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Arpag Mekhitarian Slides Collection

  • Mekhitarian MSS
  • Collection

158 colour slides (35mm) of Theban Tomb scenes, made in Thebes in 1953-4.

Mekhitarian, Arpag

Günther Roeder Collection

  • Roeder MSS
  • Collection

Photographs, tracings and squeezes of Dodecaschoenus graffiti.

Roeder, (Ernst) Günther

Francis Arundale Collection

  • Arundale MSS
  • Collection
  • 1839

Three letters dated June, September and December 1839, addressed to Charles Bowyer Adderley (later Lord Norton) of Hams Hall, Warwickshire. Non-Egyptological.

Arundale, Francis Vyvyan Jago

John Mason Harden Collection

  • Harden, J. M. MSS
  • Collection

Fifteen notebooks on Ethiopic.

Harden, (Rt. Revd) John Mason

Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards Collection

  • Edwards, A. A. B. MSS
  • Collection
  • 1856-1892
  • Album of drawings and watercolours made during Amelia Edwards's visit to the Dolomites.
  • Album of drawings and watercolours made during her visit to Egypt in 1873-4.
  • Album with 26 pencil sketches and one watercolour titled 'Small Egyptian Scraps, 1874', made during same visit to Egypt.
  • Album, notebook, packet containing an assortment of drawings, letters, and notes, another packet contains copies of deeds and accounts issued following her death.
  • Two watercolours of the temples on Philae island, assumed to have been painted by A. Edwards.
  • First edition of Amelia B. Edwards, Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers (1891); Kate Griffith's (née Bradbury) copy, with handwritten dedication to ‘My Katie - Novr. 1891 - A.B.E’.

Edwards, Amelia Ann Blanford

Harold Parkinson Collection

  • Parkinson, H. MSS
  • Collection
  • 1930-1994

1) Original measured perspective drawing of the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings (1978) [corrected version].
2) Drawings of Eighteenth Dynasty tombs (incomplete original set and complete sets of photocopies/prints) (1980s).
3) Prints of the measured perspective drawing of the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings (1978) [version with error].
4) Drawings of reconstructions of Egyptian boats (1993-4).
5) Models, plaster and resin moulds and casts for plaque depicting a scene from the lid of box from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c. 1979) - the plaque has been sold in the British Museum shop since the late 1990s (copyright issued in the late 1990s for a while, then reissued c. 2010).
6) Model, plaster and resin moulds and casts for the mask of Tutankhamun (1978).
7) Models, plaster and resin moulds and casts for small figurines (2 seated Isis suckling Horus, Bes amulet and scarab, 1970s).
8) Album of newspaper cuttings titled "Illustrations", mostly from the Illustrated London News, bound in illustrated binding by Harold Parkinson (c. 1930).
9) Copy of Simplified Hieroglyphs arranged according to Gardiner's Signlist. Drawn in both left and right directions together with samples of cursive hieroglyphs and hieratic signs. Hieratic versions are drawn from Möller Hieratische Paläographie Vol. I (6th to 13th dynasties), of which 'Sinuhe' provides the majority of the examples, by R. B. & H. Parkinson (1988-1989).
10) Original measured perspective drawing of the White Chapel at Karnak, by H. & R. B. Parkinson (c. 1989-1990).

Parkinson, Harold

Hilda Mary Isabel Petrie Collection

  • Petrie, H. MSS
  • Collection
  • Probably early 1900s

Two albums. One labelled 'Scraps', which contains mainly photographs, only one of which shows Egypt (Pyramids and Great Sphinx at Gîza); the rest are British churches and historic buildings. The other album is labelled 'Post Card Album' and contains postcards showing French Prehistoric stone circles, megaliths, and chamber tombs, as well as excavations in progress.

Petrie, (Lady) Hilda Mary Isabel

Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen Edwards Collection

  • Edwards, I. E. S. MSS
  • Collection
  • 1938-1996

Notes, notebooks, photographs, negatives, proofs, transparencies, xeroxes, and correspondence.

Edwards, Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen

Colin Christopher Walters Collection

  • Walters MSS
  • Collection
  • 1960s-late 1990s

Complete papers, including notes, drafts, lectures, annotated photocopies and notebooks.

Walters, Colin Christopher

Meyer Photographs Collection

  • Meyer MSS
  • Collection
  • 1912-1913

Photographs of foreigners as represented on various Egyptian monuments.

Meyer, Eduard

Marburg Institute Photographs Collection

  • Marburg Photographs
  • Collection
  • c.1930s

15 black and white photographs of well-known monuments. Photographs made for the project 'Sondermappe Bilder zur aegyptischen Kunst'.

Marburg Institute

James Teackle Dennis Collection

  • Dennis MSS
  • Collection
  • 1906-1907

Some 250 facsimile copies of graffiti and ostraca found by E. Naville at Deir el-Bahari, probably mostly in the Hathor-cow Chapel, in 1906-7.

Dennis, James Teackle

Geoffrey Thorndike Martin Collection

  • Martin MSS
  • Collection
  • 1966-2022

Complete working papers, including notebooks, notes, card indexes, drawings of scenes and inscriptions, plans, slides, photographs, and correspondence.

Research papers
Includes relevant notes, concordances, photocopies, letters, emails, negatives, photographs, and small-scale tracings.

  • Scarabs and seals.
  • Brooklyn Museum scarabs and seals.
  • New Kingdom reliefs.
  • Valley of the Kings.
  • El-Lisht.
  • Tutankhamun shabtis.
  • Amarna Royal Tomb/Necropolis.
  • Research for articles.
  • Photographs, letters and newspaper cuttings.
  • Miscellaneous papers.
  • Three photograph albums.

10,000+ slides, the majority created by Martin, 1960s onwards. They include archaeological sites in Egypt, reliefs and objects, rephotographed publication illustrations, and commercially-produced slides.

Framed watercolour
Watercolour painting, perhaps by Annie Quibell. The upper part of an angel is probably inspired by (or copied from) one of the paintings in the Monastery of Apa Jeremias at Saqqara.

KV57: tomb of Horemheb, Valley of the Kings
Includes research papers, a small box of photographs, and Martin's epigraphic drawings of Horemheb's sarcophagus.

Original epigraphic drawings and scanned reductions of originals

  • Epigraphic drawings of loose Memphite blocks used for Vols. I and II of Martin's Corpus of Memphite Blocks. Vol. I, published. Vol. II, in preparation (info. August 2022).
  • Reduced line drawings of reliefs from published Memphite New Kingdom tombs, including the tomb of Horemheb and possibly the tomb of Maya.
  • Drawings without labels, not yet identified—some Amarna.

Large photographs
Includes the Step Pyramid complex and Unas Causeway, some taken from the summit of the Step Pyramid, or perhaps aerial photographs. Some show tomb reliefs.


  • PhD dissertation, G. T. Martin (two bound volumes on scarabs and seals. The second volume has been published. The first volume is not published).
  • Brooklyn Museum manuscript (bound unpublished manuscript for scarabs and seals in the Brooklyn Museum).
  • Three photograph albums (photographs of sites, buildings and street scenes mostly in and around Cairo in 1942. The albums were given or bequeathed to Martin).
  • Manuscript ("The Memphite Tomb of Horemheb. A Palaeography (Catalogue of Signs)". Unfinished).
  • Photocopied line drawings (these are probably duplicates of a published set of line drawings from a known New Kingdom Memphite tomb or are from Vol. I of Martin's Corpus of New Kingdom Memphite Blocks).
  • Three bound volumes (miscellaneous postcards, photographs, etc.).
  • Amarna Royal Tomb Project (selected material, copies of graffiti, ostraca, etc., represents a small section of the information gathered by the team when Martin was Field Director).
  • Memphite New Kingdom Prosopography (card index with the names and other details of known tomb owners and other officials mentioned in reliefs, paintings, statuary, etc., in or from around the Memphite cemeteries).
  • Photographs, newspaper cuttings, letters etc. (including a letter from Lord Mountbatten of Burma, also newspaper cuttings from international papers, primarily referring to the discoveries of Horemheb and Maya and the relationship of these officials to Tutankhamun).

Geoffrey Almeric Thorndike Martin

Berlin Academy Photographs Collection

  • Berlin Photographs
  • Collection
  • c. 1912

Photographs of Abû Simbel, Amâda, Bîga, Dâbôd, el-Dakka, Dendûr, Edfu, Gammai, Gebel Addala, Kalâbsha, Konosso, el-Maarraqa, "Meschek", Philae, Qasr Ibrîm, Saqqâra, el-Sebua, and Tâfa (Gardiner MSS 9, 12, and 14). Photographs of foreigners (Meyer photographs in Gardiner papers).

Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin

Myrtle Florence Broome Collection

  • Broome MSS
  • Collection
  • 1927-1937

415 items of correspondence written by Miss Broome to her parents whilst working at Abydos between 1927 and 1937.

Fifteen items are groups of two letters (16, 35, 51, 55, 97, 111, 154, 198, 227, 268, 306, 319, 325, 363, 408, and 414, not all of them by Miss Broome), four of which are actually cards/postcards (16A, 306A, and 414A-B); item 156 is a group of three letters [= 429 letters and 4 cards/postcards in total].

A few letters include drawings/maps; seven letters include photographs (111, 123, 273-276, and 279); letter 337 includes a newspaper cutting; many of the letters include the original envelopes in which they were sent; some other letters mention the enclosure of additional items which are now lost.

Broome, Myrtle Florence

Warren Royal Dawson Collection

  • Dawson MSS
  • Collection
  • 1920-1937

Two notebooks

  • Diary with brief retrospective entries dated 6th January 1920 to 13th January 1939.
  • Notebook containing Dawson's list of his publications, 1903 to 1936.

Dawson, Warren Royal

Robert Eisler Collection

  • Eisler MSS
  • Collection
  • 1940s

Three A4 folders containing an unpublished annotated typescript of a monograph on the constellations of the Babylonian and Egyptian sphere and their modifications by the Greeks of the Achaean period.

Eisler, Robert

Walter Bryan Emery Collection

  • Emery MSS
  • Collection
  • Probably 1920s

Plans, tracings, and photographs made in TT 55, 92, and 97.

Emery, Walter Bryan

Margaret Alice Murray Collection

  • Murray MSS
  • Collection
  • c.1958

Notes collected on Hierakonpolis (The Hierakonpolis finds). Consists of handwritten notes made by M. A. Murray, typescript, and additional notes in a different hand.

Murray, Margaret Alice

Georges Nagel Collection

  • Nagel MSS
  • Collection
  • 1920s-1930s

Two albums containing approximately 460 black and white photographs taken by various members of the IFAO team during excavations at Deir el-Medîna during the 1920s and 30s. Photographs interspersed with some notes and drawings.

Nagel, Georges

Hector Horeau Collection

  • Horeau MSS
  • Collection
  • 1838

Two portfolios with 45 loose sheets of mounted drawings and watercolours.

Horeau, Hector

George Alexander Hoskins Collection

  • Hoskins MSS
  • Collection
  • 1832-1833 and 1860-1861

3 albums containing watercolours and sketches.

Hoskins, George Alexander

Archibald Henry Sayce Collection

  • Sayce MSS
  • Collection
  • 1872-early 1930s

Notes, photographs, squeezes, correspondence, and offprints. Contain, amongst others, references to Assyriological, Greek, Cypriot, and Egyptological material. Includes notes made by Petrie which were with Sayce at the time of his death.

Sayce, (Revd) Archibald Henry

Alexander Scharff Collection

  • Scharff MSS
  • Collection
  • 1935

Typescript in 12 folders with a complete synopsis of Theban tomb scenes, as well as three letters.

Scharff, Alexander

Walter Segal Collection

  • Segal MSS
  • Collection
  • 1935-1936

(a) 20 folders containing handwritten notes, pencil drawings, negatives, photographs, and postcards of furniture from the tomb of Tutankhamun (= MSS 1-20) (1935).
(b) 18 folders containing notes, drawings, negatives and photographs of thrones, chairs, stools and footstools mainly from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (1935) and the British Museum in London (1936), as well as from other collections, and material gathered from publications; 1 index card box with Segal's reference notes for his furniture records; and letter from T. G. H. James to M. Eaton-Krauss regarding Segal correspondence in the British Museum along with photocopies of the letters.

Segal, Walter

Paul Cecil Smither Collection

  • Smither MSS
  • Collection
  • c.1939-1943

Notebook containing the transcription and notes on papyrus Reisner I.

Smither, Paul Cecil

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