8677 Treffer anzeigen

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4092 Treffer mit digitalen Objekten Treffer mit digitalen Objekten anzeigen

The Manchester Guardian, 23/02/1934
The Manchester Guardian, 23/02/1934
Yorkshire Post, 23/02/1934
Yorkshire Post, 23/02/1934
The Times, 26/02/1934
The Times, 26/02/1934
Studi Storici per lʼantichità classica 3, 1910
Studi Storici per lʼantichità classica 3, 1910
The Lancet, 12/04/1913
The Lancet, 12/04/1913
The Times, 23/02/1934
The Times, 23/02/1934
Daily Telegraph, 23/02/1934
Daily Telegraph, 23/02/1934
Nature, 08/01/1914
Nature, 08/01/1914
Morning Post, 23/02/1934
Morning Post, 23/02/1934
Mattino Napoli, 07-08/10/1909
Mattino Napoli, 07-08/10/1909
The Athenaeum 4277, 16/10/1909
The Athenaeum 4277, 16/10/1909
The Oxford Magazine, 18/11/1909
The Oxford Magazine, 18/11/1909
Newspaper/journal not known, no date
Newspaper/journal not known, no date
Times Supplement, 14/02/1910
Times Supplement, 14/02/1910
British Archaeological Association, 09/1909
British Archaeological Association, 09/1909
The Manchester Guardian, 21/10/1909
The Manchester Guardian, 21/10/1909
The Oxford Magazine, 28/10/1909
The Oxford Magazine, 28/10/1909
The Guardian, 10/11/1909
The Guardian, 10/11/1909
Glasgow Herald, 11/11/1909
Glasgow Herald, 11/11/1909
Spectator, 13/11/1909
Spectator, 13/11/1909
Newspaper/journal not known, no date
Newspaper/journal not known, no date
Estratto dallʼArchivio Storico per la Sicilia Orientale 7.3, 1910
Estratto dallʼArchivio Storico per la Sicilia Orientale 7.3, 1910
Nature, 05/04/(?)
Nature, 05/04/(?)
English Historical Review 27.106, 04/1912
English Historical Review 27.106, 04/1912
The Oxford Magazine, 08/11/1909
The Oxford Magazine, 08/11/1909
Photograph 6
Photograph 6
Photograph 2
Photograph 2
Photograph 3
Photograph 3
Photograph 4
Photograph 4
Photograph 5
Photograph 5
Ergebnisse: 91 bis 120 von 8677