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Archivische Beschreibung
Jaroslav Černý Collection Englisch
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Morenz, Siegfried - correspondence

7 letters from S. Morenz.
2 letters, correspondence between Černý and the Home Office, concerning a visa for S. Morenz.
S. Morenz's planned trip to the UK; objects in Leipzig (stela of Penbuy, in Leipzig Museum, 5141, TopBib i2.732); an invitation to contribute to Festschrift Anthes (see Černý, J., 'A Note on the Chancellor Bay', in Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 93 (1966), 35-9 (OEB 11676)).

Moss, Rosalind B. - correspondence

25 letters from Moss, 2 copies of letters from Černý to Moss.
6 letters from Moss to Jean Tudor-Pole (Černý's secretary at University College London), 4 letters from Tudor Pole to Moss.
Materials and data for the Topographical Bibliography:

  • especially sites in Sinai
  • objects in Brooklyn Museum and other US museums
  • objects in Turin, Museo Egizio
  • statue of Queen Karomama in the Louvre, TopBib i2.681-2
  • travel information
  • contacts with the international Egyptological community

Neugebauer, Otto - correspondence

6 letters from Neugebauer, 3 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Neugebauer.
2 carbon copies of letters from Černý to R. O. Faulkner, concerning Neugebauer's publication plans and photographs.
Neugebauer's studies, Greek and Coptic horoscopes (publication using Neugebauer material see, Černý, J., Kahle, P. E. and Parker R. A. 'The Old Coptic Horoscope', in Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 43 (1957), 86-100 (OEB 774)).

Newberry, Percy E. - correspondence

10 letters from Newberry, 2 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Newberry.
Personal matters and research:

  • reading the name of king Khendjer, South Saqqâra, TopBib iii2.434
  • Rosellini memorial volume, see Scritti dedicati alla memoria di Ippolito Rosellini nel primo centenario della morte (4 giugno 1943) (1945) (OEB 149922)
  • news on other Egyptologists, particularly E. Iversen and G. Steindorff

Nobel Prize Committee - correspondence

2 letters from the Nobel Prize Committee, 2 carbon copies of letters from Černý to the Nobel Prize Committee.
Nobel Prize Committee asking for Černý's nominations for the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1964 and 1966. For 1964, Černý proposed Jean-Paul Sartre; in 1966, he declined, citing extensive fieldwork preparations as a priority.

Parker, Richard A. - correspondence

12 letters from Parker, 3 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Parker, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Barbara Sewell (Griffith Institute secretary) to Parker sent in Černý's absence.
Mainly professional matters with a few personal references:

  • invitations extended to Černý to visit Brown University, the earliest sent in 1950
  • exchange of offprints
  • students from Brown University in the UK (Richard Pierce)
  • assessments of students and colleagues (H. Goedicke)
  • the consequences of the Suez crisis for institutions in Egypt, particularly IFAO, 1956
  • Demotic papyri
  • mathematical texts
  • material from Soknopaious Nesos

Posener, Georges - correspondence

110 letters from Posener, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Posener.
2 letters from Posener to Marie Černý.

  • renewal of the Deir el-Medina ostraca project after the Second World War (WWII)
  • Posener's publication plans, work on Kemit (later published as Posener, G., Catalogue des ostraca hiératiques littéraires de Deir el Médineh ii (Nos 1109 à 1167), (1951) & (1991) (OEB 3065))
  • Posener's research on execration figures, literary ostraca, translations of various texts
  • Černý's research on supposed consanguineous marriages in Egypt
  • book exchange and mutual help in obtaining rare volumes in Britain, Egypt and France
    Personal and family matters
  • some remarks on the situation in Czechoslovakia after the communist coup on 25 February 1948
    After Černý's death, Marie Černý consulted options for Černý's posthumous publications with Posener, especially the Late Egyptian grammar and the involvement of S. Groll in the grammar project.

Rowton, Michael B. - correspondence

2 letters from Rowton.
Includes reference to an off-print, see Rowton, M. B., 'Manetho's date for Ramesses II', in Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 34 (1948), 57-74 (OEB 1508).

Sander-Hansen, Constantin Emil - correspondence

5 letters from Sander-Hansen, 6 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Sander-Hansen.
Setting up of the International Association of Egyptologists; membership of the organisation; publications.
Černý recommending R. Haardt as Coptologist to Sander-Hansen.

Sauneron, Serge Louis Charles - correspondence

27 letters from Sauneron to Černý.
2 letters from Sauneron to Marie Černý, 1 letter (with multiple drafts) from Marie Černý to Sauneron.
Professional and personal matters:

  • Sauneron's research and news of research-based travelling
  • Egyptian philology, palaeography
  • studies in hieratic
  • book exchange and purchases
  • occasional news of family
    Marie Černý consulting Sauneron regarding posthumous publications of J. Černý, as well as the use of Černý's notebooks.

Scamuzzi, Ernesto - correspondence

6 letters from Scamuzzi, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Scamuzzi.

  • objects in the Museo Egizio, Turin
  • Černý's planned visits
  • exchange of publications

Scott, Nora - correspondence

6 letters from Scott, 2 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Scott.

  • Deir el-Medîna material in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, finds relating to the workman Khabekhnet and his family (Thebes, TT 2, TopBib i2.6-9)
  • Third Intermediate Period material
  • Scott's study trips to Europe
  • personal matters

Spicer, Peter J. - correspondence

1 letter from Spicer.
Clarendon Press interested in publishing a comprehensive introduction to Egyptian studies and approaching Černý as a prospective author.

Varille, Alexandre - correspondence

1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Varille.
1 thank you note from Černý to Varille for Loret's obituary and for arranging a posthumous publication of Loret's book, see Loret, V., La résine de Térébinthe (SONTER) chez les anciens Égyptiens (1949) (OEB 2073).

Werblowsky, Raphael Judah Zwi - correspondence

1 letter from Werblowsky, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Werblowsky, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Fiona Strachan (Griffith Institute secretary) to Werblowsky, sent in Černý's absence.
Professional references for S. I. Groll. Černý providing a strong recommendation.

Wieck, Fred D. - correspondence

1 letter from Wieck, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Wieck.
Černý reviewing a manuscript by J. Yoyotte for Harper Inc. providing a positive assessment.

Williams, A. A. - correspondence

1 carbon copy of a letter from Williams to J. R. Harris, sent to Černý for reference.
A. A. Williams, Bursar of Queen's College, informing J. R. Harris, who had been recommended by Černý for a UNESCO project in Nubia, that the College supported Harris' participation in the project.

Williams, Evelyn M. - correspondence

2 letters from E. M. Williams, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to E. M. Williams.
Ostraca and other objects from collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, in particular objects from the Theodore M. Davis excavations in the Valley of the Kings.

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