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Archivische Beschreibung
Jaroslav Černý Collection
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Grdseloff, Bernhard - correspondence

14 letters from Grdseloff, 4 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Grdseloff.
2 letters from Misha Grdseloff (brother of B. Grdseloff).
1 letter from Leonard Grdseloff (brother of B. Grdseloff).
Professional as well as personal matters.

  • Grdseloff's work plans
  • personal news of other Egyptologists (H. W. Fairman, J. Leibovitch and H. J. Polotsky)
  • exchange of off-prints and other publications
  • most significant topic is Deir el-Medina fieldwork and finds of ostraca, including the Cairo love songs (O. DeM 1266 + CGC 25218), published by G. Posener, see Posener, G. Catalogue des ostraca hiératiques littéraires de Deir el Médineh II: Nos 1227-1266 (1972) (OEB 15763), and later Fox, M. V. 'The Cairo love songs', in Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 [2] (1980), 101-9, (OEB 22733)
  • another significant topic is Grdseloff's illness (stomach cancer), Černý sent his own rations of Hovis bread to Egypt to Grdseloff as it was one of the few foods Grdseloff could still digest

Gunn, Battiscombe G. - correspondence

68 letters from Gunn, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Gunn.
Regular exchange of professional information, including:

  • Černý's publications, and publications exchange
  • purchase of books from Alec Dakin
  • A Festschrift for A. Gardiner - negotiating with authors, application to potential sponsors (considered Chester Beatty, John D. Rockefeller, IFAO, etc.), major sponsors declined so the idea was transformed into a dedicated volume of the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
  • reading of Egyptian literary texts, including Černý coming to attend seminars at Oxford
  • mutual consultations
  • advising each other's students - P. Massart, E. Jelínková(-Reymond), Z. Žába

Helck, Hans Wolfgang - correspondence

1 letter from Helck, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Helck.
Correspondence represents the smaller part of a larger exchange (existing letters contain references to other letters) concerning Helck's publication: Helck, W. Zur Verwaltung des Mittleren und Neuen Reichs (1958) (OEB 6234). Following this publication, Černý decided not to publish his planned paper on Viziers (see Černý MSS 5.7-8), which Helck regretted.

Hintze, Friedrich - correspondence

3 letters from Hintze.
History of ancient Egyptian language, etymologies; book and off-prints exchange. Černý obtained H. J. Polotsky's books for Hintze.

Hornblower, G. D. - correspondence

7 letters from Hornblower, 2 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Hornblower.
Egyptian mythology studies, especially Osiris; publications exchange.

James, Frances W. - correspondence

1 letter from F. W. James, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to F. W. James.
Planned publication of F. W. James on the site of Beth Shan (Beisan, TopBib vii.376).

James, Thomas Henry Garnet (Harry) - correspondence

30 letters from T. G. H. James, 3 carbon copies of letters from Černý to T. G. H. James.
4 letters from T. G. H. James to Marie Černý.
Correspondence concerned with their respective research topics:

  • proofs and index of the volumes, Gardiner, A. H., Peet, T. E. and Černý, J., The Inscriptions of Sinai, Part 1 (1952) (OEB 3261), and Černý, J., The Inscriptions of Sinai from Manuscripts of Alan H. Gardiner and T. Eric Peet, Part 2 (1955) (OEB 4432)
  • T. G. H. James as Editor of the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Černý as author and reviewer
  • Černý mediating photography from the British Museum for researchers elsewhere
  • reading of hieratic texts, including dockets from KV 62, Tutankhamun
    T. G. H. James letters to Marie Černý concerned with the preparation and off-prints for the Černý obituaries.

Kahle, Paul E. Sr. - correspondence

1 letter from Kahle P. E. (Kahle senior) to Černý, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Kahle (senior).
Coptic manuscripts, Černý recommends contacting Plumley.

Kampmann, A. A. - correspondence

6 letters from Kampmann, 5 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Kampmann.

  • reviewing for Bibliotheca Orientalis (BiOr)
  • Černý's pupil Z. Žába invited to review for BiOr
  • publications by H. Grapow, A. de Buck
  • Congress of Oriental Studies in Prague, 1949, in which Černý was not able to participate

Keating, Rex - correspondence

6 letters from Keating, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Keating.
Participation of both in the UNESCO Nubian mission. Keating also made at least one recording with Černý.

Kirkbride, Diana - correspondence

7 letters from Kirkbride, 1 carbon copy of a reference on behalf of D. Kirkbride written by Černý.
2 communications from K. Kenyon concerning D. Kirkbride's application to the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem, for the position of Secretary-Librarian.
University College London, Kirkbride's studies, and job applications, also reference to the political situation in the Middle East.
Kirkbride congratulating Černý on the Oxford Egyptology Chair election.

Klauber, R. - correspondence

1 letter from Klauber.
Correspondence with Hutchinson & Co (publishers), concerning the unsatisfactory quality of illustrations in a translation of one of Černý's books. Probably a translation of Černý, J., Ancient Egyptian Religion (1957) (OEB 3264).

Lauer, Jean-Phillipe - correspondence

2 letters from Lauer, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Lauer.
Lauer's work at Saqqâra, research interests, including:

  • H. Junker's comments
  • Dynasty III royal names
  • Nubian agriculture
  • some personal matters
  • travel arrangements

Leibovitch, Joseph - correspondence

12 letters from Leibovitch, 4 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Leibovitch.
1 carbon copy of a letter by Černý to Miss Keeves of the Egypt Exploration Society concerning copies of Inscriptions of Sinai i & ii (OEB 3261 and OEB 4432) for J. Leibovitch (Israel Exploration Journal).

  • exchange of publications
  • obtaining Annales du Service des Antiquités Egyptiennes [ASAE]
  • publishing in ASAE
  • new posts and research plans of both correspondents
  • Černý's sojourns in Egypt in the 1950s

Matthieu, Militza - correspondence

3 letters from Matthieu, 5 carbon copies of letters from Černý to M. Matthieu.
Book exchange, offprints, Matthieu's husband I. M. Lourie, objects in the Hermitage (at that time in Leningrad), ostraca in Moscow (photographs for Černý). Černý also obtained one of Matthieu's publications on Egyptian art.

Mekhitarian, Arpag - correspondence

9 letters from Mekhitarian, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Mekhitarian.
Černý's visits to Belgium, book exchange and purchase, contacts of and materials for J. Vergote and R. Anthes.

Müller, H. W. - correspondence

2 letters from Černý, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to H. W. Müller.
Studies in Coptic and Černý's references requested for: Westendorf, W., Koptisches Handwörterbuch. Bearbeitet auf Grund des Koptischen Handwörterbuchs Wilhelm Spiegelbergs (1965-1977) (OEB 20563).

Nagel, Georges - correspondence

17 letters from Nagel, 3 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Nagel.
4 letters between third parties concerning photographs of papyri for G. Nagel.

  • fieldwork in Egypt
  • papyrus of Nu, in London, British Museum, EA 10477 (11)
  • papyrus of Ramose, in Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, E.2.1922
  • books and offprints
  • visits and travel
  • shared research interests in Deir el-Medîna, including ostraca
  • personal matters
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