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Percy Edward Newberry Collection Unidad documental compuesta Scarabs and Seals (Percy Newberry Collection) Inglés
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Bethell, (Hon.) Richard - correspondence

Correspondence from Hon. Richard Bethell (1883-1929) relating to the purchase of items at auction including scarabs and rings; a quarrel Newberry had with Howard Carter over the sale of items; letter stating his intention to sell his entire Egyptian collection due to lack of money; letter about a prehistoric pot purchased by Bethell.

MSS 4/101 is also numbered 7a
MSS 4/103 is also numbered 7
MSS 4/104 is also numbered 15
MSS 4/106 is also numbered 287
MSS 4/110 is also numbered 233

Brunton, Guy - correspondence

Correspondence from Guy Brunton (1879-1949) to Newberry and Mrs Newberry. Includes details of excavation work; reference to his appointment as Keeper, Cairo Museum; scarab in Cairo Museum; Newberry's Catalogue of Shawabti figures.

Calice, Franz - correspondence

Correspondence from Franz Calice including on Newberry's book on Scarabs and the Sublime Porte.

MSS 7/2 is also numbered A 351
MSS 7/3 is also numbered A 281
MSS 7/5 is also numbered A 352

Carnarvon, (Lord) George - correspondence

Correspondence from Lord Carnavon (1866-1923) including on: death of Harold Jones (1911); purchase of items including scarabs; news from excavations; news of Howard Carter; viewing collections of Egyptian items; excavation plans; lectures; book to be published including reading proofs and preparing plates.

MSS 7/109 is also numbered 321
MSS 7/116 is also numbered 235
MSS 7/117 is also numbered 291a
MSS 7/118 is also numbered 291

Carter, Howard (1873-1939) - correspondence

Correspondence from Howard Carter including on: finds from excavations; copying work (1893); work with Petrie; travel and work in Egypt; permission for copying; drawing at Beni Hasan and Cairo Zoo; inscriptions including on scarabs; identification of birds including sketches; relationship with Arthur Weigall and Alan Gardiner; sale of the Newberry's boat Dahabeyeh; dealings with Egyptian government over the tomb of Tutankhamen. Also includes incomplete letter to Lord Carnavon on an excavation, 17 April 1913; and note relating to the disposal of Lord Carnarvon’s Egyptian Antiquity Collection, 1924, 1925, 1926.

Also includes part of a letter from Carter to Lord Carnarvon describing excavation work at Sakha (1911).

MSS 8/1 is also numbered 7
MSS 8/2 is also numbered 26
MSS 8/3 is also numbered 4
MSS 8/12 is also numbered 8
MSS 8/13 is also numbered 8
MSS 8/14 is also numbered A 362
MSS 8/19 is also numbered 41
MSS 8/21 is also numbered 52
MSS 8/26 is also numbered A.51
MSS 8/28 is also numbered A 340
MSS 8/43 is also numbered 360
MSS 8/44 is also numbered 382
MSS 8/45 is also numbered 266
MSS 8/46 is also numbered 347
MSS 8/47 is also numbered 379
MSS 8/48 is also numbered 272
MSS 8/53 is also numbered 309
MSS 8/59 is also numbered 236
MSS 8/64 is also numbered A 187
MSS 8/72 is also numbered 14
MSS 8/73 is also numbered 13
MSS 8/75 is also numbered 39
MSS 8/81 is also numbered 367

Cooney, John D. - correspondence

Correspondence between John D. Cooney (Brooklyn Museum) and Newberry including on: predynastic pottery with boats; requesting information from Newberry on items in the Amherst collection to be auctioned as well as other sale catalogues; purchase of cylinders and scarabs; Kelekian collection.

Cylinder seal impressions

Notebook housed in an envelope containing cuttings and drawings of cylinder seals and impressions from Abydos, including the tombs of Khasekhemwy and Neterkhet (also known as Djoser). Pages of the notebook have been numbered by Peter Kaplony on 26th November 1959. Notebook also includes loose pages of draft plates for Newberry, P.E., 'Impressions of seals from Abydos', in Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology, Volume 2, p.130 with plates xxii-xxv (1909) (OEB 146367).

This notebook was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Scarabs and Cylinders'.

Dattari, Giovanni (d. 1923) - correspondence

Correspondence from Giovanni Dattari (d. 1923) including: arranging to show Newberry his collection; Dattari's publication on coins; requesting Newberry's help with the translation of a seal including sketch.

MSS 11/17 is also numbered A 260

Dedekind, Alexander - correspondence

Note of recommendation from Alexander Dedekind to Carola von Cischini written on a business card in Sütterlinschrift.

Translation by Ann-Katrin Gill, 8th April 2016:
Frau Carola v. Cischini…recommends to you, esteemed dear lady, the one who presents this card to you, Percy E. Newberry, one of our very first Egyptologists from England, who would also like to visit your scarab collection, and who also has ample opportunity to interest purchasers in your collection.

Diary notes and lists of correspondence

Folder contains biographical notes which appear to have been written based on diary entries including: autobiographical notes; diary notes 1893-1930 including information on travel, work and names of people Newberry saw or was in touch with; lists of correspondence; cuttings of journal 1900-1902; sketches of scarabs, 1902; autobiographical notes on first meeting Reginald Stuart Poole and Flinders Petrie, 1941; bibliography.

Also includes numbered lists of correspondence received 1888-1935 with a brief summary of contents. Lists do not appear to be in any order, although some are sorted by year. These numbers correspond to numbers written on letters held in this collection.

Dynasties II and III

Folder titled 'DYN II and III' containing material relating to possible Kings of 2nd Dynasty and 3rd Dynasty. This folder includes three empty folders at the back which presumably used to house this material titled 'Dyn 2 - Khasehem - Khasekhemui', 'Dyn III ? [sic] Horus Khaba', and 'Horus Hotepsekhemui [in hieroglyphs] and Horus Raneb/Nebra [in hieroglyphs] - Dyn II or III'.


-Copy of King lists for the 2nd and 3rd Dynasties

-Copies of inscriptions relating to Hotepsekhemwy

-Notes on a Tarkhan seal

-Notes on the 9th name on the Abydos King List titled 'King Bed W.'

-Cuttings of objects from the Tomb of Peribsen including inscriptions relating to Hotep-Ahaui and King Raneb (also known as Nebra)


-Notes, rubbing and drawing of inscription of Nubnefer (Cairo Museum, JE 55268)

-Notes, cutting and drawings of inscriptions of Nynetjer (also known as Ninetjer) (Cairo Museum, JE 34938, JE 34933)

-Notes, rubbings and drawings of clay sealing and inscriptions of Sekhemib (including Cairo Museum, JE 55262, JE 55263, JE 55264, JE 55266, JE 55267)

-Rubbing and drawings of inscriptions of Khasekhemwy

-Notes on 'The Horus King Khaba'

Dynasties IV, V and VI

Folder titled 'DYN. IV, V, VI' containing notes relating to the 4th Dynasty, 5th Dynasty and 6th Dynasty.


  • Notes on King lists for the 4th, 5th and 6th Dynasties
  • Notes relating to Menkaure, Khafre, Khufu and Snefru
  • Notes on cylinder seals from the 5th Dynasty
  • Notes on Neith and the pyramid of Neith published by Gustave Jéquier in Jéquier, G. 1933. Les pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit. Fouilles à Saqqarah. Le Caire: Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale (OEB 141991)
  • Notes on Aba and the pyramid of Aba published by Gustave Jéquier in Jéquier, G. 1935. La pyramide d'Aba. Fouilles at Saqqarah.. Le Caire: Impr. De l'IFAO (OEB 141989)

Dynasty I and Kings 1-4 (Narmer/Menes, Hor-Aha, Djer and Djet)

  • NEWB4/09
  • Unidad documental compuesta
  • 1938? - c.1948c This date is approximate based on the date of publications which have been referenced
  • Parte dePercy Edward Newberry Collection

Folder titled 'History Dynasty I Kings 1-4' containing 6 paper folders labelled by Newberry and two envelopes.

Folder titled 'Dyn 1 Lists' includes:

-Notes, rubbings and drawings on the Palermo Stone

-Notes on King lists for the 1st Dynasty

Folder titled 'Dyn 1 Narmer Menes - 1' includes:

-Notes on Narmer, Menes, Aha and monuments bearing the name of Narmer, including draft notes for Alan Gardiner

Folder titled 'Dyn 1 Aha - 2' includes:

-Two letters from Walter Emery to Newberry on 'The Son of Isis' and Hor-Aha seal, August 1938 (there are replies to this correspondence in Envelope 2, NEWB075).

-Tracings and cuttings from Emery, Walter B. 1939. ?or-A?a. Excavations at Saqqara (1937-1938). Cairo: Government Press (OEB 138960), Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1901. The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties. Part 2. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184), Petrie, F. et al, 'Abydos II', (1903) (OEB 146956)

-Notes, tracings, drawings and cuttings relating to Aha

Folder titled 'Dyn 1 Zer Ta - 3' includes:

-Notes, tracings, cuttings and drawings relating to Zer [also referred to as Djer]

-Cutting of Newberry, Percy, 'Egyptian Historical Notes II: 6. The Stela of King Zer', in Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology Volume 36 (OEB 187736)

-Cuttings from Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1900. The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty. Part 1. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184) and Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1901. The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties. Part 2. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184).

Folder titled 'Dyn 1 Zet - 4' includes:

-Notes, tracings, cuttings and drawings relating to Zet and the Tomb of Zet [also known as Djet]

-Notes on seals of the reign of King Zet

Folder titled 'Emery Hor aha' includes:

-Notes, tracings, and cuttings including from Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1901. The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties. Part 1. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184), Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1901. The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties. Part 2. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184) and Petrie, W. M. Flinders, et al. 1902-1904. Abydos, 3 vols. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 146956).

The two envelopes include:

-Tracings and drawings of seal impressions from The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore

-Notes on labels including ivory and wooden labels of the 1st Dynasty, labels used for oils and unguents, and labels for necklaces and strings of beads

Dynasty I, Kings 5-8 (Merneith, Den, Adjib, Semerkhet and Qa'a)

  • NEWB4/10
  • Unidad documental compuesta
  • c.1938 - c.1948 This date is approximate based on the date of publications which have been referenced
  • Parte dePercy Edward Newberry Collection

Folder titled 'Kings 5-8 - History - Dynasty I' containing 4 folders labelled by Newberry containing research material relating to the 1st Dynasty.

Folder titled 'Dyn 1 Wdymus Khaskhati - 5' contains research material relating to Queen Merneith and King Den from published sources. It includes:
-Notes, cuttings, tracings and drawings of labels, tablets and seal impressions of Den and Merneit from Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1900. <i>The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty</i>. Part 1. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184), Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1901. <i>The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties</i>. Part 2. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184), Amélineau, Émile: <i>Les nouvelles fouilles d'Abydos. 1896-1898</i>. 3 vols (OEB 133443), and Emery, Walter B. 1938. <i>The tomb of Hemaka. Excavations at Saqqara.</i> Cairo: Government Press (OEB 138968)
-Rubbings of two fragments of a label with the name of Den (Cairo Museum, JE 34904)

Folder titled 'Dyn 1 Merpba - 6' contains material relating to King Anedjib, or Adjib, including:
-Notes, drawings, rubbings of seal impressions and inscriptions mostly taken from Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1900. <i>The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty</i>. Part 1. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184) and Amélineau, Émile. 1897. <i>Les nouvelles fouilles d'Abydos</i> Volume II (OEB 133443), Gunn, Battiscombe 1928. Inscriptions from the Step Pyramid site. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte 28, 153-174 (OEB 221815)
-Cuttings of images and plans of the tomb of King Azab-Merpaba (TopBib v.82)

Folder 3 titled 'Dyn 1 Smerkhat Semempses - 7' contains material relating to King Semerkhet, including:
-Photograph of a stela of Semerkhet (Cairo Museum, CG 14633) (TopBib v.85)
-Drawings and cuttings of seal impressions mostly taken from Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1900. <i>The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty</i>. Part 1. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184)
-Cuttings of images of the tomb of Mersekha-Semempses (TopBib v.85)

Folder 3 titled 'Dyn 1 Kc Sn - 8' contains material relating to King Qa'a (also known as Ka'a), including:
-Photograph of a stela of Qa'a (Cairo Museum, CG 14631) (TopBib v.86)
-Drawings and cuttings of seal impressions and other inscribed objects mostly taken from Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1900. <i>The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty</i>. Part 1. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184)
-Notes on King Qa'a
-Rubbings of fragments of bowls bearing the name of Qa'a (Cairo Museum, JE 55261; JE 55255, JE 55257, JE 34398)

Dynasty XVIII

Folder titled 'DYN XVIII to death of AII [Amenhotep II]' containing research material on the 18th Dynasty.


-Typed and handwritten notes on Kings and Queens of the 18th Dynasty, including King lists, occurences of names on inscribed objects, notes titled 'Sethe's view of Th. [Tuthmosis] I. II. III. and Hatshepsut', typed draft on the history of Dynasty XVIII, typed draft on Queen Ahhotep, and notes on mortuary temples

-Handwritten notes on Kamose

-Handwritten notes on Ahmose I, Amenhotep I, Tuthmosis I

-Handwritten notes on Ahmose I and Queen Ahmose-Nefertari including drawing of a scarab

-Handwritten notes on Tuthmosis I

-Handwritten notes on Tuthmosis II

-Handwritten notes on Hatshepsut and copy of an inscription from the base of an obelisk taken from Lepsius, R., Denkmaeler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien, (1849)

-Rubbings and drawings of inscriptions on vase fragments relating to Hatshepsut

-Handwritten notes on Tuthmosis III and draft lecture on relations with Asia under Tuthmosis III

-Handwritten notes on Amenhotep II

-Handwritten notes on the 18th Dynasty including notes on Amenhotep, son of Hapu and notes from a publication on New Kingdom Stelae, Leiden

Evans, (Sir) Arthur John - correspondence

Correspondence from Sir Arthur John Evans (1851-1941) including relating to Evans' research, cylinder seals and arranging visits. Also includes letter relating to early Egyptian cults and their symbols which has the following note on the back by Newberry which appears to be an idea for an article: 'Primitive cults of Egypt as Illustrated by Nome Signs'.

MSS 14/36 is also numbered 15
MSS 14/38 is also numbered 274
MSS 14/39 is also numbered A.33
MSS 14/40 is also numbered A.34

Fleming, R. - correspondence

Letter from Miss R. Fleming (Royal Anthropological Institute) accepting Newberry's offer to review an article. Letter from Newberry relating to his identification of two scarabs found in Wiltshire.

Frankfort, Henri - correspondence

Correspondence from Henri Franfort mainly in relation to his work for the Egypt Exploration Society.

Includes letters on: the Pepy cylinder; work at Abydos; Peker; work at Erment; visiting the Bissing collection and museum in Leiden (1928); work at Armana; identifying scarabs;
possibility of finding Dr Käthe Bosse work outside Germany (1937).

MSS 16/14 is also numbered A.81
MSS 16/15 is also numbered 230
MSS 16/16 is also numbered 5
MSS 16/17 is also numbered A.71
MSS 16/18 is also numbered 297
MSS 16/23 is also numbered 21
MSS 16/24 is also numbered 2
MSS 16/25 is also numbered 7

Garstang, John - correspondence

Correspondence from John Garstang including relating to excavation work in Egypt and Jericho, and collaboration with Newberry on publications.

Includes correspondence relating to inscriptions, Beni Hasan, Garstang's forthcoming marriage, Liverpool University, scarabs and seals including sketches and a draft reply from Newberry.

MSS 19/4 is also numbered 23
MSS 19/6 is also numbered 31
MSS 19/7 is also numbered 30
MSS 19/8 is also numbered 29
MSS 19/9 is also numbered A.45
MSS 19/11 is also numbered 29
MSS 19/12 is also numbered 42
MSS 19/13 is also numbered 11
MSS 19/14 is also numbered 40
MSS 19/15 is also numbered 39
MSS 19/16 is also numbered 36
MSS 19/17 is also numbered 35
MSS 19/18 is also numbered 37
MSS 19/19 is also numbered 34
MSS 19/20 is also numbered 33
MSS 19/22 is also numbered 38
MSS 19/23 is also numbered 61
MSS 19/24 is also numbered 51
MSS 19/33 is also numbered 267
MSS 19/34 is also numbered A.371
MSS 19/35 is also numbered A.370
MSS 19/36 is also numbered A.334
MSS 19/38 is also numbered A.46
MSS 19/39 is also numbered A.48
MSS 19/41 is also numbered A.44
MSS 19/42 is also numbered A.47
MSS 19/50 is also numbered 355
MSS 19/54 is also numbered 336
MSS 19/56 is also numbered 336a
MSS 19/58 is also numbered A.77
MSS 19/61 is also numbered A.149
MSS 19/62 is also numbered A.166
MSS 19/64 is also numbered A.160
MSS 19/65 is also numbered A.161
MSS 19/66 is also numbered A.162

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