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Wilhelm Spiegelberg Collection

  • Spiegelberg MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1895-1899
  • MSS 1: Squeezes made in 1895-1896 of some scenes in Theban Tombs 11, 12, 20, 50, 157, and 163.
  • MSS 2: Squeezes of some scenes and texts in the Island of Biga and Philae (Dodecaschoenus).
  • MSS 3: Two diaries (with continuous pagination) compiled between 7 November 1898 and 9 February 1899 during the Marquis of Northampton's excavations at Thebes.

Spiegelberg, Wilhelm

Tutankhamun Archive

  • TAA
  • Sammlung
  • 1922-2014

Notebooks, negatives, photographs, maps, and drawings made during the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun. For other material, refer to the catalogue.

Carter, Howard

James William Wild Collection

  • Wild MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1842-mid 1840s

Two portfolios containing drawings and plans, and three illustrated notebooks.

Wild, James William

Wylie Negatives Collection

  • Wylie MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1910

153 black and white negatives taken in Egypt, Palestine, and Greece. Boxes marked with the date '1910'. Most of the Egyptian negatives show Giza Pyramids and the Great Sphinx.


Joseph Bonomi Collection

  • Bonomi MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c. 1824-1870s

1) Bonomi drawings and paintings: 52 handmade ‘portfolios’ containing pencil and pastel drawings, watercolours, tracings and commercial prints, almost certainly arranged by Bonomi, some later rearrangement was done by Bonomi's descendants [Bonomi MSS 1-52].
2) Typescript of diary: carbon-copy(?) typescript of extracts from Joseph Bonomi’s diary, entries for periods in Egypt dating between 25th March 1829 to 26th May 1834 [Bonomi MSS 53].

Bonomi, Joseph

Pietro Bracci Manuscript

  • Bracci MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c. 1750s-1773

Bound manuscript on Egyptian hieroglyphs and related topics (Roman obelisks, Iseum in Rome, Isiac pomp described by Apuleius, Egyptian rites, mummies, etc.). Left unfinished.

Bracci, Pietro

Adolf Coyet Collection

  • Coyet MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1846

Four xerox copies of sketches of Philae drawn on 26 January 1846.

Coyet, Adolf

Francis Giesler Newton Collection

  • Newton MSS
  • Sammlung

Article on churches in Sardinia, with additional notes and drawings, and watercolours and drawings of Italian towns, churches and architectural features, as well as view of the ziggurat at Ur. Non-Egyptological.

Newton, Francis Giesler

Osbert Guy Stanhope Crawford Collection

  • Crawford MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1950-1952

Maps, plans and drawings, original and fair copies created by Crawford and Frank Addison for Crawford, O. G. S. 1951. The Fung kingdom of Sennar: with a geographical account of the Middle Nile Region.

  • Sennar roll 1:
    • Addison and Crawford drawings for figs. 1-4;
    • Northern Fung region, discussed in Chapter ii, figs. 17, 24;
    • Southern Fung region, discussed in Chapter ii, figs. 8, 14, 16, 21, 28.
  • Sennar roll 2:
    • Drawings for figs. 1-8, and part of figs. 10, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 24, 25;
    • Two maps used in the field (1951-1952) for naming sites:
    • — Korgus to Kuddik;
    • — Kuddik to 'Usheir.

Crawford, Osbert Guy Stanhope

Norman de Garis and Nina Davies Collection

  • Davies MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c.1900-1940

Papers, including notebooks, notes, tracings and squeezes, made in Theban tombs and elsewhere, photographs, collection of coloured hieroglyphic signs, indexes of scenes in Theban tombs, etc.

Davies, Norman de Garis

Gustav Jacoby Collection

  • Jacoby MSS
  • Sammlung

Manuscript of Jacoby's original text for the first draft of his chapter on the architecture, 'The Five Graves at Sendschirli (Zincirli)', excavated in 1902, eventually published in Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli, iv (Berlin, 1911). Non-Egyptological.

Jacoby, Gustav

Paul Jacobsthal Collection

  • Jacobsthal MSS
  • Sammlung

Material (mostly photographic) on the Luristan bronzes. It appears to relate to a planned joint publication with Frank Savery, paid by the Griffith Institute. The material was eventually published by Roger Moorey. Non-Egyptological.

Jacobsthal, Paul

Karl Richard Lepsius Collection

  • Lepsius MSS
  • Sammlung

Photocopy of diary by K. R. Lepsius, Oct. 30 to Dec. 7, 1844, discovered too late for use in L.D. Text.

Lepsius, Karl Richard

Jean-Jacques Hess von Wyss Collection

  • Hess von Wyss MSS
  • Sammlung

Notebooks and notes on demotic and Meroitic, including copies of papyri and squeezes.

Hess von Wyss, Jean-Jacques

Lord Prudhoe Collection

  • Prudhoe MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1827-1829

Typescript of journals (1827-1829) and negatives of drawings, mainly of Upper Nubia by Major Felix (1828).

Prudhoe, Lord

Horst Schliephack Collection

  • Schliephack MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1909

Framed watercolour showing John Garstang's dig house at Abydos (1909).

Schliephack, Horst

Luigi Vassalli Collection

  • Vassalli MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1859-1884

Photocopies of papers kept at Castello Sforzesco, Milan.

Vassalli, (Bey) Luigi

Arthur Rhoné Collection

  • Rhoné MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1880s

Rhoné, Arthur

Yates Negatives Collection

  • Yates MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1890s

118 glass stereoscopic plate negatives. Most show sites in and around

  • Cairo, in and around
    • General views of Cairo
    • Street views
    • Tombs of the Caliphs
    • Tombs of the Mamelukes
    • Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Hasan
    • Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Barquq
    • Tomb of Abouseer
    • Mosque of Khat Bey
    • Al-Hakim Mosque
    • Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha
    • The Citadel
  • Other sites in Egypt
    • 'Tombs at Thebes'
    • 'Rocks of Abusir', Second Cataract
    • 'Arab village'
  • Outside Egypt, mostly Israel and Palestine:
    • Bethlehem
    • Jacob's Well
    • Mount Tabor

Yates, Miss ?

Arthur Ferdinand Rowley Platt Collection

  • Platt MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1896

Ferdinand (Ferdy) Platt's correspondence relates to two excursions to Egypt, in 1896 and 1907-1908.

  • First group: eighteen letters and postcards, sent during Platt's first independent visit to Egypt in early 1896, when he initially travelled with a friend. Dating between 26 January and 19 April, the letters are addressed to Platt's mother and brother Erny. They record meeting Flinders Petrie and other notables.
  • Second group: thirty-one letters sent during Platt's second trip to Egypt in 1907-1908, when he accompanied the eighth Duke and Duchess of Devonshire, their relations Lord and Lady Gosford with their daughter Lady Theo, Sir Charles Cradock-Hartopp. Dating between 4 November 1907 and 8 February 1908, they are addressed to Platt's wife, Mabel (May). They record Platt's encounters with Winston Churchill, Alan Gardiner, James Quibell, George Reisner, Archibald Sayce and Arthur Weigall, among others. The letters also mention a meeting with Howard Carter when the latter was still earning a living as an artist, producing paintings for tourists; the letters provide important insights into Carter's life just before he began his partnership with Lord Carnarvon.

Arthur Ferdinand Rowley Platt

Catharina Blankenberg-Van Velden Collection

  • Blankenberg-Van Delden MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1960s - July 1986

Photographs and correspondence relating to the study and publication of the commemorative scarabs of Amenhotep III.

Blankenberg-Van Delden, Catharina

Theodora Eyton-Jones Lantern Slides Collection

  • Eyton-Jones MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1910s-1920s

Consists of at least two sets of slides which have been combined. Made by a tourist(s), probably between 1910 and 1930. Views include Alexandria, Karnak, Luxor, Ramesseum, objects in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, and scenes of daily life.

Eyton-Jones, Theodora

Jenny Lane Collection

  • Lane, J. MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c. 1876-1887
  • J. Lane MSS 1-3: Journals of Jenny Lane, lady's maid to Lucy Renshaw, travelling companion of Amelia A. B. Edwards, describing in detail their various trips including the 1873-1874 journey through France and Italy, crossing from Brindisi to Alexandria on the Simla, thence up the Nile to Dendara, Karnak, Luxor, Aswan, Philae and Abu Simbel, and the return journey via Port Said, through Lebanon to Damascus, Baalbek and Beirut, Constantinople, Athens, and the Rhine. They contain vivid descriptions of the landscape, weather and peoples, and anecdotes and observations of fellow travellers and places visited. They cover the period from 4 September 1873 to 6 March 1876. 286 pages in three volumes, calf, worn, 8vo.
  • J. Lane MSS 4: Photograph album put together following Miss Lane's two trips to Egypt and the Near East between 1873 and 1876.
  • J. Lane MSS 5: Collection of antiquities and miscellanea collected by Miss Lane during her trips.
  • J. Lane MSS 6: Three framed portraits (Jane Collins, née Jane Lane, George Collins [first husband], and George Lane [father]).
  • J. Lane MSS 7: Photocopy of marriage certificate for George Collins and Jane Lane (20 October 1879).
  • J. Lane MSS 8: Related documentation (three letters to the Martin family and two papers) by Brenda Moon.

Lane, Jenny

Chicago, Oriental Institute Photographs Collection

  • Chicago OI Photographs
  • Sammlung
  • 1924-1957

A selection of black and white photographs taken by the University of Chicago, Oriental Institute Epigraphic Survey, Luxor, Egypt, in the first half of the 20th Century. See https://oi.uchicago.edu/research/projects/epigraphic-survey.

  • Thebes, tomb of Ramose [Ramosi], TT55
  • Thebes, Qurna, Temple of Sethos I
  • Thebes, Deir el-Shelwît, Temple of Isis
  • Luxor Temple

Chicago, Oriental Institute

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