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Notebook Černý MSS 17.27

Workmen in the Place of Truth:

  • Index of Ostraca up to 19.6.1953
  • plan of chapter headings for Parts I & II
  • Outline for kings and viziers, as well as foremen and scribes on the community
  • composition and size of the crew, with attestations

Notebook Černý MSS 17.28



  • Cairo, Egyptian Museum, 25217 (love poem)
  • Edinburgh Royal Scottish Museum, Moir Bryce tablet


  • Berlin Ägyptisches Museum, 8527
  • Berlin Ägyptisches Museum, 10003A
  • Berlin Ägyptisches Museum, 10012
  • Berlin Ägyptisches Museum, 10014
  • Berlin Ägyptisches Museum, 10015
  • Berlin Ägyptisches Museum, 10017
  • Berlin Ägyptisches Museum, 10019
  • Berlin Ägyptisches Museum, 10020
  • Berlin Ägyptisches Museum, 10021
  • Berlin Ägyptisches Museum, 10050
  • Brooklyn, Museum of Art, 34.5596 (P. Wilbour)
  • Brooklyn, Museum of Art, 35.1453A
  • Paris, Musée du Louvre
  • Strasbourg, Institut d'Égyptologie, 21
  • Strasbourg, Institut d'Égyptologie, 25
  • Strasbourg, Institut d'Égyptologie, 26
  • Strasbourg, Institut d'Égyptologie, 31
  • Strasbourg, Institut d'Égyptologie, 32
  • Strasbourg, Institut d'Égyptologie, 33
  • Strasbourg, Institut d'Égyptologie, 39
  • Capart
  • Harris 500 (love poem)
  • IFAO, papyrus probably from El-Hiba

Notebook Černý MSS 17.35

Transcriptions. Ostraca.

  • Aberdeen University, 1317
  • Geneva, 12550
  • Glasgow, Art Gallery, 4788
  • Heidelberg 567
  • Leipzig 1-34 (with omissions)
  • Leningrad 2973
  • Liverpool, County Museum, M13624-6
  • Madrid 16, 243
  • Munich, Antiquarium, 19 & 22a
  • Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 1-4
  • Oxford, Bodleian Library Eg. Inscr. 253 (now in Ashmolean)
  • Oxford, Queen's College, 3
  • Paris, Musée du Louvre
  • Strasbourg, Institut d'Égyptologie
  • Caillaud 3 & 4 (= Paris, Musée du Louvre, E. 13160)
  • Gardiner 23, 25-6
  • Miss Ann Spencer collection

Notebook Černý MSS 17.38

London, British Museum. Statues, stelae, reliefs, offering-table, etc., belonging to sḏm-ʿš n/m st-mȝʿt (Servants in the Place of Truth, necropolis workmen).

Notebook Černý MSS 17.39A

Transcriptions of objects in:

  • Florence, Museo Archeologico - statues, stelae, etc.
  • Pisa Museum - reliefs
  • Turin, Museo Egizio - statues, stelae, etc.
  • Vatican, Museo Gregoriano Egizio - statues, stelae, etc.
  • Index of monuments of sḏm-ʿš n/m st-mȝʿt (Servants in the Place of Truth, necropolis workmen)

Notebook Černý MSS 17.39B

Transcriptions of objects in Turin, Museo Egizio, statues, stelae, etc. Most monuments of sḏm-ʿš n/m st-mȝʿt (Servants in the Place of Truth, necropolis workmen).

Notebook Černý MSS 17.44

Middle Kingdom inscriptions. Including monuments of:

  • Mentuhotep Nebhepetre
  • stela of Mentuwoser, in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art,12.884
  • stela, in Leiden, Rijksmuseum, V2
  • stela, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 1199
  • inscription of Antefoker, in Leiden, Rijksmuseum, AP 7
  • stela of Ikhernofret, in Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 1204
  • first and second cataract inscriptions
  • Nile levels
  • list of dated stelae from the reign of Senwosret I (on p. 16)

Notebook Černý MSS 17.59

Thebes. Deir el-Medîna Tombs. Description and texts. Tombs listed alongside copies of texts, most copied in 1926, then collated in 1927-8. Most of the material was copied in situ with additional records made in Turin, Museo Egizio.
Also references to:

  • Gardiner, A. H. and Weigall, A. E. P., A Topographical Catalogue of the Private Tombs of Thebes (1913) (OEB 140016)
  • Engelbach, R., A Supplement to the Topographical Catalogue of the Private Tombs of Thebes (nos. 253-334). With some notes on the necropolis from 1913 to 1924 (1924) (OEB 139039)
  • Bruyère, B., 'New Details for Insertion in the Theban 1/1000 scale maps. I. Deir el-Madina', in Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte 25 (1925), 174-7 (1925) (OEB 135781)

Notebook Černý MSS 17.60A

Transcriptions of hieratic papyri in:

  • Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 30864 + 30884 + 31182, 3 + 31182, 7
  • Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 30865
  • Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 30878
  • Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 30886
  • Cairo, Egyptian Museum, 31184, 14 + 31256, 22 + 31256, 26
  • Paris, Musée du Louvre, E. 3228G
  • Turin, Museo Egizion, Cat. 2121 (248 of Revillout and Boudier)

Notebook Černý MSS 17.65

Ostraca in:

  • Boston, Museum of Fine Arts
  • Brooklyn Museum of Art
  • Chicago, Oriental Institute Museum
  • Geneva, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire
  • New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Mond collection
  • Naville collection
  • Parker collection

Papyri in:

  • Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 8526
  • Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 8527
  • Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 8528
  • Philadelphia Museum

Texts from various objects in:

  • Brooklyn Museum of Art
  • Chicago, Oriental Institute Museum
  • New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Washington, Textile Museum
  • Sotheby sales
  • private collection in Washington
  • private collection in Worcester (MS)
  • Seymour de Ricci's notebook

Notebook Černý MSS 17.73

Coptic ostraca. Nagel 1, 5, 6.
Abu Simbel. Marriage stela of Ramesses II and many texts from the Temples. Notes on graffiti and rock inscriptions.
Karnak. Marriage stela of Ramesses II.

Notebook Černý MSS 17.78

Beni Hasan.
Notes for a projected revised edition of Beni Hasan volume i (OEB 146347), with some texts and transcriptions of hieratic graffiti in Tomb 3, Khnemhotp III.
TopBib iv.147.
List of Hay, Burton and other manuscripts, in relation to Beni Hasan.

Notebook Černý MSS 17.82

Texts copied from the Wilbour MSS and Seyffarth MSS consulted by Černý in Brooklyn Museum of Art.:

  • Museo d'Este, Tivoli
  • Kaestner collection, Rome
  • ex-Malaspina collection, Milan

Notebook Černý MSS 17.116A

Transcriptions of hieratic papyri:
-Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 10018
-Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 10024
-Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 10033
-Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 10034

Notebook Černý MSS 17.119

-tombs of Mereruka's wife and son (the parts of the Mereruka mastaba complex not published by Chicago, Oriental Institute)
-tomb of Khentika Ihy (from Gunn's notes)

Notebook Černý MSS 17.129

Various XIth Dynasty texts, including objects in:
-Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum
-Berkeley, Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of Anthropology
-Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
-Kraków, Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, MNK-XI-999 (TopBib v.164)

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