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Jaroslav Černý Collection
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2 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Driver, Sir Godfrey Rolles - correspondence

17 letters from Driver, 4 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Driver, 1 cover page of a form from Černý's office to Driver.
Philology, in particular, an analysis of word stems; frequent questions from Driver concerning Egyptian-Hebrew linguistic relations; also administrative matters relating to the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford.

Firchow, Otto - correspondence

2 letters from Firchow, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Firchow.
Černý's participation in Festschrift Grapow, see Firchow, O. (ed.), Ägyptologische Studien (1955) (OEB 158830).

Goedicke, Hans - correspondence

19 letters from Goedicke, 2 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Goedicke.
Goedicke's research, book exchange, and ostraca in Vienna.

Haardt, Robert Jr. - correspondence

2 letters from Haardt Jr., 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Haardt Jr.
Haardt Jr. research on Coptic grammar, publication options.

Harris, John R. - correspondence

15 letters from Harris, 5 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Harris.
An invitation from the Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies to act as Supervisor to J. R. Harris, 1 carbon copy of a reply from Černý to the Secretary of Faculties.
A communication from Merton College (Elizabeth Ratcliff, College secretary) concerning a reference for J. R. Harris, 1 carbon copy of a reply from Černý to Merton College.
A communication from Christ Church College (Dean of Christ Church) concerning a reference for J. R. Harris, 1 carbon copy of a reply from Černý’s to the Dean of Christ Church College.
A communication from Brasenose College (the Principal) concerning a reference for J. R. Harris, 1 carbon copy of a reply from Černý to the Principal of Brasenose College.
1 payroll notice from the Committee of Advanced Studies, for Cerny, for the supervision of J. R. Harris.
1 Notice of appointment of Examiners for Černý concerning his student J. R. Harris.
2 letters from H. W. Fairman (University of Liverpool) concerning J. R. Harris' examination, 1 carbon copy of a reply from Černý to H. W. Fairman regarding the examination of J. R. Harris.
1 invitation from Černý to I.E.S. Edwards to act as examiner for J. R. Harris
Correspondence concerned mainly with J. R. Harris' studies, examinations and grant and scholarship applications.

Heckel, Ursula - correspondence

6 letters from Heckel, 3 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Heckel.
Heckel organising her visit to Oxford, arranged with Černý's help.

Homer, Sidney - correspondence

1 letter from Homer, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Homer.
Query about interest rates in ancient Egypt. Homer authored A History of Interest Rates. Homer was recommended by R. A. Parker.

Janda, Bohumil - correspondence

2 letters from Janda, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Janda.
Publication plan for a book on Egyptian art by Černý, to be published in Prague (ultimately abandoned).

Jones, J. W. - correspondence

2 letters from Jones.
Invitation to Černý to meetings in Oxford after he had accepted the Egyptology Chair, social contacts.

Kaplony, Peter - correspondence

14 letters from Kaplony, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Kaplony.

  • Kaplony's studies of Late Egyptian
  • the presence of Late Egyptian elements in 18th Dynasty texts
  • texts dated to the reign of Kamose
  • Coptic etymologies, development of verbal forms
  • consultations with L. Habachi
  • meeting Černý at G. Nagel's in 1956

Kraeling, Carl H. - correspondence

5 letters from Kraeling, 3 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Kraeling.
Černý 's visit to Chicago in early 1955, where he gave a talk on Egyptian oracles; problems faced by Western institutions in Egypt after the Suez crisis.

Krause, Martin - correspondence

11 letters from Krause, 3 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Krause.
Photographs of hieratic ostraca sent to Černý from Berlin (one letter originally had an enclosure of over 20 photographs), books from the von Bissing bequest (F. von Bissing died in 1956), personal matters.

Lambert, A. C. - correspondence

1 letter from Lambert.
A query from A. C. Lambert concerning an esoteric book Secret Place of the Lion by G. H. Williamson, which Černý assessed critically as shown in a remark added to the letter.

Lisowska, Julia - correspondence

1 card with name and address of Mgr. Lisowska, with an enclosed draft of a letter from Černý to Mgr. Lisowska.
Data for the stela of Merer, Cracow, MNK-XI-999 (TopBib v.164), Černý records museum number as 939 in the letter, later published: Černý, J., 'The stela of Merer in Cracow', in Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 47 (1961), 5-9 (OEB 8269).

Lockhart, R. D. - correspondence

5 letters from Lockhart, 3 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Lockhart.
The collection of the Anthropological Museum, University of Aberdeen, especially the monuments from Deir el-Medîna.

Matouš, Lubor - correspondence

1 letter from Matous.
An invitation to Černý to contribute to the Festschrift B. Hrozný (see Symbolae ad studia Orientis pertinentes Frederico Hrozný dedicatae, Černý did not contribute).

Mazar, Benjamin - correspondence

2 letters from Mazar to Černý, 2 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Mazar.
Černý's contributions to the Hebrew Biblical Encyclopedia.

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