on Amenophis III and IV.
  • Notes on KUB. XXXIV and Chronology.
  • Notes on Labarnaš.
  • Notes on Tholos B at Platanos, Ras Shamra, and Abydos Tomb.
  • Notes on Egyptian Civil Calendar and Parker's Theory.
  • Notes on Egyptian chronology of 12th, 18th, and 19th Dynasties.
  • Notes on discrepancies and argument about generations.
  • Table showing contemporary rulers and royal alliances, compiled from the Hittite archives and the Tell el-Amarna letters.
  • Argument in support of the Long Chronology.
  • Handout(?) of paper by Rauert, W., "C-14-Datierung von Holzkohlefunden aus dem Irak (Kurznotiz)" (1976).

Cuneiform Tablets

Cuneiform Tablets:


  • Correspondence to/from Dainton, Barbara (2 letters / 19 April 1977 - 20 May 1977).
  • Correspondence from Evans, Charles (3 letters / 23 November 1959 - 22 December 1959).
  • Correspondence from Gadd, C. J. (1 letter / 6 December 1951).
  • Correspondence from Landsberger, Benno (1 letter / 29 September 1958).
  • Correspondence from McKearney, Roger (1 letter / 15 February ?).
  • Correspondence from Ozanne, Charles (2 letters / 26 October 1976 - 31 October 1976).
  • Correspondence from Rossiler(?), Miranda (1 letter / 8 November ?).
  • Correspondence from Sachs, Abe (1 letter / 21 December 1972).
  • Correspondence to/from Walker, Christopher B. F. (4 letters / 23 October 1970 - 16 November ?).

Facsimiles, copies, and transliterations of tablets (a few not labelled):

  • Facsimile of tablet 1924.1311 + 2392.
  • Facsimile of tablet of Mr C. F. H. Evans, Librarian of Charterhouse, from Drehem.
  • Facsimiles of two tablets in Newcastle.
  • Facsimiles of "Cyrus tablet" and U.18810.
  • Facsimile of tablet of Mr and Mrs McKearney (through Miranda Rossiler(?) of Corpus Christi College).
  • Photocopy of facsimile of tablet CBS 04579 in Brinkman, J. A., Materials and Studies for Kassite History, Volume 1: A Catalogue of Cuneiform Sources Pertaining to Specific Monarchs of the Kassite Dynasty, Chicago (1976).
  • Photocopy of facsimile, transliteration, and translation of tablet CBS 12917, in Brinkman, J. A., Materials and Studies for Kassite History, Volume 1: A Catalogue of Cuneiform Sources Pertaining to Specific Monarchs of the Kassite Dynasty, Chicago (1976), p. 383-384 and plate 5.
  • Facsimile of tablet of G. S. Preston, Castle Abbey, Northampton / Kirtlington Park, Oxford, from Drehem.
  • Facsimile and inked rubbing of tablet of Mrs H. Gilbert, Shepton Cottage, Bentham, Cheltenham.
  • Facsimile of tablet 1924.1670.
  • Facsimile of tablet (not labelled).
  • Facsimile and transliteration of tablet of Mr Kraay.
  • Facsimile of tablet 30503.
  • Facsimile of tablet of Lady Dainton, St Hilda's College, Oxford.
  • Facsimile (tracing) of joined tablets Kish 1924.1019, 1924.1149, 1924.1233, and 1924.1703.
  • Facsimile and transliteration of Samaria Cylinder.
  • Facsimile of F.5427 in Greco-Roman Museum, Alexandria = Adad-nirari no. 6 KAH I.3.obv.37ff.
  • Photocopy, transliteration and museum record of cylinder seal I.10645, c.f. Crowfoot. J.W. et al., The Objects from Samaria, London (1957), p. 87, no. 18, plate XV.
  • Facsimile and transliteration of tablet of Dr Eltinghausen of Turl Street, Oxford.
  • Rubbing of large cuneiform inscription.
  • Facsimiles of tablets in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 1924.1541 and 1924.1827.
  • Facsimile of tablet 9702.
  • Facsimile of tablet (not labelled).
  • Facsimile of tablet (not labelled).
  • Facsimile of tablet in Pinches' copy of Strassmaier, J. N., Die altbabylonischen Verträge aus Warka, [Berlin] (1881), in October 1974, in the Library of University College, London.
  • Facsimile of tablet (not labelled).
  • Copy and transliteration of Cappadocian tablet in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum.
  • Copies of PSBA.19.287 and Bab. II 37.
  • Copies and transliterations of tablets (not labelled, Cappadocian?).
  • Facsimile of artefact (not labelled).
  • Copy of tablet Bab. IV.
  • Transliteration of tablet of Myres, from Drehem.
  • Facsimile of tablet 30332 (S + 52)
  • Facsimiles of tablets (not labelled).
  • Facsimile and transliteration of tablet in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum (not labelled).
  • Four photographs of artefacts, including tablets, in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum.
  • Photograph of tablet K.9922, in London, British Museum.
  • Three film negatives (16.3 x 11.8 cm) of tablets, including U.7740.
  • Facsimiles of tablets S.295, S.378, and S.483.
  • Transliteration of tablet CBS 4579 in Brinkman, J. A., Materials and Studies for Kassite History, Volume 1: A Catalogue of Cuneiform Sources Pertaining to Specific Monarchs of the Kassite Dynasty, Chicago (1976).
  • Transliteration of tablet (not labelled).
  • Transliteration of tablet BE.XIV 2.
  • Transliteration of tablet PBS.II/2 89.
  • Transliteration of tablet PBS.VIII (2) no. 163.
  • Transliterations of tablets PBS.XIII 64, PBS II/2 49, and PBS.VIII/2 162.
  • Transliteration and translation of tablet of Michael Insley, Wycliffe Hall, from Drehem.
  • Transliteration of tablets K.2957, K.8215, K. 9255, and K.4832.
  • Transliteration of tablet BE.XIV 128a.
  • Transliteration of tablets UM.VIII(2) 161 and Peiser UDBD 116.
  • Transliteration of tablets BE.XIV 135, BE.XIV 11 and TC.IX 48.
  • Transliteration of tablet Leemans TLB.I. 144.
  • Transliteration and translation of tablet of Mr C. F. H. Evans, Librarian of Charterhouse.
  • Note on tablet of Mr G. S. Preston of Castle Ashby, Northampton.
  • Transliteration of tablets LKA 102, KAR 70, LKA 99b, KAR 61, KAR 69, LKA 130, KAR 70, KAR 236, K.2499, K.9415, K.10002, LKA 95, K.8698, LKA 97, AMT 88, and LKA 99c .
  • Transliteration of tablet SA.DI.
  • Transliteration of tablet in the "Vade Mecum" series.
  • Transliteration of tablet 40480.
  • Transliteration of tablet 35046.
  • Transliteration of tablet K.4153.
  • List of tablet references.
  • Transliteration of tablet RM.673 = 91131.
  • Notes of tablet Cyl. AB.239.
  • Transliteration of Myth of Zû, tablet S.U. 51/19A + 37 and S.U. 52/187.
  • Transliteration of tablet K.6410.
  • Transliteration and translation of Myth of Irra, tablet KAR 168 I.
  • Transliteration of tablets 251-260.
  • Transliteration of tablet Nuzi, Harvard V.
  • Transliteration of Cappadocian Texts tablets 214A, 216A, 218A and B, 219A, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 232, 233A, 237, 240, 244A, 245, 246A, and 247.
  • Transliteration of tablets KAR 168 II and KAR 168 I.
  • Transliteration of tablets K.3174 and K.8165.
  • Transliteration and translation of tablet Dring no. 2 from private collection in London, with a note "to be published by C. B. F. Walker".
  • List of Truro Tablets.
  • Translation of Luts, Ashchaly (UCP.X, 1) no. 58.
  • Translation of tablet AO 9050.
  • Description of cylinder seal in the possession of Mrs C. Rich, of Fyfield.
  • Transliteration of tablets 248, 249, and 250.

Çatal Höyük

Çatal Höyük:

  • Council Resolution regarding Çatal Höyük and James Mellaart (28 October 1966 & 14 June 1968).
  • Draft of Çatal Höyük Working Party - First Report (1973).
  • Correspondence from Hall, Alan S. regarding Çatal Höyük excavations (2 letters / 22 August 1973 - 18 October 1973).
  • Solicitors' Report addressed to the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara (BIAA) regarding James Mellaart (25 October 1973).
  • Correspondence from French, David to Hall, Alan S. regarding Çatal Höyük (1 letter / 26 December 1973).
  • Photocopy of correspondence from Clark, Grahame to Hall, Alan S. (1 letter / 3 January 1974).
  • BIAA Report of Working Party on Çatal Höyük (1991).
  • Draft of BIAA Recommendations of Working Party on Çatal Höyük (20 March 1992).
  • BIAA Recommendations of Working Party on Çatal Höyük (7 May 1992).
  • Correspondence from Laurence, Peter Harold (1 letter / 2 February 1992).
  • Correspondence from French, David to Ligonnet, Fiona (1 fax message / 5 May 1992).
  • Correspondence to Hill, Stephen regarding legal conditions for excavating in Turkey (1 fax message / 11 March 1993).
  • Details of permit to resume excavations at Çatal Höyük, signed by Professor Dr Engin Özgen (18 July 1993).
  • Çatal Höyük Trust: progress report ([1992]).
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