Stobart, (Revd) Henry

Bereich "Identifikation"

Typ des Rechtsträgers


Autorisierte Namensform

Stobart, (Revd) Henry

Parallele Namensformen

Standardisierte Namensform gemäß anderer Regelwerke

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Kennzahlen für Körperschaften


Daten des Bestehens



British clergyman and collector; he was born in Chester-le-Street, Co. Durham, 26 April 1824, second son of William S., coal owner, and Barbara Haytor; he was educated at The Queen's College, Oxford from 1842; BA, 1847; MA, 1848; ordained, 1849; he held various curacies, 1849-64; Rector of Warkton, Northants., 1865-81, where he completely restored the church; he visited Egypt, 1854-5, and brought back some important antiquities; some of these were published in a fol. vol. without letterpress, Egyptian Antiquities collected on a voyage made in Upper Egypt in the years 1854 and 1855 ..., 1855; most of the antiquities were bought by Joseph Mayer of Liverpool, including the papyri, now famous as `Mayer A & B'; the British Museum bought the Coptic and Greek papyri, one of which had on the verso the Funeral oration of Hypereides, edited by Churchill Babington; the remainder were given to the Bristol Museum by Miss Stobart in 1927; his squeezes are in the Griffith Institute, Oxford; he retired to Wykeham Rise, Totteridge, Herts. in 1881, and died at Funchal, Madeira, 30 Dec. 1895.


Rechtlicher Status

Ämter, Beschäftigungen und Aktivitäten

Mandate/Herkunft der Kompetenz

Interne Strukturen/Genealogie

Allgemeiner Zusammenhang


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Bereich "Kontrolle"

Identifikator der Normdatei


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Daten der Bestandsbildung, der Überprüfung und der Skartierung/Kassierung




  • Who Was Who in Egyptology (4th ed. 2012), 527.

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