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Jaroslav Černý Collection
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Albright, William F. - correspondence

5 letters from Albright, 2 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Albright.

  • reading of papyri, particularly Sallier IV - BM EA 10184, 7
  • Egyptian loanwords from Semitic
  • reading of Egyptian toponyms related to Syria-Palestine
  • social contact, personal meetings when Černý was Visiting Professor at Brown University, Providence
  • exchange of offprints

Aldred, Cyril - correspondence

40 letters from Aldred, 7 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Aldred.

  • consultations on ostraca in the Hunterian museum
  • Rhind dockets, objects from the Edinburgh museum collection and search for ostraca in other Scottish collections
  • Akhenaten and Tutankhamun's chariots
  • personal matters
  • notes on other Egyptological institutions

Barns, J. W. B. - correspondence

6 letters from Barns, 1 carbon copy of letter from Černý to Barns
Correspondence mainly Barns consulting Černý regarding research and seeking Černý's advice on philological aspects and transcriptions.

Boardman, John - correspondence

1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Boardman.
Correspondence concerned with Greek and Egyptian religion, Černý particularly interested in the tradition of carrying cult images on sacred barges.

Botti, Giuseppe - correspondence

5 letters from Botti.
Publication and off-prints exchange, social contacts and personal matters, as well as the compilation of Italian entries for Who was Who in Egyptology. Botti also refers to a congress of Oriental Studies held in Prague in 1949, which Černý did not attend.

Burton-Brown, T. - correspondence

2 letters from Burton-Brown.
Correspondence concerned with artefacts from the Manchester Museum (University of Manchester) collections, and the potential of infra-red photography.

Calverley, Amice Mary - correspondence

2 letters from Calverley and a note by Černý to introduce A. Calverley for her lecture given at the Egypt Exploration Society.
Abydos, personal matters, preferred pencils for epigraphy work (the Koh-i-noor brand). The introductory note for Calverley emphasises her achievements at Abydos.

Drioton, Étienne - correspondence

5 letters from Drioton, Černý's draft for his obituary for Drioton.
Professional and personal matters, the situation in Egypt after the Second World War (WWII). A draft of Černý's obituary for Drioton.

Edel, Elmar - correspondence

43 letters from Edel, 7 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Edel.

  • philology
  • publications
  • CEDAE expeditions
  • etymologies, including Coptic
  • the Nubian campaign - texts from Amara and Abu Simbel
  • Aswan fieldwork of Edel, hieratic texts on vessels from Aswan
  • book exchange
  • communication between European and Egyptian Egyptologists

Edwards, Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen - correspondence

  • Edwards - Černý MSS 21.56, 485-533, 2392-93C, 2403-13, 2443-4
  • Unidad documental compuesta
  • 1946-1968
  • Parte deJaroslav Černý Collection

55 letters from Edwards to Černý.
11 letters to Marie Černý from Edwards, 2 draft letters from M. Černý to Edwards.
Professional as well as personal matters. Philology, publication of Abusir papyri, objects from the British Museum collections, Nubian campaigns; academic examinations and positions, including Černý's transfer from London to Oxford; family matters.
Particular issues include:

  • purchases of publications in Cairo
  • following Černý's death, Edwards corresponded with Marie Černý concerning the transfer of Černý's library to Prague
  • T. G. H. James to be recommended as The Lady Wallis Budge Fellow
  • the Palmer Holland squeezes material
  • papyri at Kingston Lacy
  • Coptic etymologies
  • Edwards' candidature for the British Academy, supported by Černý
  • stela of Rudjahau, in London, British Museum, EA 159, TopBib v.95-6

Fairman, Herbert Walter - correspondence

66 letters from Fairman, 16 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Fairman.
Pprofessional and personal matters, book purchases and exchange, books being lent, often to Fairman or Liverpool library.
Particular topics: - Černý asked to obtain books on some of his international travels, e.g. books from the IFAO during his Egypt sojourns.

  • Objects in Manchester Museum,1759 and 4588
  • Nubian sites, Amara (West) (TopBib vii.159?, 1961), Abu Simbel
  • Exchange of opinions on papers by E. Edel, B. Grdseloff and others
  • Černý invited to be an external examiner for Liverpool, exchange of evaluations of individual students, notably K. Kitchen. J. Ruffle, M. A. M. Asfour.
  • Administration of the Egypt Exploration Society (EES)
  • Nubian campaign and UNESCO
  • Coptic etymology, reading of Ptolemaic texts
  • Personal and family matters

Garnot, Jean Sainte Fare - correspondence

37 letters from Sainte-Fare Garnot, 3 carbon copies and 1 draft of letters from Černý to Sainte-Fare Garnot.
Professional as well as personal matters:

  • Coptic etymologies, including publication, Černý, J., 'Some Coptic etymologies III', in Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale 57 (1958), 203-13 (OEB 6080).
  • ostraca
  • reading of texts
  • Deir el-Medîna
  • impact of the Suez crisis and the aftermath, 1956-7
  • personal meetings, visits, family news

Grdseloff, Bernhard - correspondence

14 letters from Grdseloff, 4 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Grdseloff.
2 letters from Misha Grdseloff (brother of B. Grdseloff).
1 letter from Leonard Grdseloff (brother of B. Grdseloff).
Professional as well as personal matters.

  • Grdseloff's work plans
  • personal news of other Egyptologists (H. W. Fairman, J. Leibovitch and H. J. Polotsky)
  • exchange of off-prints and other publications
  • most significant topic is Deir el-Medina fieldwork and finds of ostraca, including the Cairo love songs (O. DeM 1266 + CGC 25218), published by G. Posener, see Posener, G. Catalogue des ostraca hiératiques littéraires de Deir el Médineh II: Nos 1227-1266 (1972) (OEB 15763), and later Fox, M. V. 'The Cairo love songs', in Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 [2] (1980), 101-9, (OEB 22733)
  • another significant topic is Grdseloff's illness (stomach cancer), Černý sent his own rations of Hovis bread to Egypt to Grdseloff as it was one of the few foods Grdseloff could still digest

Gunn, Battiscombe G. - correspondence

68 letters from Gunn, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Gunn.
Regular exchange of professional information, including:

  • Černý's publications, and publications exchange
  • purchase of books from Alec Dakin
  • A Festschrift for A. Gardiner - negotiating with authors, application to potential sponsors (considered Chester Beatty, John D. Rockefeller, IFAO, etc.), major sponsors declined so the idea was transformed into a dedicated volume of the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
  • reading of Egyptian literary texts, including Černý coming to attend seminars at Oxford
  • mutual consultations
  • advising each other's students - P. Massart, E. Jelínková(-Reymond), Z. Žába

Helck, Hans Wolfgang - correspondence

1 letter from Helck, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Helck.
Correspondence represents the smaller part of a larger exchange (existing letters contain references to other letters) concerning Helck's publication: Helck, W. Zur Verwaltung des Mittleren und Neuen Reichs (1958) (OEB 6234). Following this publication, Černý decided not to publish his planned paper on Viziers (see Černý MSS 5.7-8), which Helck regretted.

Hintze, Friedrich - correspondence

3 letters from Hintze.
History of ancient Egyptian language, etymologies; book and off-prints exchange. Černý obtained H. J. Polotsky's books for Hintze.

Hornblower, G. D. - correspondence

7 letters from Hornblower, 2 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Hornblower.
Egyptian mythology studies, especially Osiris; publications exchange.

James, Frances W. - correspondence

1 letter from F. W. James, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to F. W. James.
Planned publication of F. W. James on the site of Beth Shan (Beisan, TopBib vii.376).

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