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Bridges, (Revd) George Wilson

  • Person
  • 1788-1863

English writer, photographer and Anglican cleric. After eloping with his wife, he was Rector for the Jamaican parish of St Dorothy until late 1817, and then Manchester from 1817 to 1823. He moved to become rector at the neighbouring parish of St Ann from 1823 to 1837. He published works against William Wilberforce and another book resulted in his London publisher being found guilty of libel against Louis Celeste Lecesne and John Escoffery. After his wife left him, he lost four of their daughters in a boating accident. Bridges went to Canada and returned to England to meet William Fox Talbot and take up photography. In December 1845 he learned the calotype process from Nicolaas Henneman, William Fox Talbot's printer, specifically so that he could record his upcoming tour of the Mediterranean and the Near East. Around 1850 he toured around the Mediterranean taking 1,700 early pictures including Egypt, Greece, the Holy Land and Mount Etna erupting; he became the first photographer to use the calotype process in Greece. The album he produced there, Illustrations of the Acropolis of Athens, was never published. Following his grand tour Bridges began issuing his photographs in instalments under the title Selections from Seventeen-Hundred Genuine Photographs: (Views-Portraits-Statuary-Antiquities). Taken around the Shores of the Mediterranean between the Years 1846-1852. With, or Without, Notes, Historical and Descriptive. By a Wayworn Wanderer. His last parish was Beachley in Gloucestershire, where he died in 1863.

Capart, Jean

  • Person
  • 1877-1947

Belgian Egyptologist; he was born at Brussels, 21 February 1877, son of Alphonse C. and Alida Carbonelle; he was educated at the University of Brussels; he later studied Egyptology under Wiedemann at Bonn; he was appointed assistant Conservator in the Egyptian collections at the Musées Royaux du Cinquantenaire, Brussels, 1900, became Chief Conservator, 1925 and Director; under his regime the organisation of the museum was greatly improved and many important acquisitions made; he visited Egypt frequently and conducted excavations at Elkab, 1927-9, 1945, publishing reports in ASAE; in addition to his scientific works he contributed freely to the popular press and gave many public lectures which did much to stimulate and arouse interest in Egyptology not only in Belgium, but in many other countries he visited, notably England and USA; his speciality was Egyptian art on which subject he wrote many important books; in 1923 he conducted the Queen of the Belgians on a visit to Egypt and visited the Tomb of Tutankhamun while excavations were in progress, this so stimulated her interest that the Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth was established under his direction, 1923; with its fine library it has since become an important centre of research, and under its auspices many important publications have appeared including the journal, Chronique d'Égypte, which Capart managed to continue to publish even during the German occupation of Belgium; he also established Bibl. Aegyptiaca, 1932, and was in addition Professor at the University of Liège until 1929 and a Vice-Pres. of the EES whose Bibl. in JEA he edited for a time in the 1930s; from 1932 he was part-time Honorary Curator of Egyptology in The Brooklyn Museum, and from 1938 until his death Honorary Advisory ,Curator; his principal works were, Recueil de monuments égyptiens, 2 pts. 1902-5; Les débuts de l'art en Égypte, 1904; Primitive Art in Egypt, trans. by A. S. Griffith, 1905; Musées roy. du Cinq., Les antiquités ég. guide descriptif, 1905; Bulletin critique des religions de l'Égypte, 1905-1913; Une rue de tombeaux à Saqqarah, 2 vols 1907; L'art égyptien, 2 vols 1909-1911; Donation d'antiquités égyptiennes aux Musées roy. de Bruxelles, 1911; Abydos: le temple de Séti ler, étude générale, 1912; Les Monuments dits Hycsos, 1914; Un Roman vécu il y a 25 siècles: histoire des relations d'une famille sacerdotale ég. avec les prêtres du Temple de Teuzoi ... par Pétéisis fils d'Essemteu, 1914, Lecons sur I'art égyptien, 1920; Lectures on Egyptian Art, 1923; L'art égyptien: études et histoire, 3 vols. 1924-48; Egyptian Art: Introductory Studies, trans. W. R. Dawson, 1923; The Tomb of Tutankhamen trans. W. R. Dawson, 1923; Thebes: the glory of a great past, with M. Werbrouck, 1926; L'art égyptien, I: L'architecture, 1922; Documents pour servir à l'étude de l'art égyptien, 2 vols. 1927-32; Memphis à l'ombre des pyramides, with M. Werbrouck 4°, 1930; Propos sur l'art égyptienne, 1931; Makit: une histoire de souris au temps des pharaons, 1936; La beauté égyptienne - anthologie, 1942; Tout-ankh-amoun, with others, 1943; Le message de la vieille Égypte, 1944; Fouilles en Égypte. El Kab, 1946; Pour faire aimer l'art égyptien, 1949; he also edited the Wilbour letters 1936; he died in Brussels, 16 June 1947.

Blankenberg-Van Delden, Catharina

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  • 1906-1994

Dutch Egyptologist; she studied with Jozef Janssen who encouraged her to research the commemorative scarabs of Amenhotep III; apart from articles on early New Kingdom queens, she published The Large Commemorative Scarabs of Amenhotep III, 1969, with supplements in OMRO 42 (1961), 7-12; JEA 62 (1976), 74-80; and JEA 63 (1977), 83-87; she died in 1994.

Rhoné, Arthur

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  • 1836-1910

French author and traveller; he was a close friend of Mariette and frequently accompanied him on his tours of inspection in Upper Egypt, as he also did with Maspero; he thus made many journeys between 1865 and 1882; in 1881 he was attached to the Mission Arch. in Cairo; he contributed many accounts of discoveries in Egypt to the Gaz. des Beaux Arts, le Temps, Mag. Pittoresque, etc., and published a travel book, L'Égypte à petites journées, which enjoyed great popularity, running to several editions; his correspondence is in the Griffith Institute, Oxford; he died 7 June 1910.

Sethe, Kurt Heinrich

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  • 1869-1934

German Egyptologist; he was born in Berlin, 30 September 1869, son of Heinrich Christoph S. and his wife Auguste Gertrud; he studied Egyptology under Erman at Berlin University, 1888-92; PhD, 1892; Habilitation, 1895; 1907; afterwards succeeding Erman at Berlin, 1923; Sethe was with Erman the greatest figure in Egyptian philology in the twentieth century; his achievement has been said to have been comparable with that of Brugsch or even Champollion in some fields; he made discoveries in all philological branches and also in history, geography, religion, mathematics, and chronology; his range was comprehensive, covering all texts from those of the Early Dynastic period to Demotic and Coptic, making important discoveries in all; he was a voluminous writer; of his many grammatical works the great Verbum was the most important; he collated and re-edited the Pyramid Texts, first published by Maspero; he founded and edited the Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Altertumskunde Aegyptens to which he made many important contributions from 1896 onwards; he visited Egypt, 1904-5, and copied and collated a large number of historical texts which he published in 1906-9, as Urkunden der 18. Dynastie; his many works defined the Egyptian language in a way never before achieved and made the study of grammar more exact; these contributions appeared in ZÄS and other journals and as separate publications; his principal works were Die Thronwirren unter den Nachfolgern Königs Thutmosis I, etc., 1896; Das Aegyptische Verbum in Altaegyptischen, Neuaegyptischen und Koptischen, 3 vols. 1899-1902; Dodekaschoinos: das Zwölfmeilenland an der Grenze von Aegypten und Nubien, 1901; Beiträge zur ältesten Geschichte Ägyptens, 1905; Urkunden des Alten Reichs, 4 parts, 1903-33; Urkunden der 18. Dynastie, 16 parts, 1906-9; Hieroglyphischen Urkunden der Griechisch-Römischen Zeit, 3 parts, 1904-16; Die Altaegyptischen pyramidentexte, 1 and 2, Text, vol. 3, Kritischer Apparat, 4, Epigraphik, 1908-22, his greatest work; Die Einsetzung des Veziers unter der 18. Dynastie: Inschrift im Grabe des Rech-mi-Re zu Schech Abd el Gurna, 1909; Sarapis und die sogenannten 'Katochoi' des Sarapis: zwei Probleme der Griechisch-Aegyptischen Religionsgeschichte, 1913; Der Nominalsatz im Agyptischen und Koptischen, 1916; Von Zahlen und Zahlworten bei den alten Ägyptern und was für andere Völker und Sprachen daraus zu lernen ist ..., 1916; Die Zeitrechnung der alten Aegypter im Verhältnis zu der andern Völker, 2 parts, 1919-20; Demotische Urkunden zum ägyptischen Bürgschaftsrechte, vorzüglich der Ptolemäerzeit, etc., 1920, a huge work of over 800 pages; Aegyptische Lesestücke … Texte des Mittleren Reiches, 2 parts, 1924-7; Dramatische Texte zu Altaegyptischen Mysterienspielen, 1928; Urgeschichte und älteste Religion der Ägypter, 1930; Das Hatschepsut-Problem noch einmal untersucht, 1932; Historisch-biographische Urkunden des Mittleren Reiches, with W. Erichsen, 1935; Übersetzung and Kommentar zu den Altägyptischen Pyramidentexten, 6 vols. with W. Erichsen, 1935-62; Thebanische Tempelinschriften aus Griechisch-Römischer Zeit, posth., 1957; Sethe edited the text of Lepsius' Denkmäler which was supplied by Naville and collaborated with Gardiner in Egyptian Letters to the Dead; he visited Egypt for a second time in 1925; he died in Berlin, 6 July 1934.

Traunecker, Claude

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  • 1943-

French Egyptologist born 1943 in Mulhouse, Alsace. Professor at the University of Strasbourg and researcher at the CNRS. [EF: i think he trained as a chemist originally - need to check] From 1968 to 1984, Traunecker worked with the Centre franco-égyptien d'étude des temples de Karnak (CFEETK) in Luxor, where he specialised in restoration and epigraphy, and published his research from this in the journal Cahiers de Karnak between 1970 to 1982, amongst other places. Alongside numerous books, articles and other publications, Traunecker also helped produce two documentaries, Akhenaten et Nefertiti (2002) and La tombe 33, un mystère égyptien (2007).

Budge, (Sir) Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis

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  • 1857-1934

British Egyptologist and orientalist; he was born at Bodmin, 27 July 1857, son of Mary Ann B. possibly by a Mr. Vyvyan, and became interested in Egyptian and oriental history at an early age, often visiting the British Museum as a boy; at fifteen he studied in his spare time while employed by W. H. Smith & Son, 1870-8, and was at this time encouraged and helped by Gladstone who took a personal interest in him, and Birch who taught him Egyptian and allowed him the use of the library in the Oriental Department of the British Museum; he later studied at Christ's College, Cambridge, 1879-82; Assyrian Scholar, Hebrew Prizeman, Tyrwhitt Hebrew Scholar; BA 1882; MA 1885; LittD; DLitt; DLit; FSA; assistant Keeper 1883-92, acting Keeper from 27 January 1892, Keeper of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, British Museum, 1894-1924; Corr. Member of the Academy of Science, Lisbon; Member of the American Historical Society; Knight, 1920; married 1883, Dora Helen (d. 1926), daughter of the Reverend Titus Emerson; Budge went to Egypt, the Sudan, and Mesopotamia many times to obtain antiquities for the British Museum; he excavated at Aswan in Egypt; at Gebel Barkal, the Island of Meroe, Semna, and other sites in Nubia and the Sudan; and at Nineveh and Der in Iraq; Order of the Star of Ethiopia, 3rd class; Dongola medals, 1898; he had great success in his dealings with the local inhabitants and in overcoming official obstruction, and obtained for the British Museum many thousands of cuneiform tablets and other Assyrian and Babylonian antiquities, as well as Egyptian sculptures, papyri, and other objects; he also procured large numbers of Coptic, Syriac, Arabic, Ethiopic, and other oriental MSS, plus many important Greek papyri; his output of published works is the largest of any single orientalist; he edited texts in Cuneiform, Hieroglyphic, Coptic, Syriac, and Ethiopic; he produced many official publications of papyri and monuments, and a great number of popular or semi-popular works in all these fields; in his text editions, Budge was too prolific for careful work, and many of them are inaccurate by modern standards; he persisted in the use of an old system of transcription, and did not utilize many of the grammatical discoveries of the Berlin School; nevertheless without his phenomenal energy and devotion, many hieratic, Coptic, and other texts of fundamental importance would not have become known and been made available until a very much later date; his general works have been of value to students and helped to arouse much popular interest; the following is a list of some of his major Egyptological books: Coptic History of Isaac of Tiphre, 1884; Notes on the Egyptian Stelae, 1884; Dwellers on the Nile, 1885; The Sarcophagus of Ankhnesmineferab, 1885; The Book of the Bee, 1886; Coptic History of Elijah the Tishbite, 1886; Catalogue of Egyptian Antiquities (Harrow School Museum), 1887; Sepulchral Stele from Akhmîm, 1887; Coptic Martyrdom of George of Cappadocia, 1888; Account of Excavations at Aswân, 1888; On Cuneiform Despatches from Tushratta (Tell el-Amarna Tablets), 1888; The Nile, Notes for Travellers, 1890; Festival Songs of Isis and Nephthys, The Litanies of Seker, and The Book of Overthrowing Apepi, 1891; Tell el-Amarna Tablets in the British Museum, with C. Bezold, 1892; Catalogue of the Egyptian Antiquities in the Fitzwilliam Museum, 1893; The Mummy, 1894, St. Michael the Archangel, 1894; Book of the Dead (Papyrus of Ani), 1895; First Steps in Egyptian, 1895; An Egyptian Reading Book for Beginners, 1896; The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day (Book of the Dead), 1897; The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, 1898; A guide to the First and Second Egyptian Rooms, British Museum, 1898; A Guide to the Third and Fourth Egyptian Rooms, 1905; Facsimiles of the Papyri of Hunefer, Anhai, Kerasher, Nu, Texts etc., 1899; Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life, 1899; Egyptian Magic, 1899; Easy Lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphics, 1899; On the Orientation of the Pyramids in the Sudan, 1899; The Book of the Dead, 1901; A History of Egypt from the end of the Predynastic Period to the death of Cleopatra VII, 8 vols., 1902; The Gods of Egypt, or Studies in Egyptian Mythology, 1903; The Rosetta Stone, and Decree of Canopus, 1904; Cook's Handbook of Egypt and the Sudan, 3rd ed. 1911; Egyptian Books of Heaven and Hell; The Book Am-tuat; The Book of Pylons; Egyptian Texts and Translations, 1905, 1925; The Egyptian Sudan, 2 vols., 1907; The Sarcophagus of Seti I (Soane Museum), 1908; The Book of the Kings of Egypt, 2 vols., 1908; Guide to the Egyptian Galleries in the British Museum (Sculpture), 1909; Texts relating to St. Minas etc., in a Nubian Dialect, 1909; Liturgy of Funeral Offerings, and Book of Opening the Mouth, 1909; Coptic Homilies in the Dialect of Upper Egypt, 1910; Book of the Dead, 1910; Hieratic Papyri in the British Museum, 1911; Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection, 1911; Legends of the Gods, and Annals of Nubian Kings, 1911; Coptic Biblical Texts in the dialect of Upper Egypt, 1912; The Papyrus of Nesi-ta-nebt-Ashru, 1912; Coptic Apocrypha, 1913; Papyrus of Ani, 1913; Coptic Martyrdoms, 1914; Short History of the Egyptian People, 1914; Literature of the Ancient Egyptians, 1914; Egyptian Wall-painting, 1914; Egyptian Sculptures, 1914; Miscellaneous Coptic Texts in the dialect of Upper Egypt, 1915; By Nile and Tigris, 2 vols., 1920; An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary, his largest work, 1920; British Museum Monographs, Book of the Dead, 1920; Guide to the 4th, 5th, and 6th Egyptian Rooms, 1922; Egyptian Hieratic Papyri, 2nd Series, 1923; Tutankhamen, 1923; Guide to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Egyptian Rooms, 1924; The Teaching of Amenemapt, 1924; Cleopatra's Needles, 1927; Egyptian Tales and Romances, 1931; Wit and Wisdom of the Christian Fathers of Egypt, 1934; From Fetish to God in Ancient Egypt, 1934; Budge founded in memory of his wife two Egyptological studentships at Christ's College, Cambridge, and University College, Oxford, and left his library to the former college; he died in London, 23 November 1934 and was buried in Nunhead cemetery in south London.

Lefebvre, Gustave Désiré Louis

  • Person
  • 1879-1957

French Egyptologist; born 17 July 1879 at Bar-le-Duc (Meuse), Lorraine, son of Constantin Désiré Louis L. and Marie Longeaux; he studied at the Faculté des Lettres, Paris, 1879-1900, and was also a pupil at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, 1899-1901; he was a member of the French School at Athens, 1901-4; he worked in Egypt, 1902-4; he became Professor at the Lycée de Valenciennes 1904; he was appointed Inspector for Middle Egypt in the Egyptian Antiquities Service, 1905-14; in war service 1915-19; Assistant Keeper, 1919 then Keeper, Cairo Museum, 1926-28; Director of Studies at the École Pratique des Hautes Études Section IV, Chair of Egyptian Philology, 1928-48, Docteur-ès-lettres, Faculté des Lettres, Paris, 1929; Maspero Prize, 1942; member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 1942; Paul Pelliot Prize, 1956; an authority on Egyptian philology Lefebvre received a classical background to his education at the Sorbonne; with Pierre Jouguet he studied Greek papyri found in the Nile valley and assisted in excavations at Medinet Madi in the Fayum, 1902, at Medinet Nahas (Magdola), El Majabda (the burial place of mummified crocodiles), and at Tihna, 1903-4; he was invited by Gaston Maspero to join the Antiquities Service and after studying hieroglyphs, he began the publication of Egyptian texts from 1907; he was also an officer of the Order of the Nile and of the Légion d'honneur; his published work numbered 155 items, see especially Papyrus de Magdôla, with P. Jouguet, 1902-3; Inscriptions grecques de Tehneh, 1903; Une chapelle de Ramsès II a Abydos, 1906; Fragments d'un manuscrit de Ménandre, 1907; Recueil des inscriptions grecques chrétiennes d'Égypte, 1907; Les Graffites grecs du Memnonion d'Abydos, 1919; Le tombeau de Pétosiris, 3 vols. 1923-4, following the clearance of this tomb at Tuna el-Gebel; Histoire des grands prêtres d'Amon de Karnak, 1929; Inscriptions concernant les grands prêtres d'Amon Romê-Roÿ et Amenhotep, 1929; Grammaire de l'Égyptien classique, 1940, for many years one of the three standard works used for teaching students, with those of Gardiner and de Buck; Romans et conies égyptiens de l'époque pharaonique, 1948; Inscription dédicatoire de la chapelle funéraire de Ramsès I a Abydos, 1951; Tableau des parties du corps humain mentionnées par les Égyptiens, 1952; Essai sur la médecine égyptienne de l'époque pharaonique, 1956; he died in Versailles, 1 November 1957.

Caminos, Ricardo Augusto

  • Person
  • 1915-1992

Argentinian-American Egyptologist; he was born in Buenos Aires, 11 July 1915, son of Carlos Norberto C., a lawyer, and Maria Etelvina Crottogini; he was educated at the Institute Nacional del Profesorado Secundario and the University of Buenos Aires; BA, 1932; MA, 1938; he worked briefly for the Railway Pension Fund but decided to pursue a career in Egyptology in which he was largely self-taught; he then studied at the Oriental Institute Chicago, research assistant, 1944, research fellow, 1946-7; PhD, 1947; and at The Queen's College, Oxford with Gunn, 1945-6; he was a member of the Epigraphic Survey of the Oriental Institute Chicago at Luxor, 1947-50; he then returned to Oxford to work with Sir Alan Gardiner; DPhil, 1952; he was appointed Assistant Professor at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, 1952, Associate Professor, 1957, Professor, 1964, and Wilbour Professor, 1972-9; Visiting Professor at the University of Leningrad and the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1973-4; his chosen fields of specialization were hieratic palaeography and epigraphy; he undertook the copying of the texts and scenes at Gebel es-Silsila in 1955 and 1959-60, but his work was interrupted by the needs of the Nubian Rescue campaign; he worked at Qasr Ibrim, Buhen, and Semna-Kumma 1960-65; he returned to Gebel es-Silsila, 1975-6, 1978-82 and then copied the inscriptions at Wadi el-Shatt el-Rigal, 1983, all on behalf of the Egypt Exploration Society in London where he settled on his retirement; apart from articles and reviews, he published Late-Egyptian Miscellanies, 1954; Literary Fragments in the Hieratic Script, 1956; The Chronicle of Prince Osorkon, 1958; Gebel es-Silsilah I. The Shrines, 1963 with T.G.H. James; The Shrines and Rock-Inscriptions of Ibrim, 1968; The New Kingdom Temples of Buhen, 1974; and with H.G. Fischer, Ancient Egyptian Epigraphy and Palaeography, 1976; A Tale of Woe, 1977; his work at Semna-Kumma was in press at his death and his copies of Gebel es-Silsilah and Wadi el-Shaft el-Rigal were being prepared for publication; he died in London, 26 May 1992 and his ashes were buried in Holywell cemetery, Oxford; his house was purchased by the Egypt Exploration Society and now houses the Ricardo A. Caminos Memorial Library.

Leclant, Jean

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  • 1920-2011

French Egyptologist; he was born in Paris, 8 August 1920, son of René L., a merchant and Laurence Pannier; he studied at the École normale supérieure, 1940-5 and the École pratique des hautes études, 1953; Dr ès lettres, 1963; he was attached to CNRS, 1946-8 and served at IFAO, 1948-52; he directed a mission to Ethiopia, 1952; he became lecturer, 1953-5 and then professor, 1955-63 at the University of Strasbourg; he was appointed Professor of Egyptology at the Sorbonne, 1963-79 and director of studies at the the École pratique des hautes études, 1964-90; he became Professor of Egyptology at the Collège de France, 1979-90; he excavated at Axum, 1952-6; Karnak, Saqqara from 1963-99; Soleb, 1960-78; and Sedeinga from 1979; he produced the annual 'Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan' in Orientalia, 1948-2002; editor of the Meroitic Newsletter and Annales d'Éthiopie, 1955-72; Grand Officer of the Légion d'honneur; Member of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, 3 May 1974 and its secrétaire perpétuel, 24 June 1983; Vice-President of the Société francaise d'égyptologie, 1965; President, 1970-9; he was head of the Advisory Committee on overseas excavations, 1973-88; Vice-President of the French section of UNESCO; his principal publications were Enquêtes sur les sacerdoces et les sanctuaires égyptiens a l'époque dite Ethiopienne (XXe dynastie), 1954; with others, Karnak-nord IV, 1954; In the Steps of the Pharaohs, 1958; Montouemhat, Quatrième Prophète d'Amon, 1961; Recherches sur les monuments thébains de la XXVe dynastie dite ‘éthiopienne’ 1965; with others, Soleb I-II, 1965-71; with J.-P. Lauer, Mission archéologique de Saqqarah I. Le temple haut du complexe funéraire du roi Téti, 1972; with G. Clerc, Inventaire bibliographique des Isiaca, 1972-4; with others, Mission archéologique de Saqqarah II. Le temple haut du complexe funéraire du roi Ounas, 1977; with others, Le temps des pyramides, 1978; Recherches dans la pyramide et au temple haut du Pharaon Pépi Ier à Saqqarah, 1979; with R. Parker and J.-C. Goyon, The Edifice of Taharqa by the Sacred Lake of Karnak, 1979; with others, L'Empire des conquérants, 1979, with others, L'Égypte du crépuscule, 1980; De l'égyptophilie a l'égyptologie, 1985; with H. Fischer, L'écriture et l'art de l'Égypte ancienne. Quatre leçons sur la paléographie et l'épigraphie pharaoniques, 1986; with A. Zivie, Memphis et ses nécropoles au Nouvel Empire, 1988; with J.-P. Lauer and A. Labrousse, L'architecture des pyramides à textes I, Saqqara-Nord, 1996; with M. Rassart-Debergh, Textiles d'Antinoe, 1997; with others, L'expédition d'Égypte, postérités et prospectives, 1998; with D. Valbelle, Le décret de Memphis, bicentenaire de la découverte de la Pierre de Rosette, 1999; Répertoire d'épigraphie méroïtique: corpus des inscriptions publiées, 2000; Au fil du Nil, le parcours d'un égyptologue, 2001; with others, Les textes de la pyramide de Pépy ler I, 2001; Dictionnaire de l'Antiquité, 2005; he died in Paris, 16 September 2011; his library was added to the Champollion Library at the Collège de France, Paris.

Keimer, Ludwig Joseph Gustav

  • Person
  • 1892-1957

German Egyptologist; born Hellenthal, Germany, 23 August 1892, son of Hubert K., a forester; he studied German Language and Literature, Ancient History and Classics at Münster, 1912-3 and then Archaeology at Berlin, 1913-17 where he took courses on Egyptology under Erman and Möller; he also studied Law and National Economy; he took several doctorates at this time, PhD in the University of Münster, 1917; Doctor Juris utriusque at the University of Würzburg, 1920; Doctor rerum politicarum, Wüzburg, 1922; he later obtained his habilitation from the German University in Prague, 20 September 1930; influenced by G. Schweinfurth he became interested in the flora and fauna of Egypt, particularly in relation to those existing in the Pharaonic period, and he published his first important work in this field, Die Gartenpflanzen im Alten Ägypten, 1924, repr. 1967; he then went to work with V. Loret at Lyons and then settled in Egypt in 1928, where he was made Professor at the School for Dragomans and Guides, 1929-31, and was also attached to the General Catalogue of the Museum, 1932; he directed the historical section of the Fuad I Agricultural Museum from 1931-36; he became Professor of Egyptian Archaeology in the University of Cairo, 1936; he was closely associated with the Institut d'Égypte to which he was elected in 1937, contributing many communications to its Mémoires and serving as secretary-general and vice-president; from 1930-40 he was appointed lecturer at the German University of Prague, 1938 and took Czechoslovak nationality; on his return to Egypt, he was arrested as a German spy, 1940-1 and later released thanks to Emery's intervention in 1951 he became an Egyptian national; he was a member of numerous scientific organizations, notably Société Royale de Géographie d'Égypte, 1929; Fondation égyptologique Reine Élisabeth, Bruxelles, 1930; Société française d'Égypte, 1937; Association des amis de l'art copte, 1938; committee member of the Société Royale de Papyrologie d'Égypte, 1934; in all his published output reached 200 items, including Egyptian formal bouquets, 1925; Études d'Ég. fasc. I-VII, 1940-5; Histoires de serpents dans l'Égypte ancienne et moderne, 1947; Interpretation de quelques passages d'Horapollon, 1947; Remarques sur le tatouage dans l'Égypte ancienne, 1948; Notes prises chez les Bisarin et les Nubiens d'Assouan, 1951-3; Jardins zoologiques d'Égypte, 1954; his library and archives were acquired by the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo; he died in Deir el-Chifa Hospital, Cairo, 16 August 1957.

Grapow, Herman

  • Person
  • 1885-1967

German Egyptologist; he was born in Rostock, 1 September 1885; he studied Egyptian and Coptic under Erman and Steindorff at the University of Berlin, 1906-12, after having had his interest in Egypt aroused at the age of 17 by reading Steindorff's Blutezeit; PhD, 1912; he was made Hon. Professor in Berlin University, 1928; Professor of Egyptology, 1938-45 when he was dismissed for supporting the Nazi government; Dean of the Philosophical Faculty, 1940-45; Rector of the University of Berlin, 1943-45; he later founded the Institut für Orienforschung in the Berlin Academy of which he was director, 1956-62; Dr. Med. hon. c. Rostock University for his work on ancient Egyptian medicine and medical texts, 1955; Member of the Prussian Academy, 1938; Vice-Pres of the Academy of Arts and Sciences and Acting Pres 1943-5; Guest Professor at Cairo, 1960-1; it is as collaborator with Erman from 1907 in his great work on the Wörterbuch that Grapow is chiefly remembered, but he also wrote and helped to produce many other important works; for the dictionary he assisted in the preliminary task of gathering together the great mass of data, and played a major part in the sorting and arranging of the 1.5 million Zettel used in its production; he was responsible for the regular appearance of all the 11 subsequent vols., a truly gigantic editorial achievement; Grapow's other major interest was the study of medical texts, and with the help of two other writers he brought out no less than six vols. which were of fundamental importance, between 1954 and 1959; his bibl. published on his seventieth birthday lists 87 books and articles; among his principal works are Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache, with A. Erman, 6 vols. 1931-55, and 5 of Belegstellen, 1935-55; Grundriss der Medizin der alten Ägypter, I-III and V, 1954-8, IV with H. v. Deines and Westendorf, 1958, VI Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Drogennamen, with H. v. Deines, 1959; on his seventieth birthday a Festschrift was published by his friends with 40 articles by collegues; he died in Berlin, 24 August 1967.

Habachi, Labib

  • Person
  • 1906-1984

Egyptian Egyptologist; he was born in Salamun near Mansura, 18 April 1906, son of Habachi Ibrahim, a merchant, and his wife Mauna; he was educated at the Coptic School in Mansura and later at the Maronite School in Cairo; in 1924 he began the study of mathematics at Fuad I (later Cairo) University but transferred in 1925 to the Egyptology Section, BA, 1928; in 1930 he was appointed as an inspector in the Egyptian Antiquities Service; he held posts throughout the country at Aswan, 1930-2, Luxor, Cairo, Edfu, Fayum, Abydos, Sohag, Zagazig and Tanta; in 1944 he was appointed Chief Inspector of Upper Egypt until 1946, was at Saqqara, 1950-1, and was reassigned to Upper Egypt, 1951-58; in 1958 he was promoted to sub-director of field work which post he held until his resignation from the Service in August 1960; he was then appointed archaeological consultant of the Nubian expedition of the Oriental Institute of Chicago, December 1960-63; Labib Habachi was the leading Egyptian archaeologist of his generation and undertook excavations throughout Egypt notably at the Heqaib complex at Aswan, at Karnak where he discovered the Kamose stela, and at Bubastis and Qantir in the Delta; he travelled abroad extensively to visit collections in other museums and to deliver lectures which served to popularize Egyptology; he was chosen a member of the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin 1953, a member of the Institut d'Égypte in 1964, an honorary member of the Egyptological Institute of Charles University, Prague in 1965, and of the Société Française d'Égyptologie in 1983; he was awarded the State Prize of Egypt and the decoration First Class for Arts and Sciences in 1959, the Italian Order of Merit in 1973, the French Légion d'honneur 1979, and the Austrian Order of Merit 1980; on 1 May 1966 the honorary degree of doctor was conferred upon him by New York University; he was elected permanent Honorary President of the International Association for Coptic Studies, 1978; he married in 1961 Attiya Hanim Kamil Ayad (d. 1987); on his 75th birthday a Festschrift with articles by 70 Egyptologists was prepared in MDAIK 37; he himself wrote over 170 articles, books, and notes on Egyptological subjects; the most notable were Tell Basta, 1957; Features of the Deification of Ramesses II, 1969; The Second Kamose Stela and his Struggle against the Hyksos Ruler and his Capital, 1972; The Obelisks of Egypt, 1977; Tavole d'Offerta, Are e Bacili da Libagione, 1977; Le Tombeau de Nay à Gournet Murei (with P. Anus), 1977; Sixteen Studies on Lower Nubia, 1981; Untersuchungen im Totentempel Amenophis' III, with H. Ricke and G. Haeny, 1981; and Elephantine IV. The Sanctuary of Heqaib, 1985; Studies on the Middle Kingdom. Studia Aegyptiaca X, 1987; he died in Cairo, 18 February 1984 and was buried at Deir el-Moharreb near Luxor.

Turaev, Boris Alexandrovitch

  • Person

Russian Egyptologist; he was born in Novogrudok, 24 July/5 August 1868, son of Alexander T.; he studied first in St. Petersburg under Golenischeff, graduating 1891, and later under Erman in Berlin, 1893-5 and Maspero in Paris; on returning to Russia, he was appointed private lecturer in Ancient History in the University of St. Petersburg, 1896, Associate Professor, 1904, Professor, 1911; he was made Keeper of Egyptian Antiquities in the Museum of Moscow when it acquired the Golenischeff Collection, 1912; in 1918 he was elected a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; he had assembled a large private collection of antiquities which it was his intention to bequeath to Moscow Museum; he published Bog Tot, 1898; Istoriya Drevnego Vostoka, 1911; Opisanie Egipetskago sobraniya I. Statui i statuétki golenishchevskago sobraniya, 4º 1917; Drevnei egipetskaya literature, 1920; posth. Papyrus Prachov, sobraniya B.A. Turaeva, fol., 1927; also articles in JEA, ZÄS_, and other journals; he died in Petrograd, 23 July 1920.

Ricci, Seymour Montefiore Robert Rosso de

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  • 1881-1942

British bibliographer and antiquary; he was born in Twickenham, 17 May 1881, son of James Hermann de R. and Hélène Montefiore; he resided chiefly in Paris, and published many bibliographical works on rare books and MSS; he had a fine library and his knowledge of book collectors and sales of books and MSS was unrivalled; he visited Egypt several times and obtained many important papyri, chiefly Greek, some of which he published; Sandals Lecturer, Cambridge, 1929-30; he published a bibliography of Egyptology (Rev. Arch 5-8, 1917-18), and of Champollion (Rec. Champ. 763-84); his papers and library are in the Collège de France; he died in Paris, 25 December 1942.

Moss, Rosalind Louisa Beaufort

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  • 1890-1990

British Egyptologist and bibliographer; she was born in Shrewsbury, 21 September 1890, daughter of the Revd Henry Whitehead M., Headmaster of Shrewsbury School and Mary Beaufort; she was educated at Heathfield School, Ascot and at St. Anne's College, Oxford where she studied anthropology; Diploma 1917 BSc, 1922; author of The Life after Death in Oceania and the Malay Archipelago 1925; she took up Egyptology in 1917 and became a pupil of Griffith; at his encouragement she became editor of The Topographical Bibliography of Ancinet Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings in 1924 with B. Porter; she travelled extensively visiting museums and sites with her later assistant Ethel Burney; she edited Vols. I-VII, 1927-51 and the second edition of Vols. 1960-72 of the Bibliography and collected material for future volumes up to he't retirement in 1970; FSA, 1949; Hon. DLitt from Oxford, 1961; Hon. Fellow, St. Anne's College, Oxford, 1967; a volume of tributes was prepared in her memory' T. G. H. James and J. Malek, A Dedicated Life, 1990; she died in Ewell, Surrey, 22 April 1990.

Pendlebury, John Devitt Stringfellow

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  • 1904-1941

British archaeologist and Cretan excavator; he was born in London, 12 October 1904, son of Herbert Stringfellow P., a surgeon, and Lilian Dorothea Devitt; he was educated at Winchester, 1918-23, and Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1923; Exhibitioner, Shoolbred and Beatson Scholar; BA, 1927; MA; FSA; FRSA; Cambridge University Student at the British School of Archaeology in Athens, 1927-8; Member of the Archaeological expedition of Macedonia, 1928; also excavated in Crete; married Hilda Winifred White, 1928; he joined the EES expeditions to Armant and El-Amarna, 1928-9, and then directed the Amarna expedition 1930-1; he was appointed Curator of Knossos in Crete, 1930-4, and was the successor of Sir Arthur Evans in this work; he spent the summer months working in Crete and continued the Amarna excavations until 1936; he later excavated at Mount Dikte and other sites in Crete until the war, 1936-9; British Vice-Consul, Candia, Crete, 1941; although his work was primarily in Crete and Minoan archaeology and history, Pendlebury did much important work at El-Amarna, clearing and re-examining the central city and the important government buildings, as well as excavating many houses; he was able with the help of R. Lavers, to reconstruct the layout and much of the plan of the great Aten temple and the main palace, and also locate the records office and other administrative areas; another important contribution was the classification and study of objects showing contacts and connections between the Aegean and Egypt; besides articles in journals he published, Aegyptiaca, a Catalogue of Egyptian objects in the Aegean Area, 1930; A Handbook to the Palace of Minos, 1933; The City of Akhenaten Il. The North Suburb and the Desert Altars, with H. Frankfort, 1933; The City of Akhenaten III. The Central City and Official Quarters, 2 parts, posth. with H. W. Fairman and others, 1951; Tell el Amarna, 1935; The Archaeology of Crete, 1939; in 1939 he joined the forces in Crete, Capt. 18th Infantry Brigade, and in May 1941 was severely wounded in action; he was looked after m a nearby house which was later entered by German paratroopers; he came from his bed to protect the lady of the house and, according to one version, was shot dead or alternatively he suffered a fatal internal haemorrhage in Kaminia near Heraklion, on or about 22 May 1941.

Bell, (Sir) Harold Idris

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  • 1879-1967

British papyrologist and classicist; born in Epworth, Lincs., 2 October 1879, son of Charles Christopher Bell, who with an uncle owned a chemist's shop, and Rachel Hughes; he won a scholarship in Classics to Oriel College, Oxford, 1897, after being educated at Nottingham High School, and subsequently the Fraser Scholarship, 1901; he later studied at the Universities of Berlin and Halle; appointed Assistant in the Department of MSS in the British Museum, 1903; Deputy-Keeper of MSS, 1927, Keeper of the MSS and Edgerton Librarian, British Museum, 1929-44; Hon. Reader in Papyrology, Oxford, 1935-50; knighted, 1946; C.B., 1936; OBE, 1920; FBA; MA (Oxon); Hon. LL.D. (Liverpool); Hon. DLitt. (Wales, Michigan, Brussels); he married 1911, Mabel Winifred (d. 1967) daughter of Ernest Ayling; seconded to War Office Intelligence Dept., 1915; member of Committee of the Egypt Exploration Society, 1922-59; Hon. Sec. of same, 1923-27, and Vice President, 1945-67; corr. member of the Bavarian (1928), Bologna (1934), Belgian (1945), and Norwegain (1946), Acads. and of FÉRE, Brussels (1939); Member of Arch. Institut des Deutschen Reiches (1934); Associate Institut d'Égypte (1940); Foreign member of the American Philosophical Soc.. (1941); corr. member Acad. des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 1947; Soc. Royale d'Arch. d'Alexandrie, 1950; Österreichische Akad. der Wiss., 1955; Instituto Sudamericano de Asuntos Legales, 1957; Pres. Hon. Soc. of Cymmrodorion, 1947-53; Vice-Pres., 1953-67; Pres. Soc. for Promotion of Roman Studies, 1937-45; Vice Pres. 1945-67; Vice Pres. Soc. for Promotion of Hellenic Studies, 1930-67; Vice. Pres. Int. Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies, 1949-52; Pres. of Internat. Assoc. of Papyrologists, 1947-55; Hon. Pres., 1955-67; Hon. Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, 1936-67; Pres. of Brit. Acad., 1946-50; awarded Cymmrodorion Medal for services to Welsh literature, 1946; Hon. member, as Druid, of Welsh Gorsedd from 1949; during his keepership of MSS at the British Museum the Codex Sinaiticus and Luttrell Psalter were acquired, and despite official duties Bell found time to produce many works on his own special field, i.e. the Graeco-Roman papyri of Egypt; he was responsible with F. W. Kelsey of Michigan for organizing the Papyrus Syndicate, 1921, designed to buy and redistribute among its members specimens that came on the market; he retired to Aberystwyth in 1946 and he later gave his papyrological library to the National Library of Wales; his bibliography lists over 100 items, 19 separate publications, about 93 articles etc. and 9 obituaries; from this very varied output the following are selected as being among the most important, vols. III (with Sir F. Kenyon), IV and V of The Catalogue of Greek Papyri in the British Museum, 1907, 1910, 1917; Wadi Sarga (with W. E. Crum and introduction by R. Campbell Thompson), 1922; Jews and Christians in Egypt, 1924; Pt. XVI of The Oxyrhynchus Papyri (with B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt), 1924; Pt. XIX ibid (with E. Lobel, E. P. Wegener, and C. H. Roberts), 1948; Juden and Griechen im romischen Alexandreia, 1926; Fragments of an unknown gospel and other Early Christian Papyri (with T. C. Skeat), 1935; New Gospel Fragments, 1935; Recent discoveries of Biblical Papyri, an inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Oxford, 18 November 1936, 1937; A Descriptive Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the Collection of Wilfred Merton, F.S.A. (with C. H. Roberts), vol. I, 1948; vol. II (with B. R. Rees and others), 1958; Egypt from Alexander the Great to the Arab Conquest, 1948; Cults and Creeds in Graeco-Roman Egypt, 1953; The Abinnaeus Archive (with V. Martin, E. G. Turner, and D. van Berchem), 1962; he edited the EES Graeco-Roman memoirs and also contributed to the 9th edition of Liddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon, and produced the large and very comprehensive bibliographies on Graeco-Roman Egypt (Papyri) in JEA 1914-25; his contributions to the Cambridge Ancient History appear in vols. X and XI; he died in Aberystwyth, 22 January 1967.

Fairman, Herbert Walter

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  • 1907-1982

British Egyptologist; he was born at Clare, Suffolk 9 March 1907, son of Revd Walter Trotter F., a Baptist missionary in Egypt, and Mary Amelia Prior; he was educated at Bethany School, Goudhurst, Kent and from 1926 at the Institute of Archaeology, Liverpool studying under Peet and Garstang; Certificate in Archaeology (Egyptology) 1929; he took part in the excavations at Armant, 1929-31; assistant field director under Pendlebury at Amarna, 1931-6; field director for the EES at Sesebi and Amara West, 1936-9, 1947-8; he drew several of the text plates for Peet's Great Tomb Robberies and the plates for Gardiner's editions of the Chester Beatty papyri and the Late Egyptian Miscellanies; he also collaborated with Blackman on the reading of Ptolemaic texts; during World War II he was attached to the British Embassy in Cairo, 1940-7; he was appointed Brunner Professor of Egyptology at the University of Liverpool, 1948-74 and Special Lecturer in Egyptology at the University of Manchester, 1948-69; Dean of the Faculty of Arts, 1956-8; Emeritus Professor, 1974-82; he devoted himself to teaching during his university career and hence his publications are few; apart from articles and chapters in the excavation reports of Armant and Amarna, he edited The City of Akhenaten III, 1950 and wrote The Triumph of Horus, 1974; he died in Liverpool, 16 November 1982.

Vercoutter, Jean

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  • 1911-2000

French Egyptologist; he was born at Lambersart, 20 January 1911, son of Georges V. and Aline Bertin; he studied history and geography at the Sorbonne and Egyptology at the École Pratique des hautes études; Diploma 1939; he was sent on a mission to Tunisia in 1937 where he studied Egyptian objects; he served in World War II, being taken prisoner and released in 1940; he was attached to the Louvre, 1942-5 and IFAO, 1945-50 where he took part in excavations at Karnak and Tod, 1947-9; he then joined CNRS and was director of excavations at Dara, 1950-1 for the University of Paris; Docteur ès lettres from the Sorbonne, 1953; Head of the French archaeological mission to the Sudan 1953-5, excavating at Kor, 1953 and Sai, 1954; director of the Sudan Archaeological Service, 1955-60; Professor at Lille and Director of the French mission in the Sudan, 1960-76 where he undertook work at Aksha, 1960-2, and Mirgissa, 1963-7 for the Nubian rescue campaign; Director of IFAO, 1977-81; he became a member of the Académie des Inscriptions 11 May 1984; President of the Société française d'égyptologie, 1982-97; Hon President of the Nubian Society 1982; member of the Institut d'Égypte 1976; he was awarded the légion d'honneur; a festschrift Mélanges offerts à Jean Vercoutter was compiled in his honour in 1985; he published Les objets égyptiens et égyptisants du mobilier fúneraire carthininois, 1945; L'Égypte ancienne, 1947, 14th ed. 1992; Essai sur les Relations entre Égyptiens et Préhellènes, 1954; L'Égypte et le monde égéen préhellénique, 1956; Textes biographiques du Sérapéum de Memphis, 1962; La Nubie soudanaise et la nouveau barrage d'Assouan, 1963; Aksha I, 1966; Catalogue des stèles du Sérapéum de Memphis I (with G. Posener and M. Malinine), 1968; Mirgissa I-III, 1970-6; Études sur l'Égypte et le Soudain anciens, 1973; À la recherche de l'Égypte oubliée, 1986; L'Égypte et la vallée du Nil, 1993; he died in Paris, 16 July 2000.

Posener, (Henri) Georges

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  • 1906-1988

French Egyptologist; he was born in Paris, 12 September 1906, son of Solomon Pozner, a Russian lawyer and journalist who left his country in 1905, and Esther Sidersky; the family returned to Russia after the 1917 Revolution but again emigrated to France in 1921; he was educated at the Lycée Russe in Paris, the Sorbonne where he studied history and geography, and the École Pratique des Hautes Études where he studied Egyptology under Sottas, Lefebvre, Weill, and Moret from 1925-31; he was awarded his diploma in 1933 with a thesis on the texts of the Persian period; he exhibited a deep interest in Egyptian philology and literature; from 1931-9 he was attached to the French Institute in Cairo and took part in the excavations at Tod and Deir el-Medina; he was assigned the publication of the literary hieratic ostraca from Deir el-Medina, a task which was to become his life's work and allowed him to reconstruct many ancient Egyptian literary texts; he served in the French army at the beginning of World War II, was taken prisoner and escaped in 1940, and spent the rest of the war in hiding in Paris where he took part in the Resistance; in 1945 he was appointed Director of Studies in history and Egyptian archaeology at the École Pratique until 1976; Professor of Egyptian Philology and Archaeology at the Collège de France 1961-78; Visiting Professor Brown University 1952-3; Member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 1969; President of the Société Francaise d'Égyptologie 1963-71 and editor of Revue d'Égyptologie until 1985; Professor honoris-causa of the University of Heidelberg; Corresponding Member of the British Academy; Member of the German Archaeological Institute and the Academies of Sciences in Göttingen and Munich; he wrote nearly a hundred books and articles covering a wide range of subjects especially history, religion, and literature; his principal works were Catalogue des ostraca hiératiques littéraires de Deir el Médineh I-III, 1934-80; La Première domination perse en Égypte, recueil d'inscriptions hiéro-glyphiques, 1936; Littérature et politique dans l'Égypte de la XlIe dynastie, 1956; Dictionnaire de la civilisation égyptienne, 1959; De la divinité du pharaon, 1960; Catalogue des stèles du Sérapéum de Memphis I, with M. Malinine and J. Vercoutter, 1968; L'Enseignement loyaliste, 1976; Le papyrus Vandier, 1985; he died in Garaches, 15 May 1988.

Golenishchev, Vladimir Semionovich

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  • 1856-1947

Russian Egyptologist; he was born in St. Petersburg, 30 January 1856, son of Semion Vasilievitch G., a merchant, and Sophia Gavrilovna; he visited Egypt no fewer than 60 times and brought back a rich collection of antiquities which he sold in 1909 to the Moscow Museum thereby much enlarging it; after the Revolution he never returned to Russia, but resided in Nice; he was for some time employed in cataloguing the hieratic papyri in the Cairo Museum; Professor of Egyptology at the University of Cairo 1924-29; he published his first article in 1874, and his first important work in on the Metternich stela, 1877; in cuneiform studies he also published Vingt-quatre tablettes cappadociennes, 1891, in which he made important contributions to the study of these documents; his name is today associated with many important papyri: the literary papryi and the Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor, now in the Hermitage Museum, and the Mathematical Papyrus, the Hymns to the Diadem, the Story of Wenamun, and other texts in Moscow; he published articles and studies on Wenamun, The Teaching of King Merikare, the Prophecy of the Priest Nefer-rehu, etc; his Glossary (the Onomasticon) formed the basis for Gardiner's Anc. Egyptian Onomastica; his main works were, Die Metternich stele in der Originalgrösse zum erstan Male herausgegeben, 1877; Ermitahe Imperial, Inventaire de la collection égyptienne, 1891; Le Conte du Naufragé, 1912; Les Papyrus Hiératiques, no. 1115, 1116A et 1116B de l'Ermitage Impérial..., 1913; he died in Nice, 5 August 1947.

Mackay (née Simmons), Dorothy Mary

  • Person
  • 1881-1953

11 November 1881 - 8 February 1953. British archaeologist who worked in Egypt, Iraq, and sites of the Indus Valley civilisation. In 1940, she was appointed an assistant keeper at the Department of Antiquities, Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, and between 1948-1951 she acted as a curator at the Archaeological Museum of the American University of Beirut. In 1912, she married the archaeologist Ernest J. H. Mackay, with whom she often cooperated in later years. She was a member of the Croydon Branch of the Women's Social and Political Union.

Newberry, Percy Edward

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  • 23 April 1869 - 7 August 1949

Percy Edward Newberry M.A. O.B.E. was born on 23 April 1869 and died at his home in Godalming, England, on 7 August 1949. He was educated at King’s College School and King’s College, London and later mentored in Egyptology by Reginald Stuart Poole of the British Museum and Francis Llewellyn Griffith. Newberry began his career at the Egypt Exploration Fund and, from 1890 to 1894, headed an expedition to investigate the tombs of Middle Kingdom nomarchs at Beni Hasan and El Bersha. In 1893-4, he published a two-volume monograph Beni Hasan which remains a definitive account of the tombs there. Newberry then operated as a freelance excavator from 1895-1901, undertaking a survey of the Necropolis at Thebes. In 1902 Newberry worked on the Catalogue Général of Egyptian Antiquities at the Cairo Museum.

In 1906 Newberry was appointed Brunner Professor of Egyptology at the University of Liverpool, a position he held until 1919. In 1919 Newberry was appointed O.B.E. In 1923, he served as President of the Anthropological Section of the British Association, and from 1926 to 1927, he was Vice-President of the Royal Anthropological Institute. In 1929 Newberry accepted the chair of Ancient Egyptian History and Archaeology at the University of Egypt, Cairo, a post he held until 1933.

Newberry published extensively (see Magee, Diana, 'The Egyptological Bibliography of Percy Edward Newberry (1869-1949)', in The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Volume 76, 1990) and Botany. Notable publications include several volumes in the series of the Archaeological Survey of Egypt, two volumes in the Catalogue Général of the Cairo Museum and Scarabs (1906).

On 12 February 1907, Newberry married Essie Winifred Johnston (1878-1953). There were no children of the marriage. Although largely undocumented, Newberry was previously married from 1894 to Helena Aders, whom he divorced in 1904.

Edwards, Amelia Ann Blanford

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  • 1856-1892

British author and Egyptologist. Born, London 1831. Died, Westbury-on-Trym 1892. Displayed an early talent for writing, drawing, and opera singing. She pursued a career in journalism, wrote several novels, and also edited art and history publications. During this time she fostered a great interest in Egyptology, which led to her studying hieroglyphs. She visited Egypt in 1873-4, after which she wrote her most renowned publication A Thousand Miles Up the Nile (1877). She founded the Egypt Exploration Fund along with R. S. Poole and Sir E. Wilson, its aim being to excavate and preserve monuments. She gave up all her other interests so that she could concentrate on being the EEF's Secretary and to publicize its cause. She wrote numerous articles including excavation reports. In her will she left provision for the establishment of the first chair of Egyptian archaeology in England, which was at University College London, its first holder being Flinders Petrie.

De Keersmaecker, Roger O.

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  • 1931-2020

Roger O. De Keersmaecker was born in Leopoldville (Kinshasa), Belgian Congo, on 11 September 1931 and died in Wilrijk (Antwerp), Belgium, at midnight 15-16 June 2020. When he was still very young, he became interested in Egyptian art after reading in a popular magazine about the mystery and the curse after the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun. For a long time, a trip to Egypt was as far away as a trip to the moon.
In 1960 he married Helena Beeckman, and both started visiting European Egyptian collections, including those in Brussels, London, Paris, Turin, Leiden, Hannover, and Hildesheim. After five years of marriage, in 1965, his long-awaited dream became a reality: they both went for a fortnight to Egypt and spent one week in Cairo and another in Luxor, equipped with three cameras and many film rolls. They made taxi trips to Sakkara, Memphis, Dahshur and Fayum and admired the wonderful treasures of the Cairo Museum. From Luxor, they went to Dendera, Abydos, Esna and Edfu.
In the interior of the pylon of the temple of Edfu, Roger noticed his first graffito of John Gordon in 1804. Year after year, De Keersmaecker went back, only pausing one year due to the Egyptian/Israelian war. Marie-Paule Vanlathem brought him in contact with H. De Meulenaere, L. Limme, and the late J. Quagebeur. In 1975, during the opening of the great Akhenaten exhibition in Brussels, H. De Meulenaere announced that Roger was selected as a photographer to work for two seasons at the tomb of Padihorresnet in Asasif (Theban Necropolis). Later he worked for several seasons with the Belgian archaeological mission at El Kab. Previously, he had already started his research on early travellers' graffiti, which took him to Sudan three times.
De Keersmaecker was a member of the Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth, Brussels, and of the Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East, Cambridge (www.astene.ORG.UK), and published several articles in the ASTENE Bulletin. He was the author, printer and publisher of the Travellers' graffiti from Egypt and the Sudan. Information adapted from De Keersmaecker, Roger O. (2006), Travellers' graffiti from Egypt and the Sudan, V: Thebes: the Temples of Medinet Habu, final page.

Elizabeth Fleming

  • Person
  • b. 1965

Griffith Institute staff member, November 1982 to date.

Salt, Henry

  • Person
  • 1780-1827

British diplomat and collector; he was born in Lichfield, 14 June 1780, son of Thomas S. and Alice Butt; he was trained as a portrait-painter and went to London in 1797 as a pupil of Joseph Farington, R.A., and afterwards of John Hoppner, RA; in 1802 he accompanied George Annesley, Visct. Valentia, as secretary and draughtsman, on a long tour in the East, visiting India, Ceylon, Abyssinia, and Egypt, and returned 1806; he made many drawings to illustrate Lord V.'s Voyages and Travels, 1809; he was sent by the Govt. on a mission to Abyssinia, 1809-11, and published an account, Voyage to Abyssinia, 1814; in 1815 he was appointed to succeed Missett as British Consul-General in Egypt and arrived there in 1816; he carried out much excavation in Egypt with the intention of procuring antiquities for the British Museum and in the process amassed enormous quantities on his own account; through Belzoni and Burckhardt he removed the colossal bust of Ramesses II from Thebes and presented it to the British Museum (EA 19), 1817; he employed Belzoni at Thebes and also financed his excavations in Nubia, and those of Caviglia at the Pyramids; in 1819, d'Athanasi excavated at Thebes under his direction; from 1818-21, he sent a large collection of antiquities to the British Museum, but the Trustees objected to the price demanded, and after protracted delay, they gave only £2,000 (less than the cost of excavation and transport) for the collection, but rejected the finest piece - the sarcophagus of Sety I ¬which was subsequently bought by Sir John Soane for his museum for £2,000; in private Salt attempted to place blame for the high excavation costs on Belzoni's extravagance; he had better luck with his second collection, formed 1819-24, which was reported upon by Champollion and bought by the King of France for £10,000; his third collection was sold at Sotheby's 29 June-8 July 1835; it had been formed 1824-7, and was auctioned in 1,283 lots for £7,168; many objects were bought by the British Museum; an anonymous sale of Egyptian antiquities held at Sotheby's, 15-16 March 1833, has also been attributed to Salt's estate (258 lots); besides a rather tedious poem on the Nile, Salt published an Essay on Dr. Young's and M Champollion's Phonetic System of Hierog!yphics, with some additional discoveries, etc., 1825; FRS, 1812; FLS; his papers and drawings are in the British Museum and there copies of some of these in the Griffith Institute, Oxford; he died at Desuke village near Alexandria, 30 Oct. 1827, and was buried in Alexandria.

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