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Archivische Beschreibung
Jaroslav Černý Collection
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Notebook Černý MSS 17.42


  • Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 3029
  • Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum, 10494
  • Geneva, Musée d'Art et d'Histoire
  • Leiden, Rijksmuseum, I.360
  • Leiden, Rijksmuseum, I.361
  • Leiden, Rijksmuseum, I.362
  • Leiden, Rijksmuseum, I.363
  • Leiden, Rijksmuseum, I.364
  • Leiden, Rijksmuseum, I.365
  • Leiden, Rijksmuseum, I.366
  • Leiden, Rijksmuseum, I.367
  • Leiden, Rijksmuseum, I.368
  • Leiden, Rijksmuseum, I.369
  • Leiden, Rijksmuseum, I.370
  • Leiden, Rijksmuseum, I.371
  • Turin, Museo Egizio, 2021
  • Gardiner collection
  • Griffith collection


  • Leiden, Rijksmuseum, I.431

Notebook Černý MSS 17.52

Transcriptions of texts on objects in museums and private collections including:

  • [notebook dated 16.9.1948]
  • Avignon Museum
  • Bonn Museum
  • Edinburgh, Royal Museum of Scotland
  • Lisbon, Museu Nacional de Arqueologia
  • London, British Museum
  • London, University College
  • Milan, Museo Archeologico
  • Oxford, Ashmolean Museum
  • Moscow, State Pushkin Museum
  • St Petersberg, State Hermitage Museum
  • Zagreb, Arheološki Muzej
  • Bankes collection - stelae
  • Burrell collection
  • Rustafjaell collection

Notebook Černý MSS 17.57

Various hieroglyphic inscriptions from objects in:

  • Edinburgh, Royal Museum of Scotland
  • London, St John Soane Museum
  • Amherst collection (Didlington Hall)

Notebook Černý MSS 17.64

Papyrus in London, British Museum, EA 10474, The Maxim of Amenemope. B. Grdseloff's transcription collated with published photograph as far as the end of column iv.

Heckel, Ursula - correspondence

6 letters from Heckel, 3 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Heckel.
Heckel organising her visit to Oxford, arranged with Černý's help.

Homer, Sidney - correspondence

1 letter from Homer, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Homer.
Query about interest rates in ancient Egypt. Homer authored A History of Interest Rates. Homer was recommended by R. A. Parker.

Janda, Bohumil - correspondence

2 letters from Janda, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Janda.
Publication plan for a book on Egyptian art by Černý, to be published in Prague (ultimately abandoned).

Kaplony, Peter - correspondence

14 letters from Kaplony, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Kaplony.

  • Kaplony's studies of Late Egyptian
  • the presence of Late Egyptian elements in 18th Dynasty texts
  • texts dated to the reign of Kamose
  • Coptic etymologies, development of verbal forms
  • consultations with L. Habachi
  • meeting Černý at G. Nagel's in 1956

Kraeling, Carl H. - correspondence

5 letters from Kraeling, 3 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Kraeling.
Černý 's visit to Chicago in early 1955, where he gave a talk on Egyptian oracles; problems faced by Western institutions in Egypt after the Suez crisis.

Krause, Martin - correspondence

11 letters from Krause, 3 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Krause.
Photographs of hieratic ostraca sent to Černý from Berlin (one letter originally had an enclosure of over 20 photographs), books from the von Bissing bequest (F. von Bissing died in 1956), personal matters.

Lambert, A. C. - correspondence

1 letter from Lambert.
A query from A. C. Lambert concerning an esoteric book Secret Place of the Lion by G. H. Williamson, which Černý assessed critically as shown in a remark added to the letter.

Lisowska, Julia - correspondence

1 card with name and address of Mgr. Lisowska, with an enclosed draft of a letter from Černý to Mgr. Lisowska.
Data for the stela of Merer, Cracow, MNK-XI-999 (TopBib v.164), Černý records museum number as 939 in the letter, later published: Černý, J., 'The stela of Merer in Cracow', in Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 47 (1961), 5-9 (OEB 8269).

Lockhart, R. D. - correspondence

5 letters from Lockhart, 3 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Lockhart.
The collection of the Anthropological Museum, University of Aberdeen, especially the monuments from Deir el-Medîna.

Notebook Černý MSS 17.77

Texts from:

  • objects from Thebes, TT 1, Sennedjem.
  • Thebes, Valley of the Kings, KV 19, Rameses-Mentuhirkhopshef, son of Ramesses IX.
  • hieratic inscriptions/graffiti from royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings
  • statue group, in Philadelphia, University Museum, 29.87.657
    Ushabti in:
  • Zagreb
  • Luxor
    Transcriptions of hieratic ostraca in:
  • Černý collection No. 22
  • Piankoff collection
  • one seen with a dealer in Luxor

Notebook Černý MSS 17.101

Table of contents at front of notebook. Enclosed tracings for some ostraca.
Transcriptions of hieratic ostraca in Cairo, Egyptian Museum. Published in Daressy, G. Ostraca Catalogue général ... Caire (OEB 137737). Collated by Černý with originals. Also new ostraca, most in Černý, J. Ostraca hiératiquesCatalogue général ... Caire (OEB 136749).

Notebook Černý MSS 17.102

Transcriptions of hieratic ostraca from Deir el-Medîna found during IFAO excavations, IFAO O.DM 1-200.
With find locations and dates during the 1929 and 1930 IFAO seasons.
Also other ostraca from Leipzig, Munich, etc.
Enclosed indexes listing workmen's names on a number of ostraca.

Notebook Černý MSS 17.106

Transcriptions of:
Hieratic papyrus in Michaelides collection
Wooden etiquette in Varille collection
Hieratic ostraca in:
-Borchardt collection
-Grdseloff collection 5
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 25029
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 25051
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 25052
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 25114
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 54948
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72450
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72451
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72452
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72453
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72454
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72455
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72456
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72457
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72458
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72459
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72460
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72461
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72462
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72463
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72464
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72465
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72466
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72467
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72468
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72469
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72470
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72471
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72472
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72473
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72474
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72475
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72486
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72487
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72490
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72491
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72492
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72493
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72494
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72495
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72496
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72497
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72498
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72499
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72500
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72501
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72502
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72503
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 72504

Notebook Černý MSS 17.108

Transcriptions of hieratic ostraca in:
-Stockholm, Medelhavsmuseet, MM. 14126 recto
-Grdseloff collection (from 1950, all in Michaelides collection)
-Grdseloff collection 1
-Grdseloff collection 2
-Grdseloff collection 3
-Grdseloff collection 4
-Grdseloff collection 5
-Grdseloff collection 10
-Grdseloff collection 11
-Grdseloff collection 12
-Grdseloff collection 13
-Grdseloff collection 14
-Grdseloff collection 15
-Grdseloff collection 17
-Grdseloff collection 19
-Grdseloff collection 21
-Grdseloff collection 22
-Grdseloff collection 23
-Grdseloff collection 24
-Grdseloff collection ? (No. 47)
-Grdseloff collection ?
-Varille collection 38
-Varille collection 39
-Varille collection 40
-Varille collection 41
Coptic ostracon and headrest, both in Michaelides collection.

Notebook Černý MSS 17.110

Transcriptions of hieratic ostraca:
-IFAO, Deir el-Medîna 1000-1107
-Borchard collection 2
-Černý collection 7
-Desroches-Noblecourt collection 1
-Desroches-Noblecourt collection 2
-Desroches-Noblecourt collection 3
-Desroches-Noblecourt collection 4
-Desroches-Noblecourt collection 5
-Desroches-Noblecourt collection 6

Notebook Černý MSS 17.114

Hieratic papyri:
-Berlin Ägyptisches Museum, 3047
-Berlin Ägyptisches Museum, 8869
-Berlin Ägyptisches Museum, 9010
-Berlin Ägyptisches Museum, 10496
-Berlin Ägyptisches Museum, 10500
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 58071 (Boulak 12)
-Cairo, Egyptian Museum, CG 58072
-Leiden, Rijksmuseum, I.352
-London British Museum, EA 10248 (Anastasi VIII)
-London British Museum, EA 10683 verso (Chester Beatty III)
-Moscow, State Pushkin Museum, 120 (Wenamun, Golenischeff / Golenishchev)
-Paris, Musée du Louvre, E.11006, 1 (Mallet)
-Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 30 (Ambras)
-Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 34
-Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum (von Bergmann, <i>Hier. ... Texte</i> pl. 5 <i>verso</i>)
Hieratic ostraca:
-Munich, Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst, 1547
-Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 3722a (Conte du revenant = von Bergmann pl. iv [left])
-Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 5988
-Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 6155
-Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, ‘Conte du revenant’
Stelae (not hieratic)
-Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum

Notebook Černý MSS 17.126

Hieroglyphic texts from objects in various museums including:
-inscription of Esiemkhebi
Copies of hieratic graffiti, most taken from publications. Some graffiti collated later with the originals.

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