Paget, Rosalind Frances Emily

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Paget, Rosalind Frances Emily

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English copyist; she was born at Elford, 5 Jan. 1844, daughter of Revd Francis Edward P., Rector of Elford, Staffs, and Fanny Chester; he was a student at University College London, 1893-8; she went to Egypt 1895-6 with Miss Pine (later Mrs Quibell) for the Egyptian Research Account and copied the scenes in the tomb of Ptahhotep at Saqqara, published in the memoir The Ramesseum, 1896; she visited the temple of Deir el-Bahri and made many coloured facsimiles which were used by Griffith in his Hieroglyphs, 1898; these watercolours are in the Griffith Institute, Oxford; she died unmarried in Wells, 29 Jan. 1925.


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  • Who Was Who in Egyptology (4th ed. 2012), 413.

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