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Archivische Beschreibung
Gardiner, (Sir) Alan Henderson Einzelstück
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Hand-copy by Gardiner of stela of Haremhab in front of west wing of 10th Pylon at Karnak (incomplete)
Hand-copy by Gardiner of stela of Haremhab in front of west wing of 10th Pylon at Karnak (incomplete)
Thebes. Dra Abu el-Naga. Tomb ANB. Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere: letter from Gardiner to Carter
Thebes. Dra Abu el-Naga. Tomb ANB. Amenophis I and Ahmosi Nefertere: letter from Gardiner to Carter
Hand-copy (possibly by Alan H. Gardiner) of text from fragment of coffin of Herunefer, 2nd Intermediate Period, in London, British Museum, EA 29997 (formerly 6636 a) (TopBib i2.657)
Hand-copy (possibly by Alan H. Gardiner) of text from fragment of coffin of Herunefer, 2nd Intermediate Period, in London, British Museum, EA 29997 (formerly 6636 a) (TopBib i2.657)
Carter MSS i.F.131-132
Thebes. Valley of the Kings. Carnarvon excavations: Gardiner's transcription of lion-hunt ostracon
Notes on stela of Intef in London, British Museum, EA 581, and the origin of the use of nty, by Alan H. Gardiner
Notes on stela of Intef in London, British Museum, EA 581, and the origin of the use of nty, by Alan H. Gardiner
The maxims of Amenemope - Transcription with annotations of hieratic wooden tablet, XXth Dynasty, in Turin, Museo Egizio, by Alan H. Gardiner
The maxims of Amenemope - Transcription with annotations of hieratic wooden tablet, XXth Dynasty, in Turin, Museo Egizio, by Alan H. Gardiner
Thebes. South-West Valleys: graffiti: A. H. Gardiner's notes on graffiti
Thebes. South-West Valleys: graffiti: A. H. Gardiner's notes on graffiti