Affichage de 4092 résultats

Description archivistique
Avec objets numériques Anglais
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Hector Horeau Watercolour - Ramesseum

Detailed plan and section (reconstruction) of the Ramesseum:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top right edge] 'memnonium par Leper[ ]'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'PA = plan anglais = dans le plan anglais pas de pentes douces (ce qui est mieux) un peron 1ere cour 3 peron 2e cour 1 pylone beaucoup plus large'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, bottom edge] 'Plan et Coupe du Rhamesseion'. (ink note)
  • 40.1 by 17.8 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Karnak

Partial view of the pillars and architraves of the great temple at Karnak with intricate details of relief scenes and inscriptions:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on mount, verso] 'Comparaison des différents ordres Egyptiens'. (ink note)
  • 14.5 by 16.8 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Karnak

Pillars and architraves of the great temple at Karnak, with two figures standing at the central base:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on mount, verso] 'Comparaison des différents ordres Egyptiens'. (ink note)
  • 13.5 by 17.1 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Valley of the Kings

Plan of the tomb of Ramesses VII (KV 1, Valley of the Kings):

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top edge] 'le sarcophage a la forme d'un cartouche Rhamsès VI'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'osiris juge de l'amenti genies de l'amenti, la ligne jaune du plafond represente un ventre de femme des soleils [ ] de la matrice.' (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'VALLÉE des TOMBEAUX TOMBEAU de RHAMSÈS VI.' (ink note)
  • 16.6 by 21 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Sheikh Abd el-Qurna

Relief scene from the Theban tomb of Haremheb (TT78) showing a girl with vase, musicians and attendant at (6) ii:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom right edge] 'Thebes [ ] Tombeau [ ] Vallée des Reines 34'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Peintures des Tombeaux de la Vallée des Reines'. (ink note)
  • 27.4 by 19.2 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Valley of the Kings

Sarcophagus of Ay from his tomb (KV 23, Valley of the Kings), with separate renderings of his cartouches:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top right corner] 'les ornements [ ] aux montants [ ] aile de genie'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, lower left side] 'Vallée de l'ouest Sarcophage du Tombeau de Skai a 0,04c p. mt'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Peintures des Tombeaux de la Vallée des Reines'. (ink note)
  • 18.5 by 13.4 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Valley of the Kings

Section plan of the tomb of Ramesses III (KV 11, Valley of the Kings):

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top edge] '2. Tombeau de Rhamses Meiamoun Thebes a 25 p. m'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Coupe et Plan du Tombeau de Rhamsès Meïamoun. Echelle à 0,0025 p.M'. (ink note)
  • 59.3 by 15 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens

One large relief scene from the tomb of Rameses-Mentuhirkhopshef (KV 19, Valley of the Kings) showing the upper body of the king in an adoring pose making an offering of a foreleg at (2) 7 [text before deceased possibly from (3) 7]. Beneath this drawing are three smaller scenes: a vase, possibly from a relief scene found in a tomb from the Valley of the Queens (bottom left); a head of Queen Tyti from (2) 3 from her tomb (QV 52, Valley of the Queens) (centre); and the upper body of a queen, possibly from a relief scene found in a tomb from the Valley of the Queens (bottom right):

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on mount, verso] '1-2-3 Peintures des tombeaux Vallée des Reines'. (ink note)
  • 16.4 by 28.7 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Valley of the Queens

One large relief scene from a tomb within the Valley of the Queens, showing the upper body of a queen in an adoring pose. Beneath this is another smaller drawing of a queen in a similar pose, facing in the opposite direction. At the bottom right of the watercolour are small detailed drawings of the jewellery including part of the broad-collar:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, right side] 'Vallée des Reines boucle d'oreille collier elles ont des sandales'. (pencil notes)
  • [on mount, verso] '1-2-3 Peintures des tombeaux Vallée des Reines'. (ink note)
  • 16.2 by 28.8 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Edfu

View of the temple of Horus at Edfu, from the pylon looking into the courtyard area:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on mount, verso] '2. La ~ [vue] prise du pylône'. (ink note)
  • 33.7 by 22.3 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Philae

View of the temple remains on Philae and part of the Nile in the foreground:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on mount, verso] '2 Vues de l'Ile de Philæ'. (ink note)
  • 34.3 by 23.5 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Kalabsha

Plan of the temple at Kalabsha:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, left side] 'plan gal au 5e'. (ink note)
  • [on recto, bottom right corner] 'KALABSCHÉ R.O.'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Vue et plan du Temple de Kalabsché'. (ink note)
  • 30.4 by 28.2 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Beit el-Wali

Sectioned plan and details of the rock temple at Beit el-Wali in Nubia, including details of the relief scenes:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'une des deux colonnes a été supprimée pour voir l'offrande à Osiris NUBIE R.O Beit oualle petit temple'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Beit el-Wâli, Rock Temple'. (ink note)
  • 33.9 by 21.5 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Qurta

View of the temple to Isis at Qurta:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'Nubie R.O. Toské'. (pencil notes)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Temple de Korti'. (ink note)
  • 19 by 12.7 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Qurta

Plan of the temple of Isis at Qurta:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, left side] 'le rose pale est une restauration'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, right side] 'il n'y a pas de sculpture'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'NUBIE.R.O. KORTI'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Plan de Korti'. (ink note)
  • 17 by 12.3 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - el-Maharraqa

Plan of the temple at el-Maharraqa:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'NUBIE.R.O. MEHARRAKAH'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, left side of the plan] 'il y a de mauvaises sculptures bien endommagées sur la face du mur A. les lignes rouges expriment les assises du mur tombées regulierement'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Plan de Maharraka'. (ink note)
  • 17 by 12.3 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - el-Dakka

On the top of the page is a sketch of the figure of a goddess or a queen from a column, and on the lower half of the page is a view of the pronaos and pylon of the temple at el-Dakka:

  • pencil sketch (top page)
  • watercolour (bottom page)
  • mounted
  • [on mount, verso] 'Vue, Plan et Détails du Temple de Dakkeh'. (ink note)
  • 9.2 by 23.4 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Abu Simbel

Plan and detailed section of the small temple at Abu Simbel, including a separate drawing at the top left of the statue of the goddess Hathor in bovine form protecting the king between two Hathor-headed pillars (41):

  • watercolour
  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto] 'PLAN ET COUPE DU TEMPLE D'HATOR A IBSAMBOUL'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'NUBIE.R.E', '1838 18 mai'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Temple de Vénus Athor à Ibsamboul'. (ink note)
  • 24.5 by 34 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Wadi Halfa

View of the second cataract at Wadi Halfa:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'R.E. Nubie Ouady Halfa entrée de la 2e cataracte ile de Muogis 15 mai 1838'. (ink note)
  • [on mount] 'Ouady Halfa, Entrée de la 2e Cataracte'. (pencil note)
  • 25.1 by 16.3 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Beni Hasan

Boat with rows of men with oars, middle boat from a larger relief scene on the fifth register at (12) of the tomb of Amenemhat (Tomb 2, Beni Hasan). On the upper corners of the watercolour are small separate sketches of the details of shields on the cabin from the boat at the right side:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top] 'la reine dans la barque avec 1 ou 2 femmes' and 'qu'est ce que cela? ne serait ce pas une [ ] pour [ ] du maitre de la barque qui est assis au dessous? ou pr [ ] la voile?'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'chaque marin a un petit cotte ou tablier blanc dans certaines barques on voit quelquefois les marins assis les extremités de la barque sont blanches'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom right corner] 'BENI HASSAN'. (pencil note)
  • 21.6 by 17.1 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Philae

View of the eastern side of temple of Isis at Philae, including the Kiosk of Trajan:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on mount, verso] 'ILE DE PHILÆ, Côté Est'. (ink note)
  • 22.6 by 15.3 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Kom Ombo

View of the remains of the Great Temple at Kom Ombo:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom right corner] 'Koum ombos'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'KOUM-OMBOS'. (ink note)
  • 29.3 by 13.4 cm
Résultats 211 à 240 sur 4092