Egypt. Maidum. Pyramid of Snefru
- Bonomi MSS 1.1.1
- Item
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
View of the Pyramid of Snefru at Meidum (TopBib iv.89):
- pencil sketch on paper
- loose
- 12.1 x 4.9 cm
Egypt. Maidum. Pyramid of Snefru
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
View of the Pyramid of Snefru at Meidum (TopBib iv.89):
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
Views of the pyramid field at Dahshur (TopBib iii2.876):
Egypt. Saqqara. Mastabet Faraun
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
View of the Mastabet Faraun at Saqqara (TopBib iii2.434):
Egypt. Saqqara. Step pyramid enclosure of Netjerikhet. Tiled rooms I and II
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
Plans with measurements and inscriptions of tiled rooms I and II of step pyramid enclosure of Netjerikhet at Saqqara (TopBib iii2.400):
Egypt. Saqqara. Step pyramid enclosure of Netjerikhet. Step pyramid
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
Section with measurements of the Step pyramid in the enclosure of Netjerikhet at Saqqara (TopBib iii2. 400):
Egypt. Saqqara. Mastabet Faraun
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
View of the Mastabet Faraun at Saqqara (TopBib iii2.434):
Egypt. Saqqara. Mastabet Faraun
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
Upper: section of the stone courses of the Mastabet Faraun at Saqqara (TopBib iii2.434):
Lower: view of the Mastabet Faraun at Saqqara (TopBib iii2.434):
Egypt. Maidum. Pyramid of Snefru
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
View of the Pyramid of Snefru at Maidum (TopBib iv.89):
Egypt. El-Lisht. North Pyramid of Amenemhet I
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
View of the North Pyramid of Amenemhet I at El-Lisht (TopBib iv.77):
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
View of the upper part of the Great Sphinx at Giza (TopBib iii2.35):
'Egypt in Tears'. Kneeling woman holding a flower in front of Pyramid complex at Giza
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
'Egypt in Tears'. Encircled design of kneeling woman holding a flower in front of Pyramid complex at Giza, and studies of hands, flower, column and legs:
Egypt. Maidum. Pyramid of Snefru
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
View of the Pyramid of Snefru at Maidum (TopBib iv.89):
Egypt. Thebes. West Bank. Ramesseum. First Pylon. Inner face. Ramesses II with fanbearers, etc.
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
Scene with Ramesses II, fanbearers, soldiers, and captives on the Inner face of the First Pylon of the Ramesseum, on the West Bank of Thebes (TopBib ii2.433(4)):
Walking woman with amphora on head and holding drop spindle
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
Walking woman with amphora on head and holding drop spindle:
Egypt. Saqqara. Step pyramid enclosure of Netjerikhet. Underground rooms
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
Plans with measurements of underground rooms of step pyramid enclosure of Netjerikhet at Saqqara (TopBib iii2.401-402):
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
Illegible text:
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
Profile of a female head (design or Modern Egypt):
Egypt. Thebes. East Bank. Karnak. Great Temple of Amun. Tenth Pylon
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
View of North face of Tenth Pylon of Great Temple of Amun at Karnak, on the East Bank of Thebes (TopBib ii2.186):
Egypt. Thebes. West Bank. Deir el-Bahari
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
View from top of mountain at Deir el-Bahari, on the West Bank of Thebes, looking East:
Egypt. Thebes. West Bank. Deir el-Bahari. Stone-built archway (?)
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
View of stone-built archway with stela(?) beyond at Deir el-Bahari on the West Bank of Thebes (TopBib ii2.340) (?):
Egypt. Thebes. East Bank. Luxor Temple
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
View of the Luxor Temple on the East Bank in Thebes (TopBib ii2.301):
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
Top: view of a boat being towed (Modern Egypt); second from top: unclear subject, not finished; second from bottom and bottom: views of Philae temple from West (TopBib vi.205):
Pattern of an ancient Egyptian sandal
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
Pattern of an ancient Egyptian sandal:
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
Notes (continuation) on the wooden sarcophagus and two coffins of Ir, Dyn. XXVI, from Thebes, formerly in Salt and Amherst collections, current location not known (TopBib i2.835):
'The [V39] hieroglyphic represents the fastening of the
belt worn by the Gods and Kings round the waist
The [R11] hieroglyphic in the upper part of the
staff carried by the Divinity Pthath only
The age of the Sarcophagus is apparently
discoveredsettled by Mr Sharpe's discovery *namely
after thethe time of the Persianrule with which time the style of the hieroglyphics
Mr Sharpe also remarks the [X1\:X1-Q1] for the
more ancient forms [X1\:H8-Q1]
X See Mr Sharpes notes
The drawing of the heads of the different figures
on all three of the Cases show that they were
all three
decorated bythe work of the same artist in allof them there is a remarkable protrusion of the
lips. This remark does not apply to the sculptured
heads on the 2d and 3d case and therefore thus the
Sculptor and painter were not the same person
as there is abundant proof I Bonomi to show in other
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
Note on signet rings:
'Signet ring of fine gold weighing nearly 3 sovereigns
bearing the name of Shufu the (Suphis) of the Greeks
This remarkable piece of antiquity is in the highest state
andsaid to have been found at Gezehin a tomb near
thatto the excavation of Col CampbellThe work
inThe style of the hieroglyphics is perfectly that of those
sculptorshieroglyphicsof the tombs about thegreat pyramid all the details are eminently executed
The heaven is engraved with
minutestars; The Fox or Jackall hassignificant lines within its con[t]our; The hatchets have
their handles bound with thongs as usual in the sculptures; The volumes have the
string that binds them
differentlyhanging below theroll differently placed from any example in sculptured or
painted hierogs in the tombs; The determinative for country
is studded with dots representing the sand of the mountainous
margins of the
sidevalley of Egypt The sign [F35] has thetongue and semilunar mark of the longer examples as also
the vase in the shape of the heart. The Name is surmounted
by the
usualglobe and feathers decorated in the usual way exceptthat the lines are more horizontal than in the sculptured examples,
and the ring of The cartouch is engraved with lines representing
a rope
ofofwhich decorationI know noof the line inclosingthe hieroglyphics of a royal name I know of no example but
this; the [Aa1] in the name is placed as in the tombs not in
centreas of the cartouch; the chickens have their unfledgedwings The serastes its horns to be seen only with the magnifying
Ofthe variationsinfrom the usual made of representinga volume and the inclosure of Royal names are circumstances
favorable to the genuineness of this remarkable piece of antiquity
for when taken into consideration with the style
of the workwhichis infinitely more difficult to imitate than
in whichdetailsfromin which the fabricator would not haveventured to differ from the known examples'
Note on signet rings (continuation)
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
Note on signet rings (continuation):
'Ring of fine gold found in a wooden box
at Thebesin a tomb at ThebesGold ring with a figure of Isis sitting
it is massive and of that shape called OpisphendoneThebesSakkaraRing of fine gold with the figures of 2 goddesses
engraved in two cartouches surmounted with the
feathers SakkaraScarabeus set in gold on a pivot
Ring of
pure(?) gold in which is tastefully inserted
2 blue stones and one red oneRing of gold with a pyramidal stone in it
Ring of gold with a x plate
Ring of gold with a carnelian scarabeus
Ring of silver massive and of the greek form
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
Notes on the wooden sarcophagus and two coffins of Ir, Dyn. XXVI, from Thebes, formerly in H. Salt, J. Lee and Lord Amherst collections and at Sotheby's in 1921, current location not known (TopBib i2.835):
'Harwell House October 21 1850
The great Sarcophagus in the Chapel
The GoddessNeith NNeith [X1*W24:N1] who is depicted in
full length on the inside of the upper half of the
third coffin is compounded of the hieroglyphic [V39]
in the same manner as the god [Q1\:D4\:A40], likewise depicted
full length, is corresponded of the hieroglyphic [R11].In Sarcophagi from the necropolis of Thebes it is
usual to find the same Goddess in the likeness of a beautiful
woman,usually, with her arms streached over the deceased
as the heavens streachedover the earth. That she represents
the heavens the determinative of her name [N1] is a
voucher, and her figure [C199] in this position over astronomi
cal signs. But if other proof were wanting there is a
stone sarcophagus in the British Museum where she
is sculptured streached out, as the heavens over the
earth, and giving birth to the Planets. In the lower half
of Sarcophagi from Thebes it is usual to find an other
Goddess female figure and not the figure of aman or oneman or god in the
likeness of a man or compounded of the [R11] as in the Hartwell
Coffin; and this goddess [X1\:H8-Q1] is the goddess of the earth. as might be naturally suppose(?)ThisfigureShe extends her arms up each side of the coffin as if
embracing the deceased or receiving the deceased into her bosomThat the stone Sacrophagus here quoted came from Thebes
I my self can assert being present where the officers of the
Luxor brought it out of the pitWhence then is the great Sarcophagus in the Chapel
of Hartwell house? The answer is,most probably fromLower Egypt. Most probably from the great necropolis
of Lower Egypt there namely theNecropolisdesert of Sakkara of Memphis. First
because Pthahofto whom(underlined) the sign R11 is peculiar(underlined) had a celebrated
Temple at in the city of Memphis and secondly because the hierogly
phics are of the form or style of writing peculiar to
this region of Egypt and thirdly because the form of the outer
case is of theancientform [Q6] most usual from in this nearby(?)
the most ancient times to the most recent in that
district of Egypt (See ancient inscription in the same
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
[Upper] Top and side views of knob inscribed with the cartouches of Amenhotep III, not identified, with measurements; [lower] sketch of a box, not finished:
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
Two views of chairs from Thebes, with measurements:
Note identifying the owner of the Egyptian amulets reproduced on Bonomi MSS 3.9 (recto)
Part of Joseph Bonomi Collection
Note identifying the owner of the Egyptian amulets reproduced on Bonomi MSS 3.9 (recto):